Lionel leaned closer to Riv’s side.

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“There are others watching. Shh.”


“B-But there’s no one there.”


“Stay still, someone might peek.”


He was too close. Rather, it felt like he was embracing Riv on the pretext of someone being there.


Riv’s face flared up. The maids came in with trays and then swiftly exited.


A few minutes after the maids came, Riv was able to push Lionel away.


Lionel seemed to have a lot of complaints every time.


“Do I make you uncomfortable? Or is it hard to get used to me?”




Riv breathed a sigh of relief after Lionel moved away.


But Lionel’s eyes continued to emanate an ominous glow. She became more uncomfortable.


She was more perplexed, not knowing what Lionel might want from her.


She lacked confidence in herself.


“Pretend like you’re falling for me. Because I’m in love with you.”


Was this a play or was it reality?


Lionel took her hand and pressed his lips to the back of her hand.


Goosebumps rose and spread all over Riv’s body.




Riv’s body shook without realizing it. Lionel’s serious gaze pierced her.


“You may be carrying my child.”




“If you don’t have it now, you will have it soon.”


“I, I.”


Riv licked her lips at the sudden mention of a pregnancy.


He said he would choose Riv regardless if she was pregnant or not.


“Why me? Because I saved you? Or is this Duke of Sentoren’s hand so precious?”


“I told you I like you.”


Lionel’s amber eyes gleamed. He hugged her tight enough to suffocate her.


There was no space between the two.

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“I have a hard time breathing. J-Just move away a little bit.”




Riv’s face turned redder than a tomato. She flapped in Lionel’s arms.


“Shh, stay still.”


Lionel held her in a hug, giving her a little bit of space to breathe. But his eyes were fixed on her plump chest. His mischievous fingers even touched her exposed shoulder.


“It wasn’t easy to break the engagement with Marianne. If we are engaged or married, the royal family will stay quiet. But Queen Selina is already starting to pester us. If it becomes too late, I won’t be able to protect you.”




“You don’t need to just play the role of a Duchess in public. It doesn’t matter if you pass over the annoying things to your employees.”


“That’s irresponsible.”


“If you become the Duchess, it doesn’t matter what you do. Except for cheating.”


Riv liked Lionel. She was physically attracted to him too.


She wondered if a friendship or a contractual relationship without love and affection would last longer than a physical relationship, that could fade.


‘I don’t have time.’


Besides, Riv’s thoughts drifted away when she was in Lionel’s arms.


“W-What about a prenuptial contract?”


“I can’t believe you want to leave such a trace. Don’t even dream about it.”


Lionel growled.


“Riv Katana, as long as you are marrying me, you have no right to say such things.”




“As long as death does not separate us, this marriage will continue.”


Riv’s body stiffened. She took his words as a warning.


“I don’t want to have this stupid conversation.”


Lionel’s arms embracing Riv grew tighter.


Her dress was being wrinkled, there was not even room for a needle to pass in between them.


Tight arms, a warm body temperature, his heartbeat and his scent.


Riv quickly got a headache from all of it. It would not be strange if Lionel attacked her right now, in this place. Her whole body went numb.


The moment before she was overtaken by her desire, Lionel whispered.


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“I want to have dinner together, but it would be better if I just ate you.”


Lionel’s blazing eyes gazed at her greedily. His shadow loomed over her.


A few hours after their hot lips met, Riv didn’t say much at the dinner with Lionel that followed.


At the couple’s first supper, the chefs’ skills were put to the test.


Large steaks tailored to the Duke’s appetite, sweet beverages, wine, and pies for dessert were served continuously.


Riv hesitated as she did not know where to start. Since she was sick, she couldn’t eat much because the amount of food she ate decreased.


“Don’t you like the meal?”


Lionel asked earnestly, and Riv only shook her head.


“Eat as much as you can. Or the chefs will be worried.”


“But since I got sick, I can’t eat much.”


Since she always ate poor meals at the palace, the rich and fatty meals here did not suit her taste well.


Claudel, worried about the amount of food Riv ate, stayed at Riv’s side.


“Riv, if it’s not good enough, please make a request.”


“It’s okay. I won’t even be able to eat it all.”


