Sevens (LN)

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 – Adventurer Guild

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It was a city that was connected with a highway to the capital Central. It was facing west from Central, but the royal family’s directly controlled area was spreading to the east side, so Darion was the nearest as a city that was ruled by a feudal lord. It had that kind of favorable condition, but there was other well maintained highway and its importance was lowered. Because of that apparently the place was really deserted for a time.

But, after there was a change in feudal lord the reformation seemed to be advancing well. Construction work for the sake of expansion was being done everywhere, so there was no impression of desolateness. Rather it looked like a city that was overflowing with vitality.

The city that was governed by baron house Rovenia was bustling. The ancestors were looking at the city while speaking various opinions. Starting from the first in turn,

『……It’s even more livelier than what I heard. It only looked like an envious city in my era where money will gather even without doing anything.』

『The highway is maintained and if it connect to the center of the country that is Central then of course the city will grow. Looking at the map the territory’s scale is small, but the income seems sufficient.』

『The expenses for baron house and above is at different level though. Around the level of baronet house depending on the situation the income can be good and the subordinates will also be respectful. When the territory’s scale is swelling up managing it will also become difficult, if pushed to say then baronet house can be more casual and have it easier.』

『Can the third who was pushing me up to that baron house say that……. Well, baron house has it hard but if it’s an area of this scale that has been inherited throughout generations then surely they also have a full set of vassals to help, there must be no problem for them.』

『It’s near the capital and an important place for traffic. If they had made an effort even since before then the city’s scale will already be a bit bigger than this.』

『No, there is no guarantee of that. After all you can go to the capital from here right away, so the human resources will flow there. Besides, surely this city is also depending a lot on the capital. Thinking about that relationship, the feudal lord of this area might have it hard.』

『……Rovenia House huh. Was it the previous generation head or the one before that? I had talked with him several times. He was a spoiled young master with really naïve thinking.』

Their opinions were all over the places due to their respective sense of values and the era they lived in.

Passing through the gate, the connecting coach stopped and the passengers went down. I carried mine and Novem’s luggage while walking through the narrow passage inside the coach. Then in front of me a man forcefully crossed through.

The man didn’t even apologize despite bumping into me. While I was watching the man in bewilderment, Novem called out to me from behind.

「Lyle-sama, there are people waiting behind, so let’s hurry.」

「Go, got it.」

In the mansion, the servants would make way for me even though I was hated, so this bewildered me a bit. This kind of side might be no good, but I could only get bewildered at the drastic change of environment. I got down from the connecting coach, then I put down the luggage after getting out and stretched out.

「Finally out after several hours.」

Then Novem looked at me and smiled before taking the luggage into her hand. The second who was watching my action from the Jewel warned me.

『……Lyle, there are many passerby. If you are going to stand around do it after walking for a bit more. Also, don’t let go of your luggage carelessly. Try looking around.』

When I looked around, there were children observing this way. Their clothes were ragged and their gaze was sharp. Besides, there were also small statured man paying attention to the surrounding.


Looking there, the man who cut across in front of me forcefully before this was talking to someone with his luggage placed down. Taking advantage of that opening the small man crossed the side and instantly took away the luggage. The city had vitality, but that wasn’t all. It was a city that you couldn’t let your guard down inside, that was my honest impression.

The first was exasperated.

『Taking step for theft of this level is the basic of the basic. This guy, he really don’t know anything. Aa~aa, Walt House’s education is mistaken.』

The seventh objected at the first’s exasperated speech. He did but, it was doubtful whether what he was saying was to cover for me or not.

『Lyle is the heir of a count house with noble blood flowing through him! It’s only natural to leave something like this to the people around him!』

The second said to the seventh.

『No, right now there aren’t any people like that around him, on top of that he was driven out from the house so he is also isn’t the heir of anything though? As expected it will be bad if he keep being ignorant about the society.』

──Certainly that’s true.

「My bad Novem. Let’s hurry on ahead. It’s already late today. Let’s head to the guild tomorrow morning.」

I took the luggage from Novem and started walking away. It wasn’t as bad as Central, but the dust and the smell of the area were terrible. Novem nodded and walked diagonally behind me.


The next day.

I and Novem entrusted the luggage to the inn and searched the adventurer guild in Darion.

When we went to a street with a lot of people and asked around, we were told that the adventurer guild was the splendid building that was visible from here. The people who taught us were a trio of men and woman.

