Sevens (LN)

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 – Doesn’t Want To Recognize

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Inside the hideout like shop in Darion, Ciel.

There, I was consulting Rondo-san. Beside Rondo-san, Ralph-san was eating cake happily with an atmosphere as though he wasn’t in a state of giving consultation at all. I too didn’t want to bother Ralph-san’s important time with something like my consultation.

Rondo-san drank his beverage while listening to my story, and then──.

「I see, so you want to do something about running out of magic power. But, my bad this is something that is outside my specialty. A sword that is a magic tool will use some magic power, but using it until you run out of magic power never happen. After all normally it’s not used consecutively so much.」

What should I do so that I don’t run out of magic power? The answer that Rondo-san gave back wasn’t something that could satisfy me.

「So there is no other way than to diligently train myself.」

Rondo-san took a sip of his drink before lifting his gaze slightly.

「It’s not something that you can train like stamina though. You have no other way only in this other than going through growth. In fact, I once used my magic power until the limit, but if that happened in the middle of battle, I don’t think I will be able to survive.」

Rondo-san made a difficult expression. Then Aria-san came to the table of us who were like that.

「The pie for your takeaway is prepared, so please speak to me when you are going to go home. Wait, you two are making a really serious face.」

I had become a regular customer to a degree of being able to converse intimately with Aria-san. She was worrying about me seeing me being not energetic. The one who was moved seeing Aria-san like that was the First inside the Jewel.

『What a good girl. Surely Alice-san was also a woman with beautiful heart like Aria-chan, no doubt about it.』

The Second who was the most affected by the First feeling moved like this spoke with a cold tone.

『How the hell you can know that when you had never even talked with her huh?』

He said and clicked his tongue. Well, the sight of his father watching and praising other woman than his mother surely was something offending for him as a son.

「No, that……actually I experienced going out of the city several days ago and fought a real battle. At that time I failed in various things.」

Aria-san who heard that looked at me a bit enviously.

「Is, that so.」

I thought to ask her what she meant by that, but Ralph-san finished eating and Rondo-san was also standing up from his seat. It seemed it would be bad for them if they didn’t return soon.

「Lyle-kun, my bad. It’s time for us. I’ll place our payment here, so use the change for Lyle-kun’s share. Ralph, we are going back after getting the souvenir. Rachel will get noisy otherwise.」

Ralph-san also said farewell to me and Aria-san with a satisfied look before leaving.

「Both of you, we are going back ahead. Lyle too don’t be so worried. It’s better to train rather than worrying. Also, Aria……is the price raised?」

Aria-san said to Ralph-san.

「Even the shop has it hard. Somehow the ingredient’s price was rising recently. Because there is bandits appearing, the bodyguard escort fee got added. It’s the same situation anywhere.」

Ralph-san was convinced, then he waved his hand to me and Aria-san while going out of the shop. I talked a bit with Aria-san who was taking away the plates.

「Aria-san, did you look slightly envious just now?」

Then Aria-san smiled wryly while,

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「You noticed? You’re sharp. I like this job here but, I’m better at moving my body. That’s why at first I thought of becoming adventurer. But, there is also various family circumstances, besides……this thing, it won’t respond to me. Surely I don’t have a talent.」

Aria-san flicked the red Gem hanging on her neck with her finger and made a slightly lonely look. And then, she spoke if only she could become an adventurer,

「I want to earn a lot while also going through various adventures. Earning money……if I can do that, Tou-san too will be a bit……ah, sorry. I was complaining.」

「No, previously I also failed and you even saw me crying.」

「Ahahaha, certainly. We are even with this then.」

And then Aria-san looked at me while,

「Well, I also like my work right now. They taught me the various things that I was lacking in study. But, as expected I’m also feeling envious at Lyle and others.」

「Me? But, I was told someone like me is no good.」

Then Aria-san said.

「Isn’t it fine that you are no good? Only extremely few people are good at things right from the start. If you work hard even though you are no good and then become capable……well, I too am giving a lot troubles for this shop, so I cannot say anything about other people though. Oops, I have to return to work. Lyle too do your best.」

Aria-san cleaned up the tableware and headed inside the shop.


The night of that day.

I returned from Ciel and handed the souvenir to Novem before I sent my consciousness to inside the Jewel. The ancestors were all present in the round table room and held out an inconsequential talk under the pretext of talking about from here on. The First talked loudly.

『I REMEMBER ITTT! It was that time when I returned to the village with my broken heart! I refused marrying other woman than Alice-san, but the surrounding kept nagging me so I randomly made some requirements for taking wife while I was drunk! No, I never thought they would take it seriously……』

The inconsequential truth of Walt House that newly came to light. It was a sad truth of how the requirements that the First spouted off randomly while drunk became the precepts of Walt House for generations. It would be great if this kind of truth got stayed buried forever rather than knowing it.

The Sixth spoke that it wasn’t surprising hearing that at this late hour while,

『Now then, what are we going to talk about today? Lyle came here, so if possible I want to have a productive talk.』

The Fourth who served as the facilitator took off his glasses and wiped the lenses with a cloth. He didn’t look really interested, showing no sign that there would be something important to talk today.

