An hour later, Lionel sent Michelle down to fetch Riv from her room.

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When Riv arrived at Lionel’s office, he was wearing a comfortable shirt and trousers, skimming through documents.


“Sir, I have brought you Madame.”


Lionel lifted his head, revealing the scar on the left side of his face.


There was no expression on his face, so it was difficult to guess what Lionel was thinking.


“Sit, Duchess.”




Lionel’s eyes widened at the sight of Riv. Riv Sentoren was transformed from a neat bride in a wedding dress to a seductive woman.


A rich dress that exposed her shoulders and a tightened waist that revealed her curves. The bare skin on her exposed shoulders were exceptionally white.


Her waist was very slender but in contrast, her chest and hips had an alluring voluptuous look.


“Madame, you were decorated beautifully in such a short time.”


“The maids did a great job.”


Riv fiddled with a bunch of her curled hair.


Lionel ordered Michelle to leave.


Riv adjusted her silk emerald dress and sat down.


The off-shoulder dress Riv wore was barely revealing compared to the latest trends, but Lionel, staring at her bare shoulders and collarbone, looked displeased.


Lionel stared at the line of her collarbone down to her arm. Then his gaze was fixed on the curves of her chest, which rose roundly beneath her clothes.




When Riv raised her head, Lionel turned away.


‘Did I see it wrong?’


Did she mistakenly see Lionel staring tenaciously at her chest?


Riv pretended nothing was wrong and spoke to Lionel.


“What did you want to talk about, Lionel?”


Lionel had full control over their marriage.


Riv was ready to accept whatever he had to say.


Lionel pointed to the gold ring on Riv’s finger.


“Originally, the Duchess of Sentoren was supposed to inherit an heirloom, a ruby ​​ring. But the ring disappeared, so she temporarily gave me her wedding ring.”


“Ah, yes.”


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“Don’t think this marriage is fake just because you didn’t get the true ring.”


Riv was in possession of the Duchess’ lost ruby ​​ring. She returned from the future to the present with it.


Lionel later explained what she had to do as a Duchess.


“Riv, you will soon move to the Duchess’ bedroom.”




“I decided to postpone going back to the estate during the first six months of our marriage. Now that it’s social season, you’ll have to attend balls and necessary banquets with your husband, me. The same goes for the royal balls. It won’t be a lot because I don’t like parties.”




“It’s widely  known that we are a normal couple, so even the royal family can’t do anything against us.”


“It means that you have to act well so that no gossip will spread in the social world.”




Riv had no idea what she needed to do, but her own role made sense.


Even if the Duke of Sentoren had power, the Duke could not exert as much power as the royal family in the capital.


The Duke’s estate was in the Southern province of Mont Del. In the past few years, Lionel did not stay long in the royal capital.


“Even if I go to the estate in the South, you will stay here and protect this mansion. Don’t forget to preserve the honor of the Duke while I am away.”


“You have to go to the estate?”


“We never know when the enemy will attack.”


Since the Southern border was in Mont Del, pirates and barbarians from across the sea often invaded.


Riv understood the situation and nodded her head.


Lionel explained again.


“Even when I am away, you must remain chaste. I will never forgive you for playing with other guys.”


“Yes. I will keep that in mind.”


“From now on, consider the honor of the Duke of Sentoren and conduct yourself accordingly.”


Riv heeded his words.


“Is there anything more you would like to say?”


Riv intended to remain faithful to her role as Duchess as long as she lived under Lionel’s protection.


But was this the only reason Lionel called Riv here? Riv stared at Lionel.


“Can I ask you one more thing?”




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“Is it true that we should be seen as a normal couple, not only in banquets but also in everyday life?”




Lionel clasped both hands.


“I want us to be a real couple and not just have a superficial relationship. I’ve already said that.”


Riv swallowed.


There was another thing she wanted to know.


“How about sharing a bed together?”


Riv didn’t need to ask such a question.


Lionel scanned Riv’s face. Dark, eerie eyes glared at Riv’s dress.


What emanated from his eyes was a sinister desire.


“I never said that I would not have s*x with you.”


“Th-That’s true.”


