Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi

Chapter Epilogue


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Part 1

Two days later.

Ash, who was sleeping soundly on the futon on the floor, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Hey...... Eco? How come you are here again......?"

Eco not only rolled off from her bed but also squeezed into Ash’s futon.[1]

Eco, like always. still sleeps naked.

The morning light, shining through a slit of the curtain, falls upon her white skin. After he realized this his heartbeats began to increase… Ash quickly looks aside.


Eco did not know that Ash was suffering, like a little baby afraid of loneliness she stuck closely to him. Ash has a bad premonition. Because when Eco acted this way… It means that she is ready to proceed to do 'that' "behavior".

"... Ow!"

Sure enough. Ash's chest started to itch and his body is covered with goose bumps.

Eco is nibbling.

"Mmm. Hmm ..."

Her rose like lips. Her teeth are constantly nibbling him, and her tongue is also licking him all over. After all, since this is a young dragon’s natural instinct, she cannot be blamed......

“Eco...... Stop...... If you continue...... Ow!"

When Ash felt that something is wrong, Eco gave a hard bite. That strength has long passed the stage of nibbling, her teeth are now biting into his flesh.

"It hurts! Didn’t you hear me saying that my life is at stake if you continue biting?"

Ash, while struggling with the pain, is wrestling with Eco. At that moment… There is a sudden knock.

“Ash! Wake up! Princess Veronica is asking for you!"

Rebecca's serious voice can be heard in the room through the door.

Part 2

Ash, led by Rebecca, is brought to the airship Silvanus. Eco, who has not yet woken up, was left in the dormitory.

"......Is Princess and Max not coming?"

"Silvia has long ago arrived at the ship. As for Max...... he is now busy removing the SKFC's new poster, he said he really couldn't stand them."

"The posters again? What do they announce this time?"

"Instead of listening to me.. For your own sake, you should see for yourself."

Rebecca pulls out a folded paper from her pocket. After Ash receives the paper, he flips it open and reads it.

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The President’s Handover notification.

I, Jessica Valentine have decided to join the student’s council in charge of the general affairs. From today onwards, I’ll resign from the duties of the President of SKFC.

The new president will be taken over by vice president Lynette (Basic Course Third Year).

Former SKFC President Jessica Valentine (Advanced Course First Year)

"... How come?"

"As you know. If the SKFC knew the true identity of the 'Silver Knight’ things will definitely get out of hand. So I recruited Jessica who knew the truth to prevent further information leakage."

"Sorry... it is my fault for letting Jessica-san know my secret. I didn’t realize it meant that I’m going to meet her now and then in the student council... I feel that my future has become dark."

"The way Jessica does things is always unpredictable. You must be careful not to let her push you down on the bed and let her squeeze out some strange things."

"No, no, don’t talk anymore nonsense!"

"Having said that are you having a ruckus with Eco in the bed everyday?"

After hearing this Ash is surprised for a moment.

"W-We do not do it every day!"

Ash is so embarrassed that he quickly denied.

"Being provoked by a girl in that way...... That…… You are still a healthy guy, don’t you feel anything?"

It is rare Rebecca will use such euphemistic tone while questioning.

“It is impossible…… cause Eco is my Pal. She is a dragon! I don't even feel a thing."


“I-It’s true”

"Why are you stuttering?”

Rebecca with a cheeky smile peeps at Ash's face.

“Alright. Please don’t tease me anymore.”

“Sorry. Every time I tease you… I can’t stop myself.”

“Please control yourself a little! I beg you.”

A few moments later. The magicship Silvanus appeared in front of the two.

Part 3

By following the schedule Veronica is to leave Ansarivan today. Even when Ash thought that he wouldn’t run into any more trouble this time, once he walked into the navigation room he got a great shock.

"Avdocha the C-Convict!"

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Veronica is leisurely sitting in the captain's seat, and the person beside her is actually the convict Avdocha. She remains riding on the back of the basilisk.

It seems that she escaped death from being frozen. Even Ash felt relieved because he didn’t want to kill anyone, but he still cannot help but wonder why Avdocha is in the navigation room freely.

"...... Ash. It was all part of Anee-ue’s strategy."

Silvia, who arrived earlier, reveals a regretful expression and sighs while talking to Ash.

Cosette and Prim are behind Silvia. From their smiling expressions, it's likely they were also informed in advance.

"Strategy...... What on earth is happening?"

"To put it bluntly. This was an arrangement to train this unworthy sister." Veronica confidently answered for Silvia.

From how she speaks there isn't even the slightest hint of an apology.

Captain Glenn is also beside Veronica. He seems displeased, but is it his own thought?

"So the whole incident... is an arranged farce?"

Ash is speechless. He pretended to casually glance at Rebecca from the side but it seems that she didn’t feel surprise.

"Don’t tell me that... Rebecca-san you had noticed?"

Rebecca said grimly.

