Seizing Dreams

Chapter 154

Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng were drenched from head to toe. Zhou Sheng was half naked, and water trickled down his lean muscles, while Yu Hao’s shirt was plastered onto his body, revealing its contours. Zhou Sheng grabbed Yu Hao’s hand tightly. When they couldn’t walk any further at the gap between two walls, Zhou Sheng held Yu Hao, shook his jingubang, and leaped onto another wall as if he was pole vaulting.

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Another light flashed — it was Chen Yekai’s gun. Continuous gunfire could be heard at the end of the corner, sounding like he was engaged in a battle. Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng immediately picked up their pace. 


In a maze corridor that led to the end of the black fog, Chen Yekai and Huang Ting wielded a gun each. A roaring monster appeared from within the fog, and there were mechanisms all around them. Chen Yekai shouted, “Where did these mechanisms come from?! Can you get rid of them?”


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Huang Ting placed one arm on Chen Yekai’s shoulder and answered, “I don’t know! This is how my dream is like! I…”

“Careful!” Chen Yekai pressed down on Huang Ting and rolled to a corner; several flywheels shot out of the wall opposite that brushed past the top of their heads. The flywheels flew across the corridor and instantly cut the rotten monsters behind them into two. Black blood splattered everywhere before turning into smoke that dispersed as it vanished. 

“Run!” Chen Yekai kept gasping and pulled Huang Ting up again. He half carried and half hugged him as they staggered away in their escape.


Huang Ting’s left leg was already fractured and was being dragged in a strange position. He looked back at the black fog that was closing in on them, and the vague outline of an even more powerful monster could be seen looming in the it.

“What would happen to us if we get caught?” Huang Ting asked.

Chen Yekai said, “We’ll fall into the subconscious and lose all consciousness.” 

Huang Ting shook his head slowly, “You guys really shouldn’t have come to save me.”

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The black fog closed in once again, and it would soon swallow up the two men. A mad roar rang out from the fog, and dozens of shadows instantly shot out like a flurry of arrows.

“How could we not save you?!” Zhou Sheng’s voice burst out overhead like a thunderclap, and before anyone could register it, he and Yu Hao descended from the sky!

Yu Hao shouted, “Get out of the way!” Chen Yekai and Huang Ting dodged, Zhou Sheng swung his rod around, looking as if he was dancing, and instantly sent the monsters in the fog flying everywhere in the sky. Yu Hao assumed a sideways stance while wielding his staff, and a resplendent, intense light burst forth from the head of his staff. 

Within a split second, the intense light materialised and shone through the fog. The black fog surged once again and kept retreating under this dazzling moonlight. A colossal being let out a low growl within the fog and dodged in panic, retreating toward the periphery of the maze.


Chen Yekai said wearily, “It’s fortunate you guys caught up.”

Itbe Vtfcu rjlv, “Pr atfgf j rjof tjnfc? Qtfgf lr la?” 

“Qtja’r j rjof tjnfc?” Lejcu Klcu ifjcfv jujlcra atf kjii klat bcf tjcv jcv rageuuifv ab rajcv eq.

Te Ljb rjlv, “Pa lrc’a rjof tfgf, kjix oegatfg lc.”

“P’ii mjggs sbe bc ws yjmx, mbwf.” Jtfc Tfxjl aegcfv jgbecv, xfqa tlr uec, jcv mjgglfv Lejcu Klcu. Itbe Vtfcu bqfcfv eq j qjat lc ogbca, jcv obgaecjafis, atfgf kfgfc’a j iba bo wfmtjclrwr atgbeut atlr rfmalbc.

“You’re so much thinner now.” Chen Yekai said as he carried Huang Ting. 

“I always feel like I became this thin because of my illness in reality,” Huang Ting said, “So even my impression of myself grew weaker too, but it’s actually not that exaggerated.”

Zhou Sheng led the way while Yu Hao supported the rear. Chen Yekai was in the middle with Huang Ting on his back. Yu Hao heard Chen Yekai say,

“What’re you so stubborn about? Can’t you dwell less on it?”

“When you encountered your problem, you were as stubborn as I am.” Huang Ting answered, “So don’t laugh at the one who retreated a hundred steps when you took fifty steps back yourself.” 

Chen Yekai said, “You’ll get better.”


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When Yu Hao heard their conversation, he suddenly felt a little moved. When Huang Ting got into trouble, Chen Yekai was indeed quite anxious and had even urged Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao to come and rescue him as soon as possible. On the other hand, he and Zhou Sheng weren’t that close to Huang Ting after all. So, most of the time, what they were considering was the problem of their own safety.

