
Chapter 27

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During the time I waited in dining hall, there is two people that come in here to have dinner also. The first one is a blue spiky hair with blue eyes and quite tall with nice body for his build despite the same age as me. He is a quite person without much talk and calm temperament. His name is Hilbert Dragnos. I also found something special about him that take me interest.

However, from my reading using Envy's technique. He is caring person from a rich traveling merchant family. He is also easy going person and not to think serious about anything. Still he always considers the others first than himself. Moreover, I think he will help the one he dear or acknowledge with everything he got.

The second person is a small stature kid with quite dirty clothes from commoner and wear a huge glass despite still the same age as me. He has yellow hair and yellow eye that hide in his slanted eye. His name is Benjamin Blitz

However, I can tell he is a person that live in the machinery or the likes. I think he has ex-job as Engineering. Not just that, he is a genius. From his behavior, that I read he has the highest IQ than all of us in this dorm if you exclude me. I started to like this guy as I am really in need of smart person with engineering specialties.

I introduced myself to both of them and start to asked what class and facility that they choose. Apparently, Hilbert in S class like me and he still not decides which one of the specialties facilities he choose. For Ben, he is on C class and already choose engineering as his specialties facility.

Before I can tell my class and my facilities, the girls come in and bring a lot of food which is Gris and Sophia think it was too many for all of us to empty it. But, Eve keep making the food and use her own ingredient that she brought. Then, we started to sit at the dining table. Somehow, Eve choose her sit near me and keep worrying my condition. I guess she really kind girl.

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We started to eat immediately as I urge them since I was so hungry right now. I glob the food non-stop which surprise the other. But, notice that the food starts to diminishing quickly, they also start to eat as fast they can before the food gone. We eating seriously without making any conversation.

After we finish our food, my condition started getting better and become healthier like before. I thank for Eve for the food while patting her. She blushing a lot and responded that as long as it will help this thing is nothing to her.

I noticed she is quite exhausted too after cooking all the food. I bring her head to lean on my shoulder. She wants to resist at first but after feeling it was soothing and comfortable, she immediately fell asleep at my shoulder as I keep patting her head gently.

The others quite surprise at our behavior and start to inquire about my relationship with her. The answer shocked them a lot after I told them that we just met this morning. But, I also tell them that I will protect her no matter what with serious expression. Hearing that they having cold sweat and feel like in front of predator as I release a little bit my dangerous aura.

They also shock once again after hearing that since I and Eve will go to S class. Sophia will go to B class and already choose witchcraft and scripter specialties. While Griselda will go to C class and choose to go to sorcerer specialties. The girls also told me that Eve will go to Sorcerer specialties and priest specialties.

After done doing our short introduction, I tried to wake Eve but she starts to cling on me more. I asked for the other two girls to help but they already running back to their room. The other guys also back to their room quickly, it left me with no choice, I bring her to my room and try to lay her own the bed.

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But, she still holds me tightly while sleeping. Left with no choice, I give her rough wake up kiss in her lips. She starts to getting conscious and notice that I own top of her in my bed. She wanted to scream but I still kissed her again which surprised her. I hug her to her calm down after a while.

I release my hug and kiss from her while patting her. "Do you want to sleep with me or go back to your room? I will take a bath first. You can just leave if you want to go back to your room." While I give her a peck to her cheek.

She confuse and can't decide, "Emm.. Is it okay if I sleep here? Am I not going disturb you?" she asked me hesitantly but she still longing to be with me.

"It's okay but you need to take a bath also since you will stink my bed if sleep like that." As I teasing her more.

"I am not that stink." She pouting and go to the bathroom immediately.

She undresses her clothes and taking shower. At this moment, I unlock the door using magic, undress my clothes, and hug her from behind. She surprised because of sudden my appearance. But, I kissed her so she cannot scream.

After a while, I looked at her child body which will become more gorgeous after it growth. "Yo..Yosep you pervert please get out." As she become more blushing.

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I hug her while saying, "Did you really want me to leave?"

She hesitated after a while. Then saying, "Em.. No.. but.. we are not supposed to do this. Please Yosep.." she start to crying a little bit because all of my teasing.

I hold her cheek under the shower, "Do you trust me Eve?" and she nodded.

"It's okay will just wash each other body and come out while feeling good." I smiled teasing her.

From my knowledge princess of light have different constitution and have their growth much faster than normal girl. It means she can orgasm. If I want to become her most special person, I need to be with her in all her first time.

I started to wash her body gently and her rub her private part gently. She struggles a little bit and want to get away but I keep hugging her tightly. "Stop.. Yosep, I feel like want to pee…" then, not long after that she reaches her first climax.

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Her body become limp after her first time climax and I wash her body with gentle care. After that I drying her with soft towel and pamper her a lot. I brought her to bed in carrying princess style and lay her on the bed. During all this time, she doesn't have any energy except accept me.

When she has been lay on the bed, "Please… Yosep no more than this. I hate you." While she starts crying.

I hug her until she calms down and patting her head. She starts to calm down and fell asleep. I kiss her forehead, "It's okay I will never let anyone hurt you… again." as like she hears my vow, she started to sleep soundly with happy smile.

Looking at her expression, I started to remember my.. no.. our greatest sin and regret in our previous life. We are the one that should be damned and unsaved given chance to life and get her most precious power while sacrificing herself. After that incident, we always and always asked ourselves, "Why did she choose us?" Even with all our intelligence and wisdom, we still can figure out why did she do that.

The only clue we get at that time is her last word which is, "I put my hope on you." As this memory start to resurface, I unconsciously release a tremendous murderous intent uncontrolled. My mind start to become cloudy and all my vein started showing in my body. I feel that at this time, I will explode as because I awaken my other personalities.

During this moment, Moru appear from my shadow. but she fell unconsciously with pale face before she can do anything. Eve also to wake up. However, different from my expectation. She is not afraid, go crazy, or unconscious, she approached me and said, "It's okay." While hugging me.

I don't know how she do it. But, my body started to relax and my mind is started to calm down. All the killing intent started to disappear. Even though right now, I keep crying and embrace Eve. Later, we fall asleep while embrace each other.

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