
Chapter 22

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Yosep POV

In the next morning, I woke up and after done some exercise. I start to prepare and going into the dining room. There are already Fernan in the dining room eating his breakfast leisurely while William in the backyard still doing his training. I took a sit and eat my breakfast while having some conversation with my brother.

After a while, William also came and immediately empty the dining table. During the breakfast, I learn that now is the final day for the royal academy test. I will exempt from the test since I have letter recommendation from father, mother, and teacher Gene also with main job certification above common level title.

Still I need to come to the academy today for re-registration and the announcement about my dorm later at the evening. We plan to go together as my brother need to do something in the academy. After short preparing, we ride the carriage and go to the royal academy together. The royal academy located at the south of the capital. It will take few minute from our townhouse.

Shortly, we arrive at the gate of the royal academy which is like a huge gate. After we show our identity to the guard we got in. Apparently, royal academy itself is located at an entire spacious hill with many greeneries.

There is a lot area in this academy such as the main area which people usually gather, the dining area, the library area, the dorm which student rest, the specialty's facility area which is divide as per job specialty, and the class area which is categorized by age

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The class in this academy is a bit similar to Earth's school system. They have 8-9 years old group class, 10-11 years old group class, 12-13 years old group class, 14-15 years old group class, and 16-17 years old group class. All of this group have class rank E, D, C, B, A, and S respectively.

People will be positioned in the class rank according to test at the first time enter and at the end of semester which is every six months. According to my brothers, with my certification and my letter of recommendation, it will just have got me into the S class easily.

We go to the main area first to do my re-registration first. The main area is a huge lot of land that only have one building with many floors. The building is huge with European classical style like Pantheon on the first floor and the other floors like classical renaissance building.

This building called the main building for the administration and gathering purpose. It is also the office of teacher in this academy. There is a parking lot for the carriage to park nearby. We get down from the carriage while looking at the huge building in front of me.

At this moment, people start to create commotion while looking at us. Apparently, both of my brother is quite famous in this academy. Fernan have a nickname as "the defender" since he is so prideful and arrogant while also like to help the weak especially commoner. He like to challenge the injustice even it was done by the older upperclassmen.

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He also respected by many people. He starts to create an organization with in the school that help maintain the order in the academy to help against injustice. He is also genius at young at age and going to S class.

While William is nickname as "the mad ogre" since he is a battle maniac that like to push his limit and sometime challenge a lot of people. He also doesn't like seeing people being bullied and always challenge them if they someone tried to bully. Even though they are few years older than him.

Sometime ago upper class start gang up him with dozen people. He wins the battle with only few injury and the perpetrator got drop out from the academy. He also goes to S class.

Then, a group of student approach us and greet us respectfully. Fernan declare me as his dearest brother and will kill anyone that touch just one hair of him which is I feel he exaggerated a little bit. But, the group responded that they will protect me even it will cost their life. The surrounding also become silent and fearful to make a contact with me.

At this moment, Fernan got slapped in the head by William as he said, "What the hell are you doing? Do you want Yosep become friendless because of your threat? You should do it like me. Everyone try be friend him as he is quite shy but, if you all dare to hurt him even a little bit. I will shred every single piece of your entire being." as his tone change from friendly to killing intent.

At this moment people start nicknamed me as "the untouched" which is I feel it will just another troublesome. I just ignore my stupid brother and use ring abilities to cover my mageforce fluctuation and spell diagram that I created.

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Then, I use scan spell a level three spell to the entire academy. This is also one of the advantage of study spell formula only that it is can alter the scale of spell. But since the area is so big, it need huge amount of mageforce consumption equal to seven-star spell.

Some strong people with good perceptive start to notice this spell at large scale. Be it good people or bad people they start to getting nervous as all of them already being detected by this magic. Some of them immediately use their own scan ability to located the source of this spell. However, they will never be able where the source of the spell and just feel like it from the thin air. They can't even look at the spell diagram that being casted.

During my study about magic, I found that the appearance of spell diagram and the fluctuation of mageforce is the weakness when using it as hidden attack. That's why I created this ring that enchanted with special camouflage magic to hide my mageforge and spell diagram when I cast my magic.

I also found that I recover the mageforce faster than ordinary people since I can control all the element in the mageforge easily. I asked my mother to put some enchantment rune at my body. One of the enchantment is to always gather the mageforce from the surrounding silently. With my perfect affinity, I can just absorb them directly without filter them in the process.

However, if my body can't handle the load of a lot mageforce I will explode from having too many mageforce in my body. Moreover, the enchantment process is so painful even with my middle stage of super soldier body.

That's why I also asked my mother to put some seal to which is there are five seal. Each time my body is stronger and feel can handle the load of the mageforce, I can unseal them one by one. It is also useful during the time when I try to recover my mageforce.

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Yesterday, after I eat the soul of Luna, I feel my body suddenly can handle more mageforce and open one of the seal. Now, I can cast spell to seven-star spell.

After done scanning, I found some hidden strength in this academy and a lot of various stuff especially "that object" which is the main reason I go to this royal academy. I modified my scan spell to not only detect people but also all things in the scan area.

Moreover, I also add another effect so this academy will become like 3D map in my head that will updated every time without me using scan spell every time. The only reason I can make that huge change is because I can control time and space element which is very versatile if you know how to use it correctly.

"Hmm… Damn, with my current strength it will be hard to retrieve that object. Moreover, it seems "they" also already infiltrated this academy. But, now they already in my radar every time." As I thought. At this moment, I getting headache because of sudden influx of a lot of information come to my head.

My brothers started to noticed my pale face from the headache and getting worry. They even exaggerated to secure perimeter as I am some sort of king or something. I told them to not worry and give excuse it just from the sunlight.

Before they do anymore stupid things like bringing huge umbrella or something to cover me which it they really plan to do it. I told them that I want to start re-register while leaving to the main building.

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