『This is a chance to take into consideration how Lyle is unexpectedly strong. But, no matter how strong he is, just that much is troubling. You have small magic power. Even though you are skilled with sword, your experience is overwhelmingly insufficient. There are many things you are lacking at, even thinking about the future there is nothing to particularly change right now. Or rather……it’s because Lyle’s own objective isn’t decided.』

Everyone’s gaze gathered on me. My objective that I still cannot decide yet. When I couldn’t answer, the First hit the table and attracted everyone’s gaze to him.

『The matter about that kind of guy doesn’t matter! The problem is Aria-chan. From the talk today, and then from how she looked like she want to stop working at that shop that made her dressed embarrassingly like that, we’ve gotta support her! Furthermore it looks like even her father is having trouble!』

The person herself unexpectedly wore that outfit in high spirits though. The Second spoke in irritation.

『It must be really hard for her to have a good-for-nothing father. I sympathize with her there.』

The Fourth put on his glasses while replying to the First’s statement.

『Rejected. Did you forget? Lyle right now is still green behind his ears. And yet, you want to support her? Please don’t make me laugh. Besides, the First doesn’t recognize Lyle right?』

The First suddenly fell silent. Although the ancestors possessed will, they didn’t have flesh body. That was why, if they wanted to do something they could only ask me to do it. But, the First didn’t recognize me who was in possession of flesh body.

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The Fifth also reacted the same.

『Even if we are going to help her, is it a problem that Lyle can meddle with? Besides, if it doesn’t go well Lyle will have to look after her. Are you planning to make Lyle take care of her for his whole life? Now then, what will Novem think in that case?』

Everyone immediately formed the conclusion that there was no need to meddle into the problem carelessly. But, the First wasn’t convinced.

『Then, you are saying it will be fine if Aria-chan got dirtied by other man! Lyle, are calling yourself a man like that huh!』

He said, but in the first place the premise was wrong. Certainly I liked Aria-san. But, it wasn’t an emotion of romantic love.

「That’s, certainly Aria-san is someone who I like. But, that like is liking her as a person……it’s not, love.」

When I said it clearly, the First pulled at his hair with both hands.

『This weakling bastard!』

When I got bewildered from the First yelling angrily at me, the Fourht praised me.

『That’s good Lyle. Speaking clearly is a good thing. If you said I love both of them there, I’ll punch you flying. It’s just as I thought, there can only be one person who you love.』

The Fifth and the Sixth objected to the Fourth.

『……Oi, are you insinuating me there?』

『For someone’s in high position, depending on the situation sometimes they have to take care of multiple women. The Walt House was already a baron house at the Fourth’s era. Can’t you understand it?』

But, the Fifth was staring reproachfully at the Sixth who was saying that as though he wanted to say something. The Sixth seemed to feel uncomfortable and shifted his gaze from the Fifth. However, the First revived there.

『That’s right! Lyle can just marry them both! If he do that, my bloodline with Alice-san’s bloodline will……this is fate!』

The Third laughed at that irrational argument of the First while saying.

『Too bad! The current Lyle isn’t that resourceful! Well, no matter what is the era, only those with considerable power are able to take care of multiple women at once. Authority, money, fame……the current Lyle who doesn’t have any of that isn’t able to provide for even a single woman you know?』

The First turned and yelled at me. I wished he would stop already.

『You! Work a bit harder!』

「No, it’s troubling even if you told me that. Because, I have Novem, honestly speaking even if I’m told to do something about other woman……」

Then the Second who was staying quiet punched the First flying from the side and shut him up.

『That’s unsightly so calm down. Aria, that girl’s situation is pitiful, but it’s also the fact that the current Lyle doesn’t have the strength to help her. I’ll say this but, it’s like this because you don’t teach Lyle your Art.』

The First looked frustrated. I asked the First.

「Err, am I really that no good?」

The First looked at me and said.

『It’s that sissy attitude of yours! What’s more you would get timid every time and stay quiet, bothering Novem-chan like that!』

I wished that he would also understand that the Jewel was what largely caused that.

『I absolutely won’t recognize you! You get that, absolutely not!』

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If he hated me this much, there was nothing that could be done anymore wasn’t it? It felt like I would walk a life of being troubled by a cursed tool that was this Jewel from here on too.


The next day.

First we showed up in the guild in order to get outside the city. I filled the form and submitted it to Hawkins-san who was working as clerk. But, today the inside of the guild was really noisy. A lot of adventurers were talking with their comrades. Even though they should have plan after this, they paused and talked with each other. Naturally the adventurers were piling up inside and the second floor of the guild became noisy. I tried asking Hawkins-san.

「Hawkins-san. Did something happen?」

Hawkins-san accepted the form and answered after he turned his gaze to the surrounding.

「Actually, a second labyrinth appeared. This is about the matter of the formation of the subjugation group for that. There was already a dungeon appearing before this and the feudal lord dispatched his soldiers there but……with this second appearance, even if there is a knight to take command, the number of the manpower is lacking, so a request came to the guild. It’s rare that something like this happen.」

A second dungeon appeared in Darion and it was pressing to deal with it immediately.