"I do think that this is a little strange, but I’m not that sure. Any way. This particular terrorist act is too low for the 'Avdocha the Convict' standard. Plus the coincidence that Silvia was involved… So it has become a little too dramatic."

Ash remembered when he was using the Ark-weapon Brionac, Avdocha seemed to have something to say. It must have been that she was going to admit that this was all Veronica’s plan, and the so-called terrorist act is in fact a farce; but just before she speaks, she is frozen.

"So to say. Could it be... That the bombs are fakes?"

Avdocha straightforwardly answered Ash.

"No, They were real. The other objective of the farce is to train my men."

"What ...!"

Ash is speechless.

"Avdocha. If you don’t mind, please re-introduce yourself."

Under Veronica's urge, Avdocha reluctantly began to introduce herself.

"As you know, in my past, I have been doing revolutionary activities…. But five years ago when I failed to assassinate Veronica, I surrendered to her at that time. Now my job has become the leader of the foreign force that Veronica created. This job is a great humiliation for me..."

"That being the case… Why are you now working under her?"

Ash's curiosity made Avdocha fell annoyed.

“Didn’t I mention this before? I have been looking for a long-lost sister and her name is Shamara. Before I know her whereabouts I must not get killed."

"So you really have a lost sister."

"If she is still alive she should be around 15 this year. Anyway, We were separated when she was four years old, so I can only imagined how she looks grown up. But––"

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At this time Veronica mercilessly interrupted this touching conversation.

"To simply put it, this time I’m the reason that you are dragged into the Royal’s problems. Fortunately, Silvia seems to have grown up a little. Communication officer. Play the recordings."


The communications officer operates the controls. After a few seconds, Silvia's voice with a slight static is played.

『 'I am the woman who is going to become the Paladin!' 』

Silvia blushed.

“D-Don’t play it anymore onee-sama!"

"Hehe...... No matter how many times it is repeated, I’ll never get tired of it."

Ash, for the first time, saw Veronica expose a happy mood. He had been thinking that she was always a very strict and ruthless person.

"Hee, Ash-sama, do you know why this airship was named Silvanus?"

Cosette, without Ash realising, moved closer and whispers in his ear.

"I don’t know."

"Don’t you think the two names Silvanus and Silvia is somewhat similar?"

Ash could not help but smile.

"What the...... In the end, Veronica is actually very kind to her sister?"

Cosette smiles at Ash and moves back to Silvia.

"Huh? Anyway… What will happen to Her Royal Highness Princess' marriage?"

Hearing Ash's question Veronica replies with a "Hmph".

"Since I had seen Silvia’s determination, I’ll forget about it. But as long as your performance does not match that of a knight's––then we will see?"

Under the fierce watchful eye from woman in the captain’s seat Silvia seems embarrassed, but...

“Just like what I want. Anee-ue.”

Finally, she demonstrated an air which was different from her past, and resolutely answered.

Part 4

The airship Silvanus, as scheduled, departs from Ansarivan.

Apart from the mayor and the principal––the student’s council members led by Rebecca, Maestro Cú Chulainn and Maestro Lancelot are all present.

"Ash. Didn't you think that the terrorist attacks launched by Avdocha were in fact as simple as a farce?"

The airship is on its way leaving. Rebecca cast a mischievous sight but Ash was surprised.

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"Huh? Are there other reasons?"

"Of course. First of all, knowing Veronica will visiting Ansarivan, many dangerous people are sure to sneak into the city. But since 'Avdocha the Convicted' was first to launch a terrorist attack, those people lost their opportunities."

Ash's eyes widened.

Veronica managed to predict this thing only so that she considered to arrange that farce?

"Not only that, when all of us were focusing on the church, Princess Veronica’s men secretly took action looking out for suspicious people. Which may include those who were involved in the Necromancia’s attacks."

"So those who are caught...?"

"They are currently all kept in Silvanus. After returning to the capital they will probably have to face a terrible interrogation."

"What a scary person...!"

He didn’t expect Veronica’s tour of Ansarivan to have actually been so carefully planed.

This battle alone is enough to run people dry… She even managed to design it so to let Silvia grow up. That's totally genius.

Ash could not help but smile while staring intently at the floating airship’s shadow that drifted further and further away.

This time Silvia seems unwillingly muttered.

"Anee-ue is gifted; She was capable of doing such things since long ago... I’m still far away from her."

"No. Princess will be able to surpass her."

Ash assured her.

"What…! W-Why do you sound so sure!"

Silvia blushed.

"No real reason––"

Ash could not help but smile while staring intently at the floating airship’s shadow that drifted further and further away.

The reason is simple.

Because before the airship took flight… What Veronica said to Silvia is still clearly engraved in Ash’s mind––

"Silvia! You have the ability, so try to become the Paladin! Then, try to make me kneel before you!"

"The Knight of ECO II" is closed.


References and Translation Notes

Jump up↑ Blanket like bed, it is laid on the floor. Jump up↑ Sound FX of sleeping, not snoring.

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