One was a youth with short brown hair who was older than me, with a sword hanging on his waist, and wearing leather armor. He had an atmosphere refreshing good young man, and when Novem asked he immediately taught us the guild’s location. Novem must have judged that he was and adventurer from how he was wearing protector on his body. In a glance he could also be seen as a knight or soldier, but that youth──Rondo was together with two other people. Thanks to that we knew that he was an adventurer.

「The building you can see there I the adventurer guild of Darion. It’s relatively big for a city of this size.」

The small girl carrying a wooden staff with green wavy hair that reached until her shoulder was wearing a robe, her appearance seemingly looked like a magician. Her face showed a character of determined spirit but she was kind.

「We too came to Darion several months ago. We became adventurer at our home town, but as expected the work there was few, so we saved travel expense and came until here. You two look like rookie. You made the right choice coming here. There are a lot of work──request here.」

The smiling female──Rachel seemed to think that we were rookie trying to become adventurer. She wasn’t mistaken, so I nodded at her.

The youth who was the tallest among the three, carrying a spear with ill-bred looking short Mohican hair──Ralph seemed to recall his home town and spoke with a nostalgic expression.

「This place is nice. At our hometown even after becoming adventurer, the request we took was helping out acquaintance. The requests could be counted in one hand, other than that there was only going outside to exterminate monster. Compared to that time, in this place being adventurer felt more real.」

Rondo-san and Rachel-san talked about various things to us.

「Even registering as adventurer take money after all. Well, there is also option of borrowing money from the guild though. If you do that, remember that the money will be deducted some from your reward.」

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Novem looked at the three and said.

「Will the three of you continue becoming adventurer like this in Darion?」

Then Rachel-san shook her head.

「You can live on by staying here but, we want to aim higher. Our objective here is to save money and prepare our equipment. If we don’t have thing like magic tool, we are going to be considered as low level as adventurer no matter what.」

You would be considered as low level if you don’t have magic tool? Then, I thought of having one too, but I saw the Jewel hanging on my neck. I recalled that this thing interfered with magic tool and the carved Art wouldn’t activate. A temptation to throw away this and obtain a magic tool that was carved with Arts attacked me. Ralph-san lifted his spear to the sky smilingly.

「Yes! We are aiming even higher! After Darion, we will head to a place where we can fight monster more. We will add more comrades and the last will be Beim! There we will aim to become first class adventurer!」

Rachel-san shyly averted her gaze seeing that. Because Ralph-san gathered the gaze of the surrounding. Rondo-san was watching with a smile.

「That’s how it is. Our final objective is the capital of adventurer. However, we want to pile up experience and grow in Darion before that. We will prepare equipment, gather comrades……our aim is to be first class adventurer.」

Rachel-san looked at Rondo-san’s face and blushed slightly. There was clearly a difference compared to the time with Ralph-san. Even though both were youth talking about the same dream.

「You two do your best too. Look, you can see the entrance there.」

The large building had three floors. Furthermore the ground was wide. The entrance was wide and horse cart and so on were coming and going repeatedly. The appearance of the people walking looked like merchant rather than adventurer. Besides, the first floor area of the building was──how to say it, it seemed to be a market. It only looked like adventurers and merchants were selling and buying monster material. I pointed at the first floor area and,

「Err, why is the first floor like a market, or a warehouse?」

The four there stiffened hearing my words. And then, there was also a sigh from inside the Jewel. Did I ask something strange?


Inside the guild.

We who entered into the second floor received various explanations from Rondo-san there.

「Monster material is precious resource. But, the guild isn’t directly buying and selling it. Sometimes there will also be request asking for some kind of material though. What the guild is fundamentally managing is the red stone inside monster’s body, the magic stone.」

Rachel-san puffed out her chest and explained to me.

「Magic stone is useful for various things. Let’s see. Putting it simply it’s energy source. There are magic tools that are using magic stone inside, and even craftsmen are using it. It also became necessary when creating magic tool, so its amount of consumption is great. It’s the source of income of adventurer.」

Ralph-san also looked at me and explained even while feeling slightly astonished.

「That’s why what the guild want is only magic stone. Speaking bluntly, it’s the guild that manages the magic stone. I won’t go as far as saying that the management of adventurer is just an extra, but it’s not the essential part. Adventurer guild hold the right for magic stone, that’ why it can become an organization this big yeah. But, because of that adventurer has to process the magic stone and the monster’s bone, meat, skin, etc. separately. That’s troublesome, that’s why the guild is providing the market place. After that, there is a bathhouse next to here right? It’s better to not come here after returning back from adventure when you are still sweaty, muddy, and bloody. Because of that most guilds has bathhouse next door.」

Hearing Ralph-san’s explanation, it was the fourth who corrected the mistake. Apparently Ralph-san’s explanation was slightly mistaken.

