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This is a story about children growing into adults.

"This is how legendary drummer John Bonham plays the drums with his bare hands."

A close friend of mine, Miyabuchi Seiran, said this while waving his hands in the air.

Judging from his movements, he was probably demonstrating how to hit a drum. But to me, who didn't even know the drummer's name, John was just a fool trying to catch a fly.

"Isn't that cool? So, Junya, why don't you try playing the drums?"

"I don't want to."

I took a bite out of the yakisoba bun I was holding and looked up at the expanse of the sky.

The bright blue autumn sky in late September without any clouds.

The sun was still hot today, so some people were still wearing their summer clothes. A light mountain breeze is blowing from the back of the school building and hits us as we eat lunch together on the roof.

Miyama High School is located in a rural area and has a cozy rooftop to relax on.

Every lunch break, we always eat lunch on the benches and tables there, and it has become our daily life.

"What about you, Shintarou? Would you like to play the drums?"

Seiran turned his face to another close friend of mine who was sitting on the other side of the table.

Unlike Seiran, who is tall and well-built, Shintarou is a not-so-tall guy with a baby face, and he was devouring the lunch he brought.

"I can't either. After all, how could anyone surpass you in just one month?"

Miyabuchi Seiran.

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Tanaka Shintarou.

And me, Koga Junya.

The three of us have been close since middle school. We're always together when we do things.

And then──

"Yo. Hey Seiran, are you still looking for band members?"

"Ahaha... Have you found anyone?"

The two girls who usually hang out with us finally came.

Seiran sighed and shook his head.

"No, that's not it. Oh yeah, girls are fine too. Are you two interested?"

One of them with short hair replied while sipping juice.

"I told you that if I found it, I'd introduce it to you. Anyway, if it's a drum, how about me playing it? You see, I used to play the small drums when I was in elementary school."

She is Asagiri Honoko. She has long legs and is relatively tall for a girl. She also has a model's body when you look at her. She wears makeup on her face and is very beautiful and mature.

"Ahaha. Asagiri-san can't play drums, right? We already proved in the music game that understanding pitch is useless."

I said that to tease her, then she put down the juice box she was holding.

"~Chan-chakachan chakachakachan chakachakachan tss~"

As I hummed a classic song, Carmen (I think it was), usually used at sports festivals, she landed her hand on my cheek as hard as she could. The dry sound echoed across the roof of the school.

"It hurts! What are you doing?"

"I thought I'd show off my Small drum skills to that rude Koga-kun. How was it? Rhythmic and dynamic performance? Chan chakachan..."

"I-I understand, so please don't continue... I think you could rock the world with your chakachan."

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Apparently Asagiri-san is in a good mood.

She's a "pretty when she's quiet" kind of girl. Maybe if she were a boy, she would be easier to get along with.

"Ahaha... Now your voice is getting better, huh..."

Another girl smiled at me.

She is Narushima Yoru-san. Her long black hair falls down to her chest, and her wide eyes look weak with their tips slightly lowered. Underneath her white uniform blouse, she had a large oppai that she couldn't hide. It could be said that she was a short, full-bosomed Chibi.

"Does Narushima-san have any acquaintances? Someone who can play the drums."

"Uh, Etto, I... don't have any friends other than you guys. Sorry, I can't help."

In contrast to the bright and outgoing Asagiri-san, Narushima-san is a shy and introverted girl.

——That is how it should be.

That's what I believed without a doubt until this summer.

Me, Seiran, and Shintarou, the three of us, have been friends since middle school.

And when we got to high school, Asagiri-san and Narushima-san joined us.

In the end, we became five close friends.

It's only been half a year since we became five close friends, but it feels like the five of us have known each other for a very long time.

Best friends who can coexist without hesitation and without regard to gender.

Even after the summer had passed, nothing had changed about our friendship.

It's true, unmistakably, nothing has changed, but──


Narushima-san looked at me, then laughed for a moment.

Maybe she was smiling because she remembered when I got slapped on the cheek.

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It wasn't a weak smile, but somehow it was full of arrogance and evil.

A wicked and dangerous carefree smile that could seduce men.

This smile of her only lasted for a moment, until I'm sure no one but me noticed it.

And no one noticed that this group of five had changed, except the one who was most worried.

Seiran took a long breath.

"Ah, I thought I was going to have great success in the band for the school festival, but this is really difficult..."


"Ah, that's right. There will be a cultural festival soon. I'm really looking forward to it!"

I stood up shouting.

I wanted to get rid of the nagging worry in my head by shouting.

"For the next class, I want to have an open booth for the festival! Whether it's a takoyaki booth or a crepe booth or whatever, doesn't it sound really youthful to have such an open booth?"

"Oh, God, please"

"Hmm, I understand, I understand! If I want to try to open a maid cafe! Right, Yoru?"

"Huh!? That maid uniform... it feels a bit... embarrassing"

"I know this is a very selfish request.

"Besides, the Maid Cafe isn't just for girls! Wouldn't it be more festive if Shintarou also wore a maid's uniform?"

"Why did you mention my name?"

"Ah, right, right! In that case, Seiran-kun should also wear a maid's uniform, I'll do the makeup!"

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"Ah, that's right... If Seiran-kun becomes a maid, he might get orders from some visitors!"

" Damn you, Narushima. You'll see, I'll be the most popular maid in the class. Remember that."

I hope this quiet friendship between the five of us will continue.

"Yosh! We'll all play maids at the cultural festival!"

When I shouted that, all of their cold eyes fell on me.

"Junya seems to want to be a maid the most, huh..."

Everyone but me nodded in agreement at Seiran's words, "Huh."

"Hey, aren't you guys being too rude to me?"

Under the still warm fall sky.

The group of five, consisting of men and women, laughed happily like fools.

This group of five is very special to me, and from the bottom of my heart, they are my best friends.

And I was the one who tried to disturb the peace of the group.

But I'm also the one who's most afraid of our relationship falling apart.

It's fall now.

A sentimental season when the lush leaves begin to change color and fall one by one.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the changing seasons, we grow into slightly different adults.

This is a secret story about the complicated fall season.

A story of sinful secrets and betrayals that can never be told to anyone.


And also a story about a little love.

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