Serving the Country

Chapter 2.1

Yu Shi Lang was a civil minister who was known for being reserved and introverted, so on bed Hua Rong would behave three parts debauched, and seven parts quiet and restrained.

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In actuality, this kind of thing wasn’t much different from roasting meat, maintaining a bit of fresh, rawness in cooked meat. The most important thing was that the customer liked it.


It wasn’t convenient to have a splint on during the affair, so Hua Rong had taken the bandage off before proceeding, only slightly suspending his left hand up.


If he himself didn’t really care about it, then contrarily, the other party would actually know to pity and cherish him. After the affair was done, Yu Shi Lang personally helped him bandage his hand, even writing a small poem of appreciation beside the orchids.


Hua Rong wasn’t interested in poems. He only liked the fragrant tea on Shi Lang’s desk, gulping down that Da Hong-Pao tea (1) of the highest quality like an ox.


Yu Shi Lang watched him from the side, letting out a sigh after a while, “I don’t know why, but I feel the happiest and most relaxed when I’m with you. All my strings just loosen up.”


Hua Rong turned around to look at him, obviously pretending to understand what he was saying.


“It’s really not easy to relax nowadays. Han tai-fu (2) is temperamental and hard to gauge, and the emperor yet again hasn’t spoken more than two sentences for the past three days…” Yu Shi Lang sighed again. These lamentations were all spoken without intent, he didn’t expect Hua Rong to help share his burdens at all.


He took out the silver after lamenting, and Hua Rong hurriedly made a hand sign to say thank you.


He made this gesture especially elegantly. His emotions were always the most honest when he received his reward.


He received another 500 shillings in one night. Hua Rong suddenly felt extremely generous and made an exception tonight, taking Hua Gui to Wang Jiang Pavilion (3) to eat dinner.

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Wang Jiang Pavilion was a very high grade place. The dishes were expensive and the plates were small; still dressed like an onion sprout as always, Hua Rong ordered an entire table of dishes like an upstart richie.


Hua Gui’s voice was as loud as normal, “You don’t need to gesture, I know that rich people’s dishes are all just ordered for people to look at. This time, I definitely won’t try to finish eating all of them.”


The place they were sitting at was right next to the river, it was the best position in Wang Jian Pavilion, and an elegant, dissatisfied cough was immediately heard from the neighbouring table.


Hua Rong raised his head and recognised that that person was Minister Ding (4), hurriedly signalling for Hua Gui to stop talking.


“You’re here to experience how the people live, and yet you won’t allow others to talk. Why bother?” Another person spoke up, saying a few free and unfettered sentences, his voice slightly hoarse.


Minister Ding hurriedly bowed, “Being able to gaze at the moon along the same river as King Fu Ning is this commoners good fortune.”


King Fu Ning, Han Lang. This name immediately silenced the entire place. Even the sound of everyone’s breathing dropped by a few decibels.


Han Lang turned back and gazed towards the surface of the river, watching the dead silence in which the bright moon coldly shone upon the water. Just like this, he was experiencing the people’s way of life in the pavilion filled with terror-stricken people.


At this most inappropriate time, Hua Rong actually made a sound, opening his fan with a “hua”.


Han Lang’s gaze drifted over him and Minister Ding satisfied his curiosity, hurriedly speaking, “This one is Hua Rong. I remember mentioning him to wang-ye before, he is…”

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“He’s a pile of fatty meat that can be weighed on a scale and bought for a bit of silver.” Han Lang curved up his lips and retrieved his gaze from Hua Rong’s body, “I’m not interested in this type of goods.”


Minister Ding was slightly embarrassed and only replied awkwardly after a moment, “What wang-ye says is extremely correct. What kind of status does wang-ye have, labouring for the country and sharing the emperor’s burden…”


“Status?” Han Lang once again caught onto his words, a hint of cold light flashing within his eyes, “What? Do you think this is a good status? Is it easy to be King Fu Ning? Just like how Fu Chai is still a husband despite his deeds (5), accompanying the lord is like accompanying a tiger, so why don’t you try to be King Fu Ning for a day and see?”