『Perhaps it’s fine for the small fry to have perception of that level, but it’s a bit different. There are adventurer guilds throughout the continent but, it’s not like all of them are the same single organization. Lyle, remember this. The countries and the feudal lords won’t allow that kind of organization. After all it’s holding the enormous right for the magic stone already. It’s a troublesome existence. But, no matter what an organization to manage the adventurers is needed, and the management of magic stone is also necessary. What is called guild is an organization that is independent from each other and cooperate with its surrounding. They simply have shared rule.』

In other words, adventurer guild wasn’t anything like a huge organization, it was an assembly of independent organization that cooperated with the surrounding and acted in concert. But, the seventh was irritated while,

『I hate adventurer guild though. Adventurers are just a gathering of bandit and mercenary. Even though the guild asked for the cooperation of the feudal lord saying that they have to be managed, they did as they pleased using the right for magic stone as shield……shit-, how can my cute grandson Lyle is going to join such gathering of ruffians!』

Novem was looking around while receiving the explanations. Three guild staffs working as clerk were sitting side-by-side at the reception counter of the second floor. Each of them seemed to have their own individuality, but there was also difference in the length of adventurer queuing before each clerk. Rondo-san asked me.

「Lyle-kun doesn’t have any weapon? It looks like you don’t even bring a knife though?」

I scratched my head with my right hand while,

「My weapon is saber. But, I don’t have it right now. I’m thinking to buy it here.」

The money I received from Zel had been used by a third from the recent traveling. Most of the time it was Novem who paid so if not because of that I didn’t know whether I would have anything left. It was unthinkable that I would be able to buy weapon with the remaining money in my possession.

Ralph-san nodded. He must have guessed my feeling.

「I understand. I understand you. Weapon is expensive after all. It’s luxurious to have a weapon right from the start like Rondo.」

Rondo-san made a slightly troubled face while saying to Ralph-san.

「I received it when leaving my house. It was a parting gift. Beside, I prepared everything other than that by myself so isn’t it fine? Your spending is uncontrolled so you couldn’t buy anything other than weapon.」

Rachel-san looked at me while putting her hand on her chin.

「Saber huh. I won’t say that it’s bad but, are you really fixated to it? If you are only buying then even a short sword will be fine. I also recommend weapon like spear, even sword if it’s double-edged sword like Rondo it can also become a blunt weapon, is that type of weapon no good?」

He had experience using other weapon, but he was fixated with saber no matter what. Because it felt like that was the only thing left for the current me. Memory with my family──and then, it was something that I grasped everyday to have them recognize me someday. The ancestors inside the Jewel didn’t understand that feeling. The first spoke disinterestedly without any sign of following the decided rule.

『There isn’t any big deal monster in a place like the surrounding of the city right? It’s enough to just use the wood or rock lying around or your bare fist. This guy even if there is a great sword he won’t be able to swing it around.』

The second dressed like a hunter, so as expected his weapon seemed to be a bow. He strongly recommended bow to me.

『Lyle, bow is great. If you get used in handling it then you can fight without getting near the enemy.』

The third spoke nonchalantly.

『Is that so? It’s best using the weapon you are used to.』

The fourth told me to stop using saber from the financial aspect.

『Thinking of the price how about short sword? There is no need to suddenly prepare saber.』

The fifth seemed to be not interested and didn’t say anything. The sixth recommended spear.

『A spear is a safe choice. If possible, it will be even better if there is a halberd though.』

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The seventh spoke in disappointment.

『If it’s in the mansion, I’ll tell you to take a gun from my collection but……good grief, no one understand the usefulness of gun.』

Now that he mentioned it, several type of guns were hanged on the wall in the seventh’s room. Were they usable even now? Even if they were usable, where should I go to procure the bullet? There is no doubt that it was a weapon with various problems. But, there was something that I noticed here.

The sense of values of the ancestors were too different from each other, their opinion differed and on top of that it was also doubtful whether their opinion was the optimum one. Even if I consulted them the reply that came back was different, it was troublesome and annoying.

I replied to Rachel-san.

「……E, err, I’ll think about it. First of all money is also necessary.」

Then Rondo-san smiled at me.

