
Chapter 46

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"Bro.. brother, are you alright?" William approach me and begin checking my body.

"It's okay, I just need rest a little and will be back healthy again. The Cosmos Sea really absurd dish. I miscalculated a little bit of its energy. If normal people eat it without any preparation, I doubt they will survive the moment they taste it." I reassure Will to calm him down.

But, it also the truth about the Cosmos Sea more potent than I expected. Although, it improves drastically my body strength, if somehow during the transformation I don't reach super soldier stage, I doubt I will still alive now. Next time, I need to be more careful when dealing with this stuff.

Moreover, all the method to increase strength that Greed provided is very orthodox and always a gamble between life and death. Still, this one is successful. Now, I need to adapt a little bit with my new body strength. I also need to control my aura since now it was constantly flare up because of the sudden change.

"Are you sure brother?" William looked at me worriedly

"Yes, Will… Don't forget I am strong, just rest assure." As I skipping around to show that I am okay.

"Now, Hilbert it seems now it's your time to enter the competition. Make sure you win it grandly. If you somehow meet worthy opponent, you can use the equipment and weapon that I give you yesterday. I will see you later at the sidelines" I told Hilbert some instruction.

"As you wish, then allow myself to go first." As Hilbert bow and go to the arena.

After a while, I tell Moru to camouflage into me and told her to go with William into the sidelines. As soon as they gone, I revert back to my real appearance and wear battle suit under a black hoodie.

Then, I stretch a little bit to familiarize my body. It didn't take long since in my past life Lust like to change my body from child to old man. It makes us need to adapt faster to any change in our body when we take over. Fortunately, super soldier stage also make my body easily adapted to any change in my body.

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Shortly, I begin cast my own creation camouflage spell and go to the arena silently. The arena is very crowded with circular shape. There is a battle arena in the middle while the spectator seat surrounds it. There is also defensive spell around the battle arena to protect the spectator from the misfire and after effect of the battle.

The spectator is very crowded since now is the main round. I can see Hilbert going into the arena already. Then, I also ready myself and go to the location where they keep the prize ancient artifact. That place also guards by one of the guardian member and few guard from the academy.

This guardian member name is Ms. Cecilia. She has long black hair with slender body and wearing glasses. I don't know much about her since she rarely goes into the public. But, she is grandmaster at using trap rune. I guess she also set up some nasty trap rune near the ancient artifact.

However, I don't need to steal the ancient artifact. All I need is just take a glance at it and uncover its enchantment. I need about a half minute to copy the enchantment to the three artifact. To do that I need to create a certain distraction and make them less focus in that half minute.

I plan to shoot magic from far but the fluctuation will immediately alert them. So, my best chance is wait for Hilbert who is fighting now. I stay in the corner and hiding in the shadow waiting for my chance.

Third person POV

During the time Yosep arrive into the ancient artifact location, Hilbert's battle also begins. He immediately knocks out his opponent using a strike from his palm. After decided as winner, he go out from the arena to his waiting room in calm manner.

"Ohh.. Wow… That's quite fast battle, if I am not wrong your name is Hilbert, right?" Suddenly a person calls him as he goes out from the arena.

Hilbert just keep silent and look at the person in the student uniform with purple armband like him.

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Irritating by the silent reply the boy continues, "How about you surrender the next match? you damn commoner. There is no way you can win against me and even after that you will fight against prince Reinhearth" said Neil Coldhearth in threatening tone

However, Hilbert still ignore him and just keep walking into his waiting room.

"Damn you commoner. How dare he ignoring me? just you wait I will humiliate you in the next battle." As he curses silently.

Not long after that, "Neil… There you are brother, just what are you doing here. Well, forget it. I have a present for you. Try to wear this armor." As Tom Coldhearth take out an armor and give to his brother.

"Older bro, this is??" As Neil shock look at the armor.

"Yes, this is the new armor that I bought few days ago. It is super rare grade. Moreover, I hear this armor can withstand attack from super rare grade weapon without scratch. Yesterday, I also order some people to enchant it with various of buff."

"I believe if you wearing this kind of armor, no body can't hurt you. As long as you can prolong the fight you will win. This is also one of the father intention to get the ancient artifact." Said Tom in stern voice

"Fa.. if it father's command. I will gladly bring him the ancient artifact. Beside with this armor, basically I was invincible. Even against that baldy prince. Leave everything to me, Brother." Neil replied while boasting his strength.