He didn’t know why, but Yu Hao could never get close to Huang Ting. Perhaps it was because of the Golden Crow Wheel, or perhaps it was because as a policeman, it was too easy for Huang Ting to see through people’s hearts. As a result, whenever Yu Hao faced him, he didn’t like talking too much in order to avoid revealing something by accident. However, Chen Yekai and Huang Ting truly were very good friends. Even if they hide a lot of things from each other—— just like how Huang Ting wouldn’t tell Chen Yekai that when he left Ying City in despair, he had already bought a ticket to Argentina, ready to stop him in advance. 

Chen Yekai also wouldn’t tell Huang Ting how anxious he had been when he found out that he had gone missing. Yu Hao had no doubt at all that if Zhou Sheng had rejected his suggestion to come find Huang Ting in his dream, Chen Yekai would have begged him to.


After leaving the fringe of the black fog, at a corner of the maze, Chen Yekai set Huang Ting down. Yu Hao checked his wounds and said, “Why did his leg get fractured?”

Chen Yekai said, “He was almost dragged into the subconscious. A tentacle had entangled itself with him, and during the fight, his leg was twisted by the tentacle and fractured as a result.” 

Zhou Sheng suddenly said, “Look, the rain is letting up.”

After they found Huang Ting, the thunder stopped, and the dark clouds in the sky had retreated slightly, revealing gaps from which faint rays of moonlight sneaked in.

Yu Hao felt like his powers strengthened under this moonlight. He said, “We have to set his calf straight before treating it. Zhou Sheng, lend him a hand. Chen Yekai, you hold him.”

“It’s so troublesome even in a dream.” Zhou Sheng glanced at Huang Ting and said, “You’re too rigid in adhering to rules.” 

Chen Yekai held Huang Ting’s upper body while Zhou Sheng pressed down on Huang Ting’s knee and straightened out his left calf. Huang Ting grunted, and his hold on Yu Hao tightened so much that it was like an iron hoop. Yu Hao released his powers, and under the illumination of the ball of light, the bruises of the fracture slowly faded. Huang Ting let out a prolonged breath, patted Chen Yekai’s shoulder, then slowly stood up. He turned his head to glance at the depths of the maze, then looked at them again. His lips moved, and he looked a little blank.

“You guys shouldn’t have come.” Huang ting said.

Zhou Sheng made a gesture and answered, “Don’t say anything.”

Huang Ting looked doubtful, but Zhou Sheng said, “Please excuse me, Huang Ting, this might be offensive.” 

Then Zhou Sheng pressed his hand against Huang Ting’s forehead. Within the darkness, countless pictures of his memories flew around him, just like when they had erased Ou Qihang’s memory, they formed scenes that slowly revolved around Huang Ting.

The light of other memories dimmed a little, and only a first person perspective of Huang Ting being hoisted and pushed against the chair device were presented to them in its entirety.

After Zhou Sheng finished watching, he especially tapped on a few scenes with his finger, slashed through, and threw the scenes to Chen Yekai.


Zhou Sheng’s hand left Huang Ting’s forehead, and all of his memories dissipated in an instant.

The moment he saw Huang Ting’s memories, Yu Hao was stunned. Zhao Liang even has a way to monitor the Golden Crow Wheel? But when he looked at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng didn’t react at all, as if he had already known about it long ago. How did Zhou Sheng know about that? Yu Hao suddenly remembered — in the desert, the flickering of Zhou Sheng’s dragon! Has the existence of the Golden Crow Wheel been monitored and interfered with since then? That is to say, the apparatus Zhao Liang possesses has such an effect on the Golden Crow Wheel?

Yu Hao wanted to ask, but Zhou Sheng made a ‘shh’ gesture, then said, “Continue moving forward. Help Huang Ting seize his totem back first.”

Zhou Sheng set his jingubang vertically on the ground, held Yu Hao with one hand, and rose to the top of the maze’s high wall. Both of them clambered onto the wall. The rainstorm was gradually becoming lighter. Yu Hao spread his wings out; he should be able to fly now without being disturbed by fierce gales. However, the walls of this maze are too weird, so he decided against flying for now. 

Zhou Sheng brought Huang Ting and Chen Yekai up as well. The four of them stood on the wall, overlooking the central area of the maze in the distance.