「That’s fine. It’s fine to decide based on what other told you, but it’s also important to make a decision that you can accept yourself. Well, it will be even better if it can also match reality.」

And then while we were talking, climbing the stair vulgar looking adventurers──a bunch of guys who looked like thugs that the seventh mentioned glared at us when they passed through and caught sight of us. Ralph-san got a bit into a bad mood, but he got seen by Rachel-san right away and shrugged his shoulders.

Rachel-san looked at them and spoke.

「That kind of guys weren’t here when we first came, but recently they are increasing in number. One person became two, and now it looks like they are accepting request with five people. Oops, Rondo, Ralph, let’s us go taking a quest too.」

Told that by Rachel-san, they headed toward a display board that had papers put on it. Rondo-san raised and waved his right hand at me while,

「You two do your best too.」

Novem bowed her head to the three then she turned to me.

「Lyle-sama, let’s go taking care of the procedure. It seems it will be fine if we register at the counter.」

Among the three people at the counter, from where I’m standing there was a blonde haired and blue eyed female with radiant smile at the left. A plate with a name written on it could be seen at the counter. Santoa Maillet──she had surname, so she must be a daughter from a relatively good place.

The adventurers lining up in front of her were mostly young male. The queue there was the longest.

At the middle was a portly middle aged woman named Marietta. She was taking care of documents briskly. The line of the adventurer was advancing forward one after another. There were also females among the adventurers there, and there were also many males with ambience to them lining up there.

The queue there was the second longest.

And then the right clerk’s queue was the shortest. The name plate was carved with the name Hawkins. His body was big and trained which was obvious even from above the clothes. Tanned skin. Red hair that was cut shortly. He was a hard-faced clerk. Looking at the situation, I thought that the middle aged woman at the center would be good and stepped toward there. But, the second stopped me.

『Lyle, let’s go to the right clerk. That hard-faced clerk. Don’t go to the left even by mistake. Don’t ogle the beautiful clerk even though you’ve got Novem-chan, is not what I’m saying. That girl is no good. Also, the woman in the center isn’t no good, but for the current Lyle the right clerk is better.』

Told that by the second, I pondered for a bit and chose the right clerk. There was also the advantage that the queue there was the shortest, but the biggest reason was that the other ancestors didn’t deny the second’s opinion.

Novem was a bit surprised seeing me.

「How unexpected. I thought that Lyle-sama would choose the middle clerk.」

「I guess. At first I was thinking that.」

Novem looked at me and smiled.

「I also intended to recommend the right clerk. He is the most polite and will be a help to us beginner.」

When I looked at the right counter, certainly the person was hard-faced but he carried out his work with a smile. Surely his reception would be polite.

「Then it’s decided.」

We lined up at the right clerk. The queue was the shortest, so in a glance I thought there was some kind of problem. But, the most no good staff was the left side beauty, Santoa-san.

When I turned my gaze there, Santoa-san was dealing with an adventurer with equipment of bad quality. I couldn’t see whether his face was good or bad, but apparently the person wasn’t Santoa-san’s preference. Even though before this she was doing reception with a smile, her attitude suddenly became disinterested.

「So you accomplished the request. I’ll prepare the reward. Your tab in the guild is piling up isn’t it? I’ll deduct it from the reward then.」

It seemed the man had some kind of debt in the guild. He panicked while,

「Please wait a bit. My comrade was hurt and need treatment fee. I beg you can you please deduct around just ten percent from the reward this time?」

The male adventurer talked with buttering up voice and gaze. But, Santoa-san looked disinterested. She wrote something in a document while,

「Geez, I’ve written it already so it’s impossible to correct it. Then, this is your reward.」

Silver coin and silver colored plate came out. But, the man doggedly asked if something could be done somehow. Then, the adventurers behind him were,

「How long you’re gonna take huh. Santoa-chan is troubled because of you!」

「Leave right away.」

「Santoa-chan, you okay?」

The adventurers behind turned noisy. The man looked frustrated while taking the reward before going out as though escaping from that place. The next adventurer might be Santoa-san’s preference, her attitude was clearly different. It was an adventurer wearing a good quality clothes with proper getup. He said that he wanted to accept a request and handed a request paper that he tore down from the display board to Santoa-san.

「Santoa-chan, you have it hard with strange people picking trouble with you right from the morning. Tell me if something happen. I’ll immediately come running.」

「Thank you very much. Ah, this request……it’s better to not take this one. The reward is a bit cheaper than the market price after all. There is the same kind of request with higher money reward than this.」

「Is that so? Haha~, I always get helped by Santoa-chan every time.」

Laughing voice could be heard. Seeing that I thought that woman is scary.