"Alright just be careful, brother. Especially against Hilbert. I hear he is being teach by that mad ogre in this past week." As Tom give some warning.

"That commoner? Don't worry too much about it. He will not even put a scratch against me. After training with you, I already stronger in this past month than before." Neil reassure his brother more.

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After few more conversation and some advice Tom leave his older brother. However, this kind of meeting already being heard by Yosep. Since Yosep need help from Hilbert, he also investigates all the Hilbert's opponent to not miss the opportunity.

Shortly, Yosep make telepathy contact with Moru using his connection with her soul. He told her to tell Hilbert to use full strength when he fights against Neil. Later, Moru immediately tell Hilbert about the message.

The main around at the first part is a duel between 21 participants randomly. All the participant need to duel 3 times. Each win will grant them 5 points and the losers will not get anything.

After few duel between others participant, now is the time for duel between Hilbert and Neil. As soon as both of them enter the arena, Yosep immediately draw and create seven-star spell diagram and hide it using his ring's enchantment. He only need to supply with mageforce to active it.

At the arena, "Hey commoner, why don't you just surrender this useless fight and apologize? Maybe I will forgive your rude behavior earlier." Said Neil in arrogant tone.

On the contrary, Hilbert just keep silent waiting for the signal to start the battle. "Cheh… Forget what I said, let's see if you can keep mute after the battle start." Add Neil in anger tone.

Shortly, the referee announces the start of the battle. Instanly, Neil immediately approach and attack at Hilbert using his sword. However, Hilbert dodge all the attack easily. After few attack Neil use warcry, an expert skill at point blank distance. These make Hilbert stagger a little bit.

Using this advantage, Neil immediately attack him with his sword. At this time, Hilbert redirect the sword and counter it using his hand that covered with mageforce. Neil surprise from the sudden counterattack but before he can react the attack goes into his body.

Cranggg… Suddenly, the attack stopped by the armor behind the uniform. Looking at the armor that very exquisite, Hilbert immediately take distance and avoid the attack from Neil. Rather than feeling pressure because he can't damage the armor, He just smile happily.

"Hahaha… See this armor it is a super grade and enchanted with various buff. So, just surr.." Before Neil can say more, Hilbert tap his bracelet, belt, necklace, and his rings. Instantly, the accessories turn into full metal armor with blue stripe and a pair of metal gauntlet.

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The armor is very menacing especially the gauntlet. It constantly gathers water element mageforce in the nearby and make it more dreadful. Actually, this gauntlet is unique weapon grade that Yosep give to Neil yesterday. While the armor itself is super rare grade equipment.

After completely change his attire, Hilbert immediately gather the water element from the surrounding and create a series of water while he keeps dancing around. The longer he dancing the more water produced. Suddenly, the crowd begun cheer loudly after looking at the change of the attire especially the boys because the transformation looks very cool.

Feeling the pressure from the surrounding and the water element, Neil grit his teeth and launched himself at Hilbert. However, Hilbert keep dodging the attack and dance around. After a while, Neil become exhausted and his movement going dull. Suddenly, Hilbert punch the body of Neil using both of his hand that contain water.

This attack happens so fast and unpredictable which make Neil blown away. He remains unscathed since he got protection from the armor. The armor apparently also enchanted with damage absorption to protect the user from different direction or the part that is not protected by the armor.

Before Neil can stabilize himself, Hilbert attack Neil from all directions using fast speed like what Yosep done when he testing him. However, all the attack is futile since it gets absorbed into the armor. It only produces more puddle of water in the surrounding.

Although, Hilbert attack not hurting Neil but being bounced around still make him uncomfortable and a little bit dizzy. Left with no choice, he uses the rest of his mageforce to do another war cry. In hope that Hilbert also empty his mageforce when using his skill.

But, on the contrary after dodge the war cry range Hilbert just with both palm close with each other. Instantly, all the puddle water gather around his hand and create a small water globe that absorb all the water puddle and water element in the surrounding.

"As expected, using this on the outer of time dimension can produce more water easily." While keep gathering and compressing the water, Hilbert whisper to himself.

The water keeps accumulating while Neil can only watch since he already in the brink of mageforce deficiency. Suddenly, "Water Flood" as Hilbert shouting.

The water that accumulate at his palm that he keeps pressure release instantly and create a huge wave at fast speed to Neil.

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