「Dungeon is it.」

I have never entered dungeon until now. There was time when I thought that it would be only natural to challenge a dungeon if I become an adventurer. As expected I’m interested. But then Hawkins-san was,

「Lyle-kun? Don’t tell me, you want to participate? Unfortunately you won’t be permitted. We don’t know what kind of labyrinth it is, and you also only have Novem as your comrade. Right now is the time for you to diligently learn the basic.」

Hawkins-san was worried about me. I laughed and replied.

「No, as expected I won’t try challenging a dungeon. But, it’s something I’m aspiring to do. One day I want to try challenging one.」

Hawkins-san nodded in understanding.

「If you work hard one day a chance will come. In order to do that, first I recommend you increase the number of your comrade. Have you found who seems like they will be a good match?」

I’m thinking to increase the number of comrade sooner or later.

「We are looking but, it’s not really……」

After saying that I bid farewell to Hawkins-san, then I met up with Novem and Selphie-san.


──Cheap apartment.

It was the apartment where Aria lived with her father. There was one room, shared toilet and no bathroom. There was a magician nearby who would prepare hot water and earned small change by opening public bathhouse. Aria would rely on that place to shower with hot water before heading to work.

But, as expected even such livelihood was harsh as expected. Aria was looking at the figure of her father drinking cheap alcohol and grumbling while reading the household account book for this month.

「……It’s not enough at all. Even though the night shift gave relatively better wage.」

She was working at the time period from evening until night. With the shop’s customers being mostly men, the number of customer would tend to increase after evening. Because of that, Aria would take care of her father in the apartment from morning until afternoon.

She would do the housework and other things, then at evening she would work until night. At the end she would collect her father and returned home, that was her daily routine.

「As I thought, there is no other way than to become prostitute or adventurer……」

When she muttered that, Aria’s father stood up. He threw the alcohol bottle he was holding at Aria. The alcohol splashed on the book and Aria looked at her father in surprise. His body had became emaciated compared to before, and then there was shadow under his eyes. Furthermore his eyes were bloodshot and didn’t look sane.

「Aria, what did you just say. You, you call yourself the daughter of Lockwarde Houle like that!? A daughter of baron house becoming adventurer or prostitute……don’t screw around!」

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「Le, let go!」


When her father sprang at her, Aria immediately pushed him away. Aria’s strength was stronger than the average man.

「Yo, you……」

「Tou-san, sorry!」

Aria ran to her father and helped him stood up in a hurry, then this time it was Aria who was pushed away. Her father grabbed Aria’s wallet and rushed outside. Aria casted her gaze down seeing her father like that.

「Even though in the past, it wasn’t like this.」

Aria’s father married into Lockwarde family. He was accepted as groom from a house with lower status. It became a complex for him. He also failed repeatedly until he ended up committing embezzlement, and Lockwarde House was terribly ruined when Aria was a child.

Right now they had lost even their peerage, and yet her father didn’t recognize that. Aria felt really sad when she thought of that.

「Even though we cannot worry about such thing after this late.」

Aria who wanted to cry now had to think seriously about the future from here. Her hope was to become adventurer, but she heard that adventurer had to save money to gather equipment before they became able to earn money. And so, her choice was limited.

「……There is no other choice but to become prostitute isn’t it?」

She resolved herself to do that. But──.

「But, I’m not graceful, whether will there be customer who buy me……aha, ahahaha……」

She forcefully laughed but, tears immediately flowed out. After a while she wiped her tears and stood up, thinking that she would visit the brothel who called out to her previously. Her situation already reached a point where she couldn’t look after her father without earning money that way. Thinking that she should at least put her hair in order, she searched for a mirror. It was then a voice came from the door.

「Oi, that guy’s home is here right?」

「Ye, yes.」

「Get a grip! You got tricked by that old man!」

「Bu, but, I’ve pinned down that bastard’s house successfully! Besides, I heard he got a daughter here. If we hand over that daughter to boss──」

「Idiot! I’ve explained it to you! Right now what we need is money. Money! We’re going to sell that daughter with high price. Absolutely don’t lay your hand on her. If you do it I’ll kill you for real this time.」

It was the voices of two men. Sensing their unusual atmosphere, Aria tried to hide, but she was inside a cramped room. There wasn’t any place to hide, and her father didn’t lock the door.

「Oh, it’s open.」

When the small statured man entered the room, Aria moved her gaze searching for something that she could use as weapon. Then, a man dressed like an adventurer with armor on his body pushed aside the smaller man and entered the room. Aria took the chair and threw it, but the man brushed it aside with his arm. Aria was astonished seeing the easily broken chair. And then──.

「Just sleep quietly.」

The man’s fist was driven into Aria’s stomach and her consciousness turned distant.

「Big bro, it’s not good if we make too much ruckus……」

「Idiot. Right now the feudal lord cannot move. This is our only chance. We are going to leave this kind of city and change from bandit into mercenary group……」

The two men tied up Aria and left with her──.

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