
Chapter 50

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At the main area, where everyone cheers loudly toward the duel competition area. In the middle of it, there are two boys with uniform academy attire. The spectator cheers loudly when both of them arrive at the center of the arena. The referee announces both of the competitor who are Hilbert Dragnos and Prince Henry Reinhearth.

Both of them look at each other silently. The prince looks at him with tense while the other give a poker face like not feeling anything. Soon, the referee begins the battle. Prince Henry immediately took distance while re-equip his armor and unsheathed his sword. Meanwhile, Hilbert keep in his position and looking at the prince.

"Are you sure? Don't you want to think again my offer?" the prince breaking the ice and ask once again.

"I am sorry, but I already have my own task and that's to win this competition no matter what." Hilbert answer expressionlessly.

Few moments before the battle, prince henry give an offer to Hilbert to forfeit the match and will be compensate grandly by become his right hand. However, Hilbert refuse it thoroughly without another thought and left him alone.

Now at the battle arena, "Tch.. Don't think because you can break super rare armor you already win this competition." As he launched himself to the Hilbert.

"Hmm… I can beat him easily with my gauntlets, but I will not catch up to master's strength if I always rely on my weapon. Yosh.. Let's push my limit without my weapon now." As Hilbert thought while dodging all the attack.

Using the force of the prince attack, Hilbert begin countering the attack however some of them land on the armor and helm. Still he begins to put more mageforce and force the prince from attacking to defensive or more likely to become sandbag.

Can't stand with pressure from the attack, the prince use war cry skill and create a shockwave. However, learn from the previous war cry, Hilbert redirect the shockwave that come to him by rotate his body.

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Then, he gathers a lot of mageforce with water element in his right hand. He uses it to perform uppercut to the prince's stomach and make him blown above. *Duakk.. Crackk*

At this moment, the prince armor which is a rare equipment begin to cracking. the prince condition itself can't breathe from the punch. But, his tenancy prevents him from knocked out. He imbues his sword with mageforce to attack him using the help of gravity force.

In split second, Hilbert dodge aside his sword and give another punch to the prince helm. The prince immediately got knocked out while slam the arena barrier. The referee immediately announces Hilbert as the winner while the medical staff begin to help the prince.

Meanwhile during the battle, a certain young man that use academy uniform walk slowly in the crowd. He looks a little bit pale while holding stomach. He walks towards the healing tent area.

Yosep POV

After changing back to my child appearance, I make my face a little bit pale and walk slowly toward Eve's competition. To make sure that my acting is perfect, I hold my hand at my stomach while told the staff that I got stomachache after the eating competition.

Since the one that get attended to the healing competition is from the light sickness people and threatening wound from the battle competition. I choose to pretends become patient with light sickness like stomachache. Moreover, many people from the eating competition already got attended by them.

Without any obstruction, they immediately send me to one of the bed in their small hut. Many people already rest or sleep in other bed beside me. I notice some student busy healing another patient including Eve.

Now, she is tending one of the student and check at his condition. Looking at the patient try to flirt with her make me want to crush him to pieces.

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Shortly, there is a student with middle age guy wearing sort of cleric outfit approach me. The moment student tries to check up on me, I scream, "ARRGGhhh… my stomach..." which getting attention of all the people inside the hut including Eve.

The cleric immediately become serious and try to probe my sickness. Since I can't be getting caught acting now, I told him a lie story about winning the eating competition by eating Cosmos Sea, Chef David's dishes. After that I told him about few minute ago my stomach begins to hurt a lot.

"I hope Chef David can forgive me since it will create some bad reputation to his name. Well, not that I care as long as I still eating his dish. Oopps.. I getting derailed." As I thought while answering some question of the cleric.

I try to make my face as pale as possible to look more believable. During the time I told him the story, many participants begin to gather around us including Eve. She surprises when looking at me. But, before she can come closer, another student that want some recognition try to probe me which I scream again and make my face paler with rough breath.

