
Chapter 43

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I stretching up a little bit and while saying, "So, judging from your reaction you already become quite survivor and it seems you also improve a lot. Do you think you will win the competition?"

With resolute eyes and confidence, "Yes I will, if you wish for it, I will deliver the glory to you" There is a loyalty in his speech.

"I see… then, why don't you prove it to me first do you have ability to claim the glory or not" I launched at him with speed that enough for him to follow.

Third person POV

Since Yosep want to test Hilbert's strength he attacked first to push Hilbert's limit. He punches him left and right with fast speed while Hilbert try to dodge with all his strength. Yosep's attack is very fast that make him doesn't have time to stabilize himself or counter it.

The moment one of the Yosep's punch hit Hilbert arm who try to parry using his own arm, Hilbert immediately getting blown away. Without giving any breather, Yosep follow Hilbert and bombard him with various of punch.

"So, this is the power of someone that want to brought me a glory huh??" Yosep started to provoke Hilbert.

Before Hilbert can reply, Yosep change his footstep and appear behind Hilbert's back instantly. Then, Hilbert got blown up again. However, this time Yosep increase his speed more and attacking Hilbert from all side. This make Hilbert look like a pin ball that getting bounced around.

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Hilbert also getting harder to parry all his attack while getting more injured. His arm is also hurt more even though he coated with a lot of mageforce and his strong constitution. At this moment, rather than become desperate, Hilbert close his eyes and in the state of epiphany. Shortly, he redirects all Yosep's attack using his arm. Hilbert notice this technique when he observes the element of water during their few days training.

This technique similar to tai chi on earth combine with the power of mageforce it will become devastating technique. However, Hilbert now is only tap into the basic of this new technique. But, it is already enough to redirect and dodge all Yosep's attack.

Notice the change of Hilbert fighting style, Yosep smile and change his style too. The moment Hilbert try to redirect Yosep attack, Yosep use his arm to redirect the force and give more force to it then hit Hilbert with it.

This change happens in less than a second before Hilbert can response to it. The moment he got hit, He feel like getting hit by some sort of huge torrent of water. He was blown for few meters then spurt some of blood since his inside is injured. All his body also limp and don't have enough strength left.

"Water is not always calm, sometime it also can become destructive and wild." Yosep said this before Hilbert loss his consciousness.

Yosep POV

I approached Will who is watching our spar carefully, "Thanks, Will you do a great job teaching him in just few days. I will leave him in your care then, see ya" as I leave Will who is also comprehend about our spar silently.

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"Huhh.. Okay see ya around Yosep." He replied shortly then sit meditating as he got something from our fight.

After done checking Hilbert progress, I go to my dorm to develop more about my spell and research about the element. I hole myself inside my room until the battle competition.

Four days later

Now, I go to the main hall area and leave all my research behind. I plan to look at the competition and bazaar that going to be held there. The competition itself is boring and I believe with Hilbert strength now, no student at his age can compete with him.

However, the guardian member also become bolder and plan to check all the people who don't come into the competition. Using the super rare ancient artifact as the prize, there will be no one that not tempted to look at it. Even they don't participate, they still want to see what kind of effect the ancient artifact has.

People that ignore this kind of prize and attraction will become suspicious. So, the guardian plans to hunt and clean up all the them at this time. They even plan to check all the student dorm which make me to clean up all my runes. I guess one week ago incident which I distract Mr. Lou using killing intent is the trigger to forced them take such an action.

"Well, since this will satisfy them for a while and lower their guard a little after this massive hunt. I guess it will be more advantage for me." I thought while walking toward main area with Hilbert and William.

Eve and other girls already go there first since they want to prepare for their competition. Eve also going into the competition category Healing competition. It was a competition where they heal the participant that hurt from Battle competition. The school will send only give patient with non-threatening wound or life for the competition.

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Since Hilbert is a S-class student, he got advantage to skip preliminary round. So, he can keep me company for a while. For William itself, he wants to taste all kind of the food in the bazaar. He even challenges me to eating duel since he also hears about eating competition that held in the bazaar.

As for me, I have other plan to go the bazaar. Not only as alibi, but I plan to survey the surrounding of that place using this crowd and make some plan when the time comes. I also plan to sneak and take a peek at all the prize enchantment.

The battle competition is divide into three categories which is senior-class, middle-class, and junior-class. Senior class is for 15-17 years old student, middle class is for 11-14 years old group, and junior class is for 8-10 years old student. The battle competition also has two part the preliminary round and main round.

In the preliminary round, students need to win three times in five duels to pass and enter the main round. In the main round, they need gather point from winning battles in various scenario during a week. The highest point will be the winner.

This also the reason why I believe Hilbert will win this competition. Hilbert only need to fight some student and win some of them to get the highest score. According to Will, if he is not encounter any mishap during the competition, He will likely take as the winner.

We separate our way the moment we arrive the main area. Hilbert need to go to battle competition while I got dragged out by Will to go to eating competition at the bazaar. The bazaar is very crowded. Not only they sell food but also some leftover from last week market event. I also see Ben's stand is the most crowded and almost sold out all his product

We arrive at the eating competition which is full with big stature people. Some of them is the acquaintance of brother William. It seems that William is last year winner of the eating competition.

At this moment, there is a middle age guy wearing a chef attire approaching us. "Isn't it the stupid William? I thought you will run away since you afraid about our bet." The middle aged man who has big stature started to provoke William.

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"Ohh… old man, I guess you really want to bankrupt huh?" William replied with sneer.

The old man also sneers back, "Hahaha…. just for this competition I already prepare my army that can cook 100 portion of food under five minute. Make sure to pay double if you can't eat all the food that we prepare. Hahaha." As he leaves both of us.

After he leaves, "Brother, is it the reason why you dragged me into the eating competition?" I asked William.

"Huh.. Wha.. What are you talking about brother? No way…. It just I want to challenge you into eating competition since I know you have bottomless stomach. Hahaha" William just laugh it while getting more cold sweat.

"Huft… Well, whatever since I also quite hungry. However, is that old man's food delicious? It will be quite torture if it was a thrash." I surrender with William behavior and think this is a good opportunity to store up some of the energy using Gluttony technique.

"Don't worry lil brother. His cooking is one of the best in the capital. He also has many restaurant across Moreva continent. Moreover, he is also grandmaster title of cooking. Rumor said all his food can have positive effect to your body and permanently increase it." William start to explain about the old man's background.

"However, you must be careful since all his food is not only give buff to the body but also satisfied stomach which make you full after a few spoon. Some people even don't need to eat for days after eating his food. Unfortunately, this old man meets me who can empty all his ingredients storage. hahaha" As he explains more.

Hearing all Will explanation, I started to looking forward at the old man's food. Moreover, I also feel that old man is not ordinary grandmaster chef. From my reading, he has aura of people above the grandmaster title. Even my mother, don't have this kind of aura. I bet he is a king title person.

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