“Is there anything else you would like to eat?”


Riv whispered in her ear.


“There are too many dishes, Claudel.”


Lionel lifted his head as if she had heard Riv.


“The chefs will understand, so just taste it.”


Lionel enjoyed his meal leisurely even after seeing Riv’s overwhelmed face.


She would stare at his lips and turn her head.


She had done worse than a kiss. But why did her head get messed up from that one kiss earlier?


Neither Lionel nor Riv spoke much, so their meal ended quietly. Instead of eating dessert, Riv said she was tired, so she decided to go back to her room.


She felt full from the pressure of eating with Lionel.


Her stomach was bloated, and she had no more room to eat.


She felt like she would get indigestion if she stayed sitting there.


“Lionel, I’m sorry. I’ll go up first.”


“Yes, Riv.”


On her way up the stairs, Riv stood on the central staircase, staring at the portrait of the late Duke and Duchess.


The ring which revived Riv was the property of the previous Duchess’ heirloom.

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‘I’m sorry, I’m using your son so that I can live. But I will treat him well. I will make him happy.”


The pendant on Riv’s neck was silent and had no reaction.


“Why are you standing there?”


Looking at Riv, stopped on the stairs, Lionel asked from the bottom of the stairs.


Riv shivered at his still intense gaze.


“Is it cold?”


“No. It’s not like that. It’s just dark.”


“I’ll escort you to your room.”


Lionel stood next to her and offered his arm to her.


Riv wrapped her hand around his firm arm.


“Let’s go.”


Only a few steps away from her room.


Riv looked at him as if she was possessed by something and was speechless. Even if a friendly act was needed, today’s events were sudden. Rather, she could not adapt to his changed behavior. Lionel had a calm expression.


“Let’s make this area bright even at night.”


“Y-You don’t have to do that.”


Riv felt that the darkness covered her embarrassed expression a little.


Rather, the air and darkness in the mansion, submerged like a museum, gave her a sense of security.


This old place was like an antique magic tool. The mansion that belonged to Lionel.


“Riv, we’re here.”


Riv only released his arm after hearing Lionel’s words. Some of the maids following them could be seen smiling secretly.


“Go in.”


“Ah yes.”


Lionel swept his hand through Riv’s hair with a nonchalant look on his face.


He looked indifferent, but it was a touch mixed with love. She was stunned.


“I’ll have you move to the Duchess’ room soon.”




Lionel grinned and whispered in Riv’s ear.


“You’ll be moving to the room next to mine soon.”


Were his feelings real or were they an act?

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Riv froze, unable to enter her room after he left. Her heart was beating wildly.


Riv’s face and ears burned hot in an instant.


That night, Riv made an excuse that she was unwell and sent her maids out.


In the bathroom attached to her bedroom, she washed her body and changed into her pajamas alone. Now her head was so confused that she wanted to stand alone and organize her thoughts.


Lionel was the only thing in Riv’s mind as she dried her hair with a towel.




In three days, they would be married. Everything was changing rapidly.


‘My life, Marianne’s and the Duke’s are all changing.’


She could not imagine how far her changed life would last.


Marianne’s sudden action at her coming-of-age ceremony was the start of the scandal between Riv and the Duke. Motivated by it, Marianne conspired with Marquis Quill and brought him in.


‘Then did my existence stimulate Marianne?’


The change had begun, and Riv couldn’t stop or resist it, so she had no choice but to move on.


Rather, if she went against the change, she would die.


‘If this marriage fails.’


She decided not to think negatively. If she could escape her death with her own magic…


Would Lionel still be by her side, even then?


Lionel and Riv would both be free once Marianne married another man and left.


‘I don’t want to think about that.’


There was only one thing that was important.


“I am alive.”


Riv was sure.


“Marianne, she can’t kill me now.”


Riv sat on the bed.


The bedding smelled of sunlight.


The scent of lavender wafted up from the pillows. From this fine guest room, she would be promoted to the Duchess’ room.


“Everything is like a dream.”


Marianne could no longer control Riv Katana’s life. Lionel filled Riv’s head.


She grabbed the pendant of her necklace out of habit.


The ring part of the pendant glowed red for a while, and then the light went out.


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