Yu Hao had always been worried that if Zhao Liang could monitor the operations of the Golden Crow Wheel through the analysis and reconstruction of brain waves, then he would also be able to eavesdrop on their conversations in the dream? From the fact that Zhou Sheng wasn’t saying anything, that may indeed be the case. However, since he had already thought of this scene, then he must have started thinking of a way to deal with it.

Yu Hao looked at Zhou Sheng worriedly, yet Zhou Sheng said, “Shh, don’t be afraid.”

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So Yu Hao nodded. He looked back at Huang Ting and Chen Yekai, who were walking slowly on the top of the high wall. 

Huang Ting said, “Nicky, listen to me, all of you should go back while there’s still time now. As for the rest, I can handle it by myself.”

Chen Yekai answered, “It’s not a problem.”

Yu Hao said, “Now that you’ve finally gotten the chance, how do you feel?”

“To tell you the truth,” Huang Ting answered, “It’s quite different from my guesses. It feels too real. I’ve never had such a realistic experience before in my dreams.” 

“Under the influence of the Golden Crow Wheel, dreams will become more realistic.” Zhou Sheng bridged across a narrow wall with his jingubang and walked across it like he was performing a circus act. “You wouldn’t usually dream in detail, but once the Golden Crow Wheel is involved, you’ll be able to clearly sense everything that you’re experiencing.”

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Yu Hao, “So that is to say, everyone actually has the ability to shuttle through their own dreamscapes. They just can’t be like how we are now, where we have a high degree of conscious self-control?”

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Zhou Sheng said, “Of course. Didn’t you dream before the Golden Crow Wheel appeared? You did ba? The Golden Crow Wheel just gives us the ability to control dreamscapes.”


Huang Ting said, “The situation isn’t as simple as you guys think now. Zhou Sheng, take them away, you’re a smart person.”

Chen Yekai, “No way! Huang Ting, throw away that idea of yours. It’s precisely that kind of thinking that will land everyone in danger!’

Huang Ting said, “There’s no need to put all three of you in danger just for me alone! Zhou Sheng! Don’t you care about Yu Hao’s safety?”

Yu Hao, “I’m alright, you don’t need to worry about me. You should worry more about yourself ba.” 


Huang Ting stopped and stood on the high wall. He said seriously, “Where do you guys want to go now? Help me seize my totem back? I won’t cooperate, and you guys won’t be able to get there. Leave immediately, right now!”

“Hei.” Zhou Sheng found it amusing instead. He carried his jingubang on his shoulder, then turned his head sideways to shoot a provocative glance at Huang Ting. 

“What’s the meaning of running over so recklessly?” Huang Ting said, “Just to save someone like me who’s about to die? To tell you guys the truth…”

“Aplastic anemia,” Chen Yekai said, “Acute. We already know.”


Huang Ting suddenly fell silent. Yu Hao said, “Can’t you treat it as palliative care? Also, you might not necessarily die. You’re still waiting for a bone marrow match, right?”

Huang Ting still wanted to insist, but Zhou Sheng said, “What’s in the centre of the maze? Let me guess?” 

“You guessed right.” Huang Ting said, “My fear of death.”


Yu Hao said, “Keep walking. Don’t stop. The longer this gets dragged out, the more dangerous it gets. If you’re really concerned about our well-being, then please face the fear in your heart and seize your totem back.”

Zhou Sheng laughed. “He’s right. Huang Ting, I don’t want to go through the experience of getting arrested while sleeping again.”

“Will we be suddenly awakened?” Yu Hao asked. 

Zhou Sheng said, “Not necessarily. We still don’t know what Zhao Liang wants to do.”

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Yu Hao was guessing as well. Although he had deduced that Zhou Sheng must know— perhaps Zhao Liang wanted to observe and analyse the entire process of them entering Huang Ting’s dream, obtain detailed information, and even try to crack the secrets of the Golden Crow Wheel. No matter what though, Zhao Liang had already discovered that the Golden Crow Wheel was still in Zhou Sheng’s hands, and since he hadn’t come over to wake them up, perhaps letting them deal with Huang Ting’s dream as they pleased was also one of their means in achieving their goal.

“Go,” Chen Yekai said, “Listen to them. At this moment, your situation is what’s most important. Don’t roll around tossing and turning over this problem anymore.”

The gales were gradually settling down. Huang Ting could only lead the way ahead, while Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao followed behind. Yu Hao glanced at Zhou Sheng with an inquiring gaze, yet Zhou Sheng showed him a mischievous smile and mysteriously winked at Yu Hao. 

Yu Hao, “?”


Huang Ting said from the front, “Nicky, do you remember? We used to discuss how we would die in the future, and what kind of place we would die in?”