I told them that the sore sometime flare up and gone. After that Eve come forward, "Yosep, what happened? Are you alright?" as she come near me.

"Yes… I mean no.. could you try to reduce the pain with your healing spell? I feel like going to die." As I produce some cold sweat with rough breath.

She immediately cast some lessen pain spell without hesitation. Shortly, there is a yellow light envelope my body. Then, I manipulate the light element to gather and make it brighter.

"Wow, your healing spell really as good as usual. I feel no pain at all now." As I manipulate my pale face to become normal slowly.

I manipulate the light element to stay brighter but dimmer than before with me. It is to make it Eve still cast the spell though in reality she already done casting the spell long time ago. Still the senior cleric tries to check me up first but after getting no result, he believes that Eve's spell already at work now.

Shortly, he told Eve to stay cast the spell until I fully healed. Eve who is really confuse from the sudden situation, getting revelation after looking at my mischievous winning smile. Later, the student and other senior cleric disperse to make room for my recovery.

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"Yosep… Are you really sick?" as I hear Eve voice in cold tone.

"Well…. I just a little bit tired so I want to see…" I stopped my sentence as she looks at me coldly and pouting.

"Haa… Don't you know that now I am busy tend others?" as she sighed

"Others who? All I see is some guy that want to flirt with you." I retort while poke her cute pouted cheek.

*poke.. poke…* "Stop it Sep, we are not in the dorm. Besides, now I am in the healing competition so it was my job to tend them and they are not flirting. We are just having some talk." She tried to argue my back

"Really? Then, can you tend me right now? You see my chest begin to hurt a lot since you 'talk' with other guy." I tried to pretend hurt in the chest.

"Geezz… Sep, if you don't have any more matter, I will leave." Then, she stands to leave me.

I hold her hand, "No Eve, don't go it really hurt. My chest…" I pretend to look very hurt.
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Looking at my hurt expression, she come closer to me then I said to her. "It hurt me when you talk with other guy because I love you. So, please don't go." I tried to kiss her

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She immediately blushing a lot, "Emm… please… Sep not here, we are in public." As she replied with embarrassing.

Suddenly, there is a loud voice, "A new patient from the battle arena. There is no serious wound only some bruised and mild concussion."

Shortly, all the competitor immediately approaches the patient including Eve who hurried there. They hope to get chosen as the healer from the senior cleric. I also approach the patient who is ruin my moment with Eve. There is trace of anger in my face since we being disturbed.

In my head, I want to beat up and curse the staff that shout at not the right time. However, after knowing who is the patient I change my target to him. Since by some dumb luck, Eve also being chosen to heal the concussion.

Then, I pick some nice towel from my space storage. I approach Eve who is healing the bald patient who if I am not wrong some prince from somewhere. Judging from the look in his broken armor It was done by Hilbert's new technique attack with bare hand. I feel some of water element in his leftover broken armor and wound.

After done healing the concussion, I give the tower to Eve who is look tired. At this split second, the bald prince wakes up and look at my cute Eve with perverted look. I immediately control the leftover water element in the broken armor to become needle.

Then, I control it to puncture his stomach and make it look like his broken armor that puncture it. *Arrgg…* before he knows what is going on, I hit his head with super human speed that nobody notices. Later, he become knocked out instantly with more concussion and little bit loss memory.

The senior cleric immediately takes over ever since the blood coming out from the stomach. This also make the other student disperse. I pity the one that tried to heal the body since he got covered with blood and being reprimand by the senior cleric.

Then, Eve glared at me, "Sep, is that your doing?" in small voice but coldly

"Well, a little bit…. Anyway, my stomach.." as I tried to change topic and avoid her glare because she is super damn cute with those angry expression. I don't know if I still can hold myself, when I look at it.

Later, I tried to teasing her again and keep her from attend any boy patient. I make it the boys wound look more serious when Eve tried to heal them. I keep doing it until the end of the festival.

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