Sweat dripped from Minister Ding’s forehead, and he extremely carefully picked a few words to say, “Without speaking of anything else, just wang-ye’s talent is enough to behold. With just a few words, you managed to come up with an absolute rebuttal. I’m afraid that there’s no one in the entire court who can match a phrase to yours.”


He hadn’t even finished with his flattery when another sound was made in the pavilion. Hua Rong actually once again closed his fan with a “pai” at the most inappropriate time.


“Does this gentleman mean that he can match one?” Han Lang suddenly turned back, looking at him thoughtfully.


Onion sprout gentleman Hua Rong actually nodded his head, not only nodding, but also standing up and opening his fan again. Very carefreelly, he took two steps forward.


This motion made even Hua Gui realise that he lacked an understanding of of the state of affairs, and from behind, he stamped his foot in anger, “Reporting to wang-ye, my family’s master doesn’t know how to pair phrases (6) at all, he’s a mute!”


“Being mute doesn’t necessarily mean that he can’t write.” Han Lang replied in a very friendly manner, raising his hand and signalling to who knew where.


Immediately, a servant brought brush and ink.

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Hua Rong carefreelly picked up the brush, using his right hand to grind the ink. Very soon, he’d already finished writing.


Han Lang brought the paper before his eyes. As he read it, the audience’s hearts were all beating rapidly.


In the end, Han Lang’s expression remained normal after he read it, only placing a slender finger on Hua Rong’s folding fan, lightly swirling his finger around the three words “Dian Qian Huan”.


“Dian Qian Huan.” He slowly read it aloud, each word colder than the other. “Whose pleasure are you having before which palace?! (7) Who taught you to be so daring!”


“Beat him for me!” The moment that he got up and left, Han Lang waved his hand, “Hit him until he talks!”


The piece of paper on the table also disappeared at this moment, being collected into his sleeve by Han Lang.


“Fu Chai is also a husband despite his deeds, accompanying the lord is like accompanying a tiger.


If Jun Rui is also a gentleman, then what need is there to use a ladder to cross the wall? (8)”


This was what was written on the paper.


People like Fu Chai were upright Kings, and people like Jun Rui were merely thieves. This Hua Rong’s guts were bigger than the heavens, actually daring to accuse Han wang-ye of usurping the country and being a thief.

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Han Lang wore a cold smile the entire way back, but even he couldn’t help but admit that he was beginning to gain some interest in that fatty meat like onion sprout.


“It’s fine to just beat him until his legs break.” Thinking up to here, Han Lang suddenly stopped walking, “I almost forgot. Beating a mute until he talks… isn’t that just beating him to death?”


Translator’s Notes

Also known as the Big Red Robe through direct translation, it’s considered a type of Oolong tea that originated from Fujian province in China. Depending on the materials used to make it, it can be quite expensive (More info:

Another official rank kind of similar to regent; basically, he assists the emperor/ruler and holds great power

Can be directly translated as River Gazing Pavilion

Doesn’t specify what he’s the minister of; there are several types of shang-shu’s

Fu Chai was the King of Wu during the Spring Autumn period. Here, it’s referencing how he was extremely lustful and had many wives, but despite his infidelity, he is still what he is - all of their husbands; he still fulfilled his husbandly duties

Not a very accurate translation of the actual event they’re describing. What they’re talking about is “supply[ing] the antithesis to a given phrase” - this is a kind of literature/art/culture that has been alive since the Han Dynasty, and is still fairly well used today

Possibly should’ve explained this earlier, but Dian Qian Huan can have several meanings. Here, it’s referring to doing ahem… “pleasurable” things before a palace

Jun Rui is a person’s name (there’s no famous person historical person called Jun Rui though). Here, the “gentleman” part could also mean lord, or honourable person, but it’s basically saying that if you are what you say you are (and you have no underhanded motives), then there’s no need to fear and go about doing things in a shady manner; essentially, Hua Rong is saying that Han Lang is taking advantage of his position to abuse his power, and that he’s trying to become emperor (I think… pretty sure, but it’s kinda vague)



I'll be splitting this chapter into two parts (don't want the translator's notes to get too long ahaha) ^_^ I'll translate and upload the second part as soon as possible :)

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