“I remember.” Chen Yekai said, “Three days after Ryuusei passed away, when you caught wind of the news, you called me from abroad.” 

“I thought that I might die under the gunshot of a hoodlum, or in a car accident while chasing after a fugitive…” Huang Ting raised his head and looked at the thick dark clouds in the night sky. He said, “But I never thought that I would die in such a way.”

Chen Yekai said, “I have already said that you may not necessarily die. No matter how much money you need, I can fork it out for you, as long as you can keep on living well.”

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“I don’t believe in luck.” Huang Ting said, “Waiting for a donor is like buying lottery tickets. Nicky, we need to learn to face reality.”

“I’ve never been fucking willing to face reality!” Chen Yekai suddenly said, then seized Huang Ting’s collar, twisted his head over, and violently forced him to look under the high wall, “If this world is as realistic as you said it was, then why would we meet in a dream? Would you have the opportunity to ask such a question?” 

Yu Hao wanted to go up to separate them, but he was stopped by Zhou Sheng. Chen Yekai pushed Huang Ting and almost pushed him off the wall that was ten metres high. He made him face the ground and said, “Say something ah! Talk!”

Lejcu Klcu vlvc’a gfqis. Itbe Vtfcu klfivfv tlr plcueyjcu, rlucjiilcu ab Te Ljb atja tf mbeiv rfqjgjaf atfw cbk.

Jtfc Tfxjl vgjuufv Lejcu Klcu yjmx j ilaaif jcv qertfv tlw obgkjgv. Lf rjlv, “Ktfgf’r cb lctfgfca vloofgfcmf yfakffc vslcu ogbw j yeiifa bg ktlif islcu bc j rlmxyfv. Qtfatfg bg cba sbe vlf rbbcfg bg ijafg, la’r jii atf rjwf lc atf fcv.”

Huang Ting said, “Just now, when I saw you, what I thought wasn’t that I was saved, but to…use the gun on you, to shoot me, like this.” 

Huang Ting pulled Chen Yekai’s hand up and made him hold the gun against his forehead.

Chen Yekai said, “Don’t do this!”

Huang Ting laughed. “On the contrary, I don’t feel any torment or fear at all in this dream.”

Yu Hao said, “Because in the spiritual world, most emotions have been concretized and separated from one another. It’s only when you come into contact with the boss before fear will appear. Right now, you should be very calm.” 

“Why don’t I take the chance to end everything while I’m this calm?” Huang Ting said, “It’s only at times like this that I won’t fear death.”

Chen Yekai said, “Even if I were to shoot you, you wouldn’t die in reality.”

Zhou Sheng explained, “The entire dreamscape will collapse and fall into the subconscious. Your consciousness will dissolve and merge with the subconscious world, while the you in reality…”

“Will fall into a vegetative state?” Huang Ting said, “Just like Liang Jinmin.” 

“Yes.” Chen Yekai shrugged, “And it’ll become even more troublesome instead.”

“It won’t be.” Huang Ting said, “There’s no need to prolong my life. At that time, I won’t be able to feel the pain of my organs failing on me. It can be considered euthanasia in another sense? I’d rather leave this world unwittingly than suffer through the ordeal.”

“Your suffering is given to you by yourself.” Yu Hao said, “As long as you’re not afraid, you won’t suffer.”

Huang Ting said, “You’ve never experienced this kind of feeling before.” 

“I have.” Yu Hao answered, “How could I not?”

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Huang Ting suddenly remembered and actually couldn’t refute Yu Hao for a moment. He kept silent for a long time, then continued, “Your frame of mind at that time is different from mine.”

“It’s very similar.” Yu Hao said, “I understand how you feel now. At this time, there’s a kind of faint resonance between our souls. But, Huang Ting, we can also continue walking forward, until the moment you seize your totem back. If you’re still this insistent after finding yourself, I will respect your decision.”

Huang Ting fell silent again. In the end, he nodded. “Okay, then let’s go.” 


The four of them avoided almost all of the mechanisms and arrived at the deepest part of the maze. But on the last high wall that surrounded them, there was a multi-coloured, fantastical light that enveloped the most central part of the courtyard like a barrier. There was a massive pond in the courtyard, and a white mist spread across the surface of the pond. It was surrounded by a meadow on all sides.

They couldn’t cross through the barrier and enter the deepest part of the maze, so they could only come down from the wall. In front of them was a giant iron door. Yu Hao went forward and tried it, but the iron door didn’t budge an inch.