The second’s voice came from inside the Jewel.

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『That girl called Santoa is no good. Her work is slow, and her reception is also bad. If talking about the face then she will surely act kind to Lyle too, but that girl feels like she will bring trouble. It’s better to not get near.』

The third chuckled.

『I think that beginner adventurer and beautiful clerk is the golden road of a tale though. Well, reality is like this. Lyle, your turn came already.』

My reality. That was the hard-faced male clerk who was clad in armor of muscle that was obvious to see even from above the clothes. He received me and Novem with a smile.

「Oh, you two are beginners? Are you two thinking to register as adventurer today?」

「Ye, yes.」

The smiling Hawkins-san nodded and began to take out several documents and tools. He was making preparation while talking to us.

「If both of you are registering together, then you should apply for party formation while you are at it. Do you have any objection to that?」

I titled my head hearing him mentioning party application. Novem took a step forward to stand beside me and requested Hawkins-san.

「Yes. Please do. Also about the registration fee.」

「It’s five silver coin in the rule from adventurer guild, so the two of you will cost a gold coin. Even if you cannot pay right away, you can also take a loan from the guild. At that time there will be interest so at the end you will have to pay six silver coins per person with that option.」

Novem took out a gold coin from her wallet and paid it right on the spot.

「We will pay upfront.」

「Thank you very much. Then, first there are columns you should fill in this paper. I want you to write on it but, can you write letters? I won’t mind to fill it in your place if you can’t.」

I accepted the form together with Novem and we wrote our name on it using ink and pen. We wrote general information like our birth place and so on.

After we handed the forms to Hawkins-san, he confirmed the content while nodding.

「Both of you have beautiful writing. Lyle Walt-san and Novem Forxus-san is it? You came from Vise? Ah, that place.」

Hawkins-san began to write something on the forms. I was nervous wondering if he would say something about my family name. But, there wasn’t anything like that and Hawkins-san began explaining.

「Then I will start explaining. From here on both of you will become adventurer with this Darion as your home base. In case you want to change home base please submit a moving out notification. And then, please show the moving in notification that we prepared at your next home base without fail. There is also exception but, fundamentally it’s the rule that you can only accept request in your home base.」

Hawkins-san courteously explained while looking at mine and Novem’s face. He confirmed whether we understood or not while continuing his talk. It was just as Novem and the second said, I’m glad I chose Hawkins-san.

「Next I will explain about guild card. This is a plate made from rare metal. Even if it get dropped inside a dungeon, there is no worry that this plate will get eaten by the dungeon. The personal record of adventurer is carved on it. It is a loan from the guild to the adventurer, so pleases don’t sell it as you please. You will be given penalty if you do so. Also, in case you lost it please quickly go through the procedure to reissue it. You will be charged with a fee in that case, so please don’t lose it if you can.」

A rectangle silver plate was prepared in front of us. When I asked, apparently the registration was done by putting our blood on two pieces of guild card. One card would be carried by ourselves, while the other one would be kept by the guild. And then, information was written on that guild card. Apparently when the holder died, the adventurer name would be crossed with horizontal line. By looking at that, the guild would confirm the death of the adventurer. The fourth was showing interest from inside the Jewel.

『This is a really convenient tool. Is it a type of magic tool……if it is spread to wider range, I believe it will be really convenient for various things.』

The fourth held interest to it must mean that it didn’t exist in his era. But, it seemed the first didn’t understand what was amazing about this guild card.

『Is that so? It’s only convenient to confirm the holder’s death right? Or rather, even if various things are written on this kind of place it will soon run out of space.』

The written apparently wasn’t done on the surface of the palm sized guild card, but inside it. Even if that was explained, the first couldn’t understand as expected.

Hawkins-san’s explanation continued, and then he handed two needles to us.

「Please stab your finger lightly and put the blood on the guild card. Things like name will be written by us. Ah, please wipe the blood with this and then apply this medicine.」

Novem lightly stabbed her index finger with the needle she received, then blood swelled out to form a drip, and it was then rubbed on the silver guild card. I also copied her and stabbed the needle, the pain prickled me. When I put the blood on the two silver plates──guild cards, the cards emitted seven colored light. Hawkins-san confirmed that and spread the forms we filled on a tray. He put the guild card on it and stood up from his chair before bringing them to the other side of a door. I and Novem who saw off his back wiped our fingertip while talking about Hawkins-san.

