
Chapter 41

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"A Survivor, Huh? Are you sure? He might be die in the process." William look at me seriously.

"Yes, He need to be at least that much if he wants to follow me. Beside this kind of training also help you in certain way." I answer William while keep looking at Hilbert.

After a while, "Hilbert, I hear you participate in the battle competition. Your task is to win the competition and make sure you win it grandly." I pat his shoulder then walk away from that place.

Before going too far, "Will, I leave him in your care." As I go back to my dorm.

"Haaa… Yosep, you still like that even after all these years. Alright, let's start the training right away. But, before we start I don't care what kind of method you train before, you need to forget about them and I hope you will not run before the training end." William look sternly at Hilbert.

William who is genius at battle and already tap into the world of aura user, have different mentality and mature than other normal kids. Every time he took battle he will get something new and getting stronger both mentally and physically.

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Since he often having spar with me lately, his growth become ridiculous. It was like not only he learns from the fight but also learn from the opponent. This also one of the reason I choose Will as teacher for Hilbert to shape him physically and mentally.

Then, they begin their training. At this time, I already go inside my room. After checking all the isolation spell rune still active properly, I open my time dimension. I cannot wait any longer to uncover the enchantment in the bracelet that I bought this morning.

If I successful did it, I believe my success rate to fusion the three element mana stone will rise significantly. Without wasting any more time, I go to my enchantment tools and put the bracelet on top of certain rune

During this three months, I made a few upgrade to my tools. I put some of the rune to all my tools to make them work more efficiently and precise. Some of them can work automatically with the help of rune and electric mana stone as the source power.

I active the rune to uncover all the spell diagram inside the bracelet. A moment later, a lot of magic lens come out from the table and start to move around by itself. Dismantle a high enchantment is very meticulous work with high precision. Enchantment is like a combination of spell and rune since it need mageforce or thought to activate it. Moreover, it can be placed on animate object like rune.

Both of these three type of spell has a base of spell diagram or formula. If you can complete master the spell formula, you can modify or create the spell diagram whenever you want. A high level spell, enchantment or rune usually has a complicated spell diagram and many layer of it.

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The more layer the spell diagram has, it will become harder to construct and uncover. But, the spell will also become more stable and last longer with greater effect. My creation space spell has 8 layers and it almost exhausting me every time I construct it.

However, looking at my tools who is work precisely I am getting more shocked. There are dozens of magic lens being used. My tools will produce a lot of magic lens according to the layer that need to uncover. But, until now it still produces more magic lens continuously.

After a hour later, the tools stop working and create almost 20 magic lens, each of the magic lens show the complicated spell diagram which also layer of the enchantment spell. No wonder no body realize this artifact since it has 20 layer of spell diagram. The more compact and layer a spell diagram can make it harder to detect it. Especially if it stays as rune or enchantment.

I immediately try to learn and decode all the spell diagram layers. It took me just right before dinner to decode all the 20 layers spell diagram. As expected from the enchantment from the ancient civilization, it was using a lot of sophisticated technique to produce this incredible spell diagram.

Additionally, this spell is truly can make balance of all element no matter how many different elements you gather from the mageforce. The spell will force the elements to coexist with each other and not make all of them any lesser in power. I theorized that if I apply this spell diagram correctly to my production tools, I may even fusion more than three different kind of element mana stone.

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However, it also need a huge amount to use this kind of spell. For making balance two element it need around six-star spell mageforce consumption, while balance three need around eight-star mageforce consumption. Starting from there, each additional element will take double the mageforce consumption from the previous.

I go out from my time dimension and it already sunset time. I go out my room and go to dining area to having dinner with Eve. In the dining area, there is only Eve and I since the others still Griss and Sophia busy with all their preparation of the competition. While Ben in his workshop trying new product and Hilbert still getting "educated" from William.

I saw Eve just in time put the food in the dining area. Looking at the food, I start to wondering how she knew that only two of us that will be dinner. I don't remember princess of light having this kind of power.

"Evening, my cutie Eve." I peck Eve and hug her from behind.

"Ahh… Yosep.. Stop surprising me." She surprised and start to pouting while keeping my hand that hugging her.

"Eve, how did you know that only us that will be attend this dinner?" I asked her while patting her small head.

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"I don't really know but somehow I feel I will be having dinner with you." As she replied with peck in my lips.

Then, we start to eating our dinner while chatting and flirting with each other. After done eating and cleaning, we go to my room and enter my time dimension. In the time dimension, Eve go to study area where there is a lot of books about magic. As for me I try to learn how to construct the elemental balance spell.

After trying for few hour, I ready to use it to create three element mana stone. Before I try, I looked at Eve who is already sleeping on the couch because of the exhaustion. I give her blanket and kiss her forehead.

Then, I create a series of safety measure and higher isolation spell. After meditate and re-adjust my mental state, I begin the process to fuse three element mana stone. After a lot of tedious task, I go into the critical situation which will determine the successful of the fusion.

Using all my mental power and mind, I construct the spell to make balance all of the three element. During this moment, all the element from the three grand mana stone become to burst out and fuse together with blinding light.

After few minute, the light subside and create a small crystal with dark blue color and red spot in the middle. At this moment, I know that I succeeded the fusion. Then, I store the stone in my storage space and go to beside Eve to take a break. All the process to fuse is exhausted me mentally. I just barely conscious before I go to Eve side and fall asleep.

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