“Haven’t we gone as far as we can go anyway? It’s strange to have another lover after we’re married.”


Riv liked Lionel, but she didn’t want a relationship he did not want. She thought that even if their bodies had good compatibility, a relationship with just their bodies couldn’t possibly last long.


Lionel’s words that followed gave her a greater shock.


“The Duchess’ role also includes the wife’s role of warming my bed, Riv Sentoren.”


Riv’s mind went blank.


“Do you not remember our first night? Were you also high on d**gs?”


Riv’s face grew redder. Riv wanted her first man, Lionel, the memories of that passionate night flashed through her mind. Riv remembered all of it. Lionel was a savage beast but he was high on d**gs. She thought that his desire back then was due to dr*gs and his normal self would be different.


‘Lionel couldn’t possibly remember that night.’


Would Lionel bed her if he did not take pills?


Riv was drawn to Lionel. But she didn’t want to reveal that desire right now.


Riv pretended to be more dainty, pretending not to care about her desires.


“Tonight, uh, what are you going to do?”


Lionel chuckled.


“Are you already looking forward to tonight? If you want me, come to my room tonight. Although it may be difficult for you to handle me.”




Lionel’s gaze grew darker and more intense. Riv’s body trembled at that gaze.


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“I won’t cheat on my wife with mistresses, Riv Sentoren.”


“Do you want me?”


“Yes. You’ll have to stay with me in my bed until I’m tired of you.”


Lionel extended his arm and patted Riv’s cheek.


Lionel tucked loose hair behind her ear.


Their distance narrowed at once.


Lionel leaned closer to her side and whispered in her ear.


“If you want me, you have to be healthy. I will not let you go easily.”


Riv’s face turned red, but Lionel didn’t change his expression. It was her who avoided his gaze as she thought she would suffocate at Lionel’s serious gaze.


At the awkwardness, Riv changed the subject.


“L-Lionel, would you like to have dinner together?”


Lionel returned to his seat.


As the tense mood disappeared, Riv let out a sigh of relief.


Lionel stared at her again.


“The chefs will call once they’re ready. Until then, please rest in your room.”


Riv was relieved.




Lionel got up from his seat, hugged and lifted Riv, then kissed her on the cheek.




Riv froze at the brief kiss.


A mischievous smile spread across Lionel’s face. However, to Riv, it seemed like a hot stigma was left on her cheek.


“You are so defenseless. Learn to manage your facial expressions.”


He lightly patted Riv’s cheek and let her out as if he was pushing her.


Riv was still confused after leaving his office.




The weather outside the window was clear and sunny.


That evening, Lionel and Riv had an early dinner together.


“You look beautiful in your dress.”

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“Lionel looks handsome too.”


They were words that had little meaning as a couple’s greetings. After that, not much conversation went on.


Lionel was reticent like his usual self, and Riv was exhausted from being nervous all day.


At Lionel’s intent gaze, Riv couldn’t even eat the dessert.


“Riv, your complexion doesn’t look too good.”


“I am tired.”


“Should I call the doctor?”


“I think I should just get some rest.”


The faces of the servants who were listening to the conversation between the Duke and his wife darkened. Riv pretended not to notice.


“Lionel, can I go up first?”


“You must be tired, go and rest.”


At Lionel’s words, Riv cautiously stood up.


“I’m sorry I’m leaving first.”


Lionel nodded, signaling Riv to go up.


When she left, Lionel had the maids take her plate.


It was a strange dinner for the first night after the wedding.


All of those who came to see the Duchess disappeared, and the inside of the mansion was quieter than usual. It was still and silent, like a gravesite.


Lionel was about to get up.


“Duke, you’re still here.”


Dr. Rambaud, who was very drunk, appeared. He looked like he drank alcohol, as if he looted from the underground wine cellar.


“I heard your new bride returned to her bedroom?”


Rambaud’s eyes seemed to be teasing Lionel.


“It’s your first night, you must be sad.”


Lionel clicked his tongue, the smell of alcohol wafted in the air.


“Put him in the guest room and lock the door.”


Lionel left the drunkard to his servants and headed to the third floor where his bedroom was.


After everyone was asleep, Riv started moving.


Today was their first night.

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