“Rest a little first ba.” Zhou Sheng said. 

Chen Yekai went forward to try as well. The iron door didn’t open.

“It must be the person himself?” Chen Yekai asked.

“Yes.” Zhou Sheng said, “It’s no use no matter how strong you are otherwise. Wu, Huang Ting…”

Zhou Sheng looked at Huang Ting and seemed to be thinking about how to get him to push the door. 

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Yu Hao said to Huang Ting, “You’re in a very dangerous state of mind right now. Can someone who’s not even willing to challenge their totem be able to seize back this dream?”

“He can.” Chen Yekai said, “Huang Ting, think about it carefully. You shouldn’t be in this state of mind right now.”

Huang Ting said, “What can I do? What can I do?” 

No one answered for a moment.

“There are many times when I’ve dreamed of myself blundering about in this maze.” Huang Ting said in a low voice, “I couldn’t find the exit. I could see the glints of cold steel everywhere, and there was no end in sight.”

“I even thought you liked your job a lot.” Yu Hao said, “Aren’t there any moments worth to be happy about?”

“There are.” Huang Ting looked up at the gate and said, “But when the examination report came out, everything didn’t matter to be anymore. Sometimes, I would always wonder how meaningful it is for me to be doing all this. Zhou Sheng, I’ve always owed you an apology.” 

“Never mind,” Zhou Sheng answered casually, “I forgive you.”

Yu Hao said, “I also thought that you should be the one who would understand what you wanted the most. I didn’t expect…”

Huang Ting shook his head and answered, “I have no way of answering that question if you were to ask me now. I can’t defeat the unknown in the face of death, and I can’t open the door in the deepest part of my heart. Go, Zhou Sheng. The next time we meet I promise you that I will untie this knot of mine.”

Zhou Sheng just stood. A kind of anger that Yu Hao was familiar with was evident on his face as he scrutinised Huang Ting. Yu Hao had really seen this expression too many times — this was a clear signal that would appear every time before Zhou Sheng wanted to forcibly take action and resolve the issue with violence. 

“Okay.” Yet Zhou Sheng said in the end, “We’ll come and save you very soon.”

Huang Ting’s expression changed. “Don’t come! Once you come, you’ll fall into their trap!”


Suddenly, Yu Hao heard something and turned around to face the door at the deepest part of Huang Ting’s maze. In a circumstance where Huang Ting didn’t push the door open, the door automatically opened by itself! Everyone stopped talking at once and looked at the giant iron door together. They retreated slowly, and Huang Ting revealed a doubtful expression. 

“What’s happening?” Chen Yekai said, “This door can open by itself?”

It was Yu Hao’s first time encountering a situation where the door in the depths of one’s inner heart would automatically open in front of them as well. Zhou Sheng immediately shielded Yu Hao, who was behind him. He raised one hand, where a golden light appeared, ready to wake the rest up at any moment.

The door opened inward, and it was empty inside — as if it had always been waiting for this moment, waiting for Huang Ting’s arrival.

“Fuck.” Zhou Sheng muttered, “It opened by itself? Something like that can happen? There’s no safe haven, and the door to where the totem lies even opened by itself?” 

“Criminal detectives have no safe havens.” Huang Ting answered, “What does it mean for the door to open by itself?”

No one understood why for a moment and just stood outside the door. Huang Ting said, “We can only go in now?”

“Welcome, welcome.” A voice said, “It truly was a wonderful experience. Come in for a chat?”

Yu Hao, “……” 

That voice belonged to one of the three members of the original investigation team! And the only possibility was——

“Zhao Liang?” Huang Ting could hardly believe what he was seeing.

Within the underground research laboratory, Zhao Liang was sitting on a chair. He was already wearing the brainwave sensor helmet. Both his eyes were closed, a needle inserted into his wrist. He had been injected with a tranquiliser. The data lines on his helmet were fed into the central computer. On the other chair sat Huang Ting, whose whole body was already drenched in sweat.

“All indicators appear to be normal.” A researcher said, “Director Zhao has entered.” 

Another researcher said, “From the looks of it, it’s possible for the consciousness of two people directly interfere and communicate with each other through the machine.”

A group of researchers stood in front of Zhao Liang and exclaimed in admiration as they observed the scene. All sorts of data were being displayed on the huge screen in the center.

“There must be integrator repeaters,” someone said, “Otherwise, their mutual interference will be very weak. If only the repeaters could be brought here.”

“Increase the stimulant ba.” 

“Entering REM phase, intense neuronal activity detected…”

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