
Chapter 35

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Inside the time dimension, I try to enlarge the space again. I make it into 4,5x4,5 meter before empty my mageforce reservoir. I go out time dimension and looking at Eve still sleeping peacefully. Shortly, I meditate inside my hidden rune to refill my mageforce reservoir.

After few moment, my mageforce reservoir back, I go back inside my time dimension again. The moment I enter time dimension, I took out all my mana stone and put it beside the alchemy area. I also took out my enchanting pen and give some enchantment to upgrade to my new alchemy tools.

I try to familiarize myself with the tools and make it more advance before I can fusion some mana stones. Done with the upgrading, I immediately try to fusion fire stone and water mana stone first. The process is quite tedious and need a lot of concentration. After hours of exhausting labor, I finally success on my first try to create fire and water mana stone which change to white color mana stone. I called it electric mana stone since it can shock a little bit the moment people touch it with only bare hand.

After done making one, I didn't try to make another stone but I start to research a little bit about the producing electric stone process. The reason I have my confidence to fusion mana stone is because I can make a production rune that automatically fusion mana stone.

Of course, I need some try and error a lot before perfecting the rune. It also takes time. However, it was much more efficient since it will decrease the error and increase the percentage of succession. I can create easier production line with combination some machinery and rune but, I need Greed's forbidden knowledge to know more about machinery. He keeps all the most advance technology and information from Earth in there.

Using this knowledge, Greed can create a lot of robots and almost conquer half continent if not because Wrath destroy our own base robot. Wrath thought since the enemy is scatter around the base like rat, it will be faster to just destroy them along with the base.

With Wrath personality which is easily to become angry, he does it without hesitant using his world punch to pulverize the infiltrator along the base. After that, Wrath got another grounding to not come out for a month. At that time, my body also need recuperate for three full days before become healthy again. Reminiscing my past life, I smiled and start to miss others.

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Creating production rune is not hard if you can already successful making the product once and remember to do it again. Still I need entire night before I can create prototype of production rune even after using Greed's comprehensive technique. Moreover, it failed to fuse the mana stone on the first time it active. As I need to collect the more data about my new rune I let it continue work. I also put recording spell rune to record the footage of single detail on the new rune.

By the time I go out of my time dimension, it is already late in the morning and Eve also already gone to her facilities. Fortunately, my class S student not mandatory to go to class. Usually student will only go to the class to get lecturing or ask some guidance from the lecturer.

Besides that, we free to do anything we want inside the academy. We only mandatory to get the final test at the end of semester to selection for our next class. These rules are benefit a lot for me who in process and research of improving my strength.

Now, I just sleep like a log before wake up and eating at the middle of afternoon. Then, I review again my production rune until night. At night, Eve come to my room by herself which make me happy since I don't need to "persuade" her to sleep with me.

The moment she enters my room, I kissed her passionately. After a while, I stop kissing her, hug her and patting her small head. Then, I tell her about me, my family, and my real power. I still don't tell her about ancient magic, reincarnation, and Septem's other personality since it was my biggest secret.

I don't need to afraid she will spread my real strength or being 'forced interrogation' by someone about me. Since all mind or spirit related is never going to work with princess of light. The princess of light soul is very mysterious and have a very strong shell when they are in dormant. The reason I noticed she is princess of light is because I have connection with them before.

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I bring her to my dimensions while I harvest my mana stone and refill them. She was so surprise at my dimension and go around every corner while checking everything. I plan to give her some water mana stone later to create her own wand water element.

Apparently, she has two high affinity element which is light and water. However, I know that she lies to me that actually she has perfect affinity to light and high affinity to water.

I pinch her nose, "My cutie Eve, where do you learn to lie to me? Don't you thrust me?" I teasing her again.

"Stop.. pinching my nose, But.. but… I already promise to not let anybody know that I have perfect affinity in lig.." she stop immediately as she realize that she misspoke.

"Stupid cutie Eve, I already told you about I have perfect affinity in all element of mageforce before. Why you still afraid to let me know about yours. Besides, I love you Eve and I will always protect you even it was from those organizations." I hug her as she crying because of her burden to always hide her strength in front of others.

After calm down, I teach Eve about old tongue language in time dimension while I also think about creating another spell for us to not getting older in the time dimension. After she feel sleepy, we come out from the time dimension. I accompany her until she sleeps peacefully before I go back to my time dimension to do my research.

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Three month later.

During this three month, I got a lot of progress in my strength. Now, my current mageforce allow me to cast spell of seven-star level proficiently many times. My body already tap into the peak of middle stage of my training. From here, I need rare supplement and equipment to upgrade my body into super soldier body. Still I can train with the previous method but, the progress will be to slow to be notice.

During my free time when I read books in the academy's library, I also found that mageforce is originally from soul. That's why the stronger the soul, the more one has mageforge in their body. However, a powerful soul also need strong vessel or it will destroy their own vessel. Like in my case with other's personality.

After I know this knowledge, I really enticed to harvest soul to enhance my strength but since it will create too much trouble. I will leave that plan for later, beside I will get more opportunity to do this when I adventure in this world. Of course, I will do it prudently since the act of playing with soul is forbidden act in Hirth. There is already a dark organization that being pursuit by all country because of this act such as Necros organization.

Next, I get a lot of progress in my dimensions. The size of my fire, water, and time dimension is already size of football field. I also create dimensions with other elements and enlarge them into half football field.

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Apparently, I found from my research that smaller scale dimension is easier to upgrade than bigger dimension. The upgrade will allow the dimension to produce and sustain their respective element by themselves. Unfortunately, by the time I found this discovery, I already enlarge my first three dimension into size of football field.

I tried to created new dimension for better result. However, every time I open the portal it always leads to same dimension that I created. Moreover, the process of upgrade uses a lot of time. Even now, it still cannot produce their own element and sustain themselves. I decided to enlarge all other dimension to half size football field so it can contain more elements first.

Another good news is I successfully create a production spell of electric mana stone with approximately 90% or more success rate. But, I still can't produce three element mana stone at all. The process is much harder than I expected. It needs to combine all the mana stones at the same time during the process.

From my previous research I can balance the fire and water mana stone. However, it always creates disturbance when the time element come in. I need to find so that both of the three element is completely balance with each other. According to my calculation, it will take a lot of trial and error, before I found the perfect composition of the three elements.

During this three months, I also already submitted all my rank A assignment from the facilities and got their permission to skip all others assignment. I didn't cover my deal with Ben of him helps my assignment since it will also make others thinks that I only use some help of other people to do my assignment.

Even though it will lead to some bad rumor but I don't care, since they can't do anything about it. Moreover, many students from aristocrat also using this method to help their assignment. As for me I just use this method to cover my true strength. Of course, I didn't hide this from Eve and she laugh so hard when hear about this. As for my brothers, they also don't care about the rumors since they already knew my true expertize in those jobs.

However, I found that baldy prince and coldhearth brat try to add more nasty rumor to ruin my reputation. It seems they still holding grudge against me. Fortunately, other student can't make ruckus in the dorm area beside the one that living in it. This rule is to protect the peacefulness of other dorm mate who living in the dorm. Although, they keep sending their lackey to watch over me and intercept me when I go out.

I already slip away from them countless times without they notice it. They also feel that it was useless to keep watching over me. But, the moment that they don't watching me, I reveal myself walking around the academy to 'collect' money from some other idiots. This way, they will feel more frustrated toward me and vent to their own lackey by watch over me 24 hours.

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