「How should I say it, he is mild mannered and courteous despite his appearance.」

Novem also agreed with my impression. After she finished wiping her finger she applied the medicine, then she looked my way and reached out. She wiped off my fingertip again until it was completely clean from blood and applied the medicine again. It seemed my way was sloppy.

「It’s appreciated that he was polite and easy to understand. I wish to ask him various things. After all there are also many things about adventurer that I don’t know about.」

Novem had received various education, even so apparently it wasn’t as far as detailed knowledge about adventurer. The second listened to my conversation with Novem while,

『What a good girl. Besides, she is really cautious and thoughtful about many things. She passed even the qualification as a wife like this isn’t it?』

The word wife caused the other ancestors to react slightly too. After all Walt House had a family precept. It was a precept for taking a wife, and woman who couldn’t pass that precept couldn’t marry into Walt House. It was such thing. It was a family precept that the successive heads of Walt Family had protected till now.

Then, the third seemed to see a small plank that was placed on the counter.

『Oh, that’s interesting. It’s written there, want to try receiving guidance from a veteran adventurer? It said.』

When my gaze turned there, Novem also seemed to notice.

「Lyle-sama is also interested? I’m also curious about it since some time ago. Receiving guidance from a veteran adventurer is important for us right now after all.」

On the small plank that was placed on the counter, it was written that veteran adventurer who was recognized by the adventurer guild could be dispatched as an instructor for beginner adventurer.

The content could be classified into two. Both had the time period of three months, but mainly it was two types where one was instructor that would give basic guidance in Darion──a type that dispatched common instructor, and a type that dispatched specialized instructor who could also be relied on battle.

The former would deduct the reward from each job as the teaching fee, it was written that the instructor would receive half the reward. But, this is for us who didn’t know anything, if we could receive instruction from adventurer who was recognized by the guild, that way would be helpful.

Receiving instruction from specialized instructor would go on for the same period of three months, even so we would need to pay in advance the fee of 20 gold coins. I was a bit hocked that it was so amazingly expensive. Surely that price was set with the thinking that it was just that valuable, but for me I didn’t know whether it was a reasonable price or not.

「Because we don’t know anything it’s important to be taught various things from someone knowledgeable. Let’s try asking.」

Then, the opinions inside the jewel were split. The first looked disinterested.

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『It’s fine even without doing something like that isn’t it? It’s just going outside, defeating monster and bringing it back right?』

The second objected. He thought that this chance should be used.

『It will be helpful to receive instruction. After all it’s stupid to try to solve everything using force like a certain idiot somewhere.』

The first raised his voice 『What!』, but the seventh who hated adventurer basically had different opinion from the two.

『Getting instruction from adventurer……even if it said that it’s an adventurer who is recognized by the guild, it will be just someone who is only slightly better from among good-for-nothings anyway. Their inside will still be good-for-nothing.』

It was the fourth who summarized those opinions.

『Please stay quiet. We have only talked yesterday to refrain from talking. Also, I think it won’t be too late to decide after listening to the explanation. Lyle, confirm the detail and whether it can be canceled in the middle or not.』

I touched the Jewel and looked at Novem.

「Let’s try asking Hawkins-san.」

「That’s right. It’s better to decide after properly listening what kind of program it is.」

Then, Hawkins-san returned from inside back to the counter. On the tray two guild cards with the name of me and Novem written on each one were placed. In addition there was also a booklet with the title adventurer regulation for beginner written on it.

「Sorry to have made you wait. These are the guild cards. And this one is a booklet filled with adventurer regulation. Please take a look of it first, because it’s written with things like how to receive request and the manners.」

After taking the guild cards and booklet from the smiling Hawkins-san, I pointed at the plank on the counter.

「Say, what kind of things will be taught by this general instructor?」

Hawkins-san explained without breaking smile.

「It will be the basic knowledge. It will teach the way to receive request that came to the guild, and then thing like preparedness in regard to the job. It will also properly teach you how to make your preparation, going outside to defeat monster, and even the way to strip monster material.」

It seemed that it would teach the fundamental as adventurer for three months. Regarding the instructor, it seemed most of them would be in age thirty. Most of them would be local adventurers who had raised a family with their livelihood based in Darion. Because of that, apparently they wouldn’t be adventurer who would think anything stupid and turned the guild into enemy or took action without thinking. Then, Novem asked for the explanation regarding the other specialized type to Hawkins-san.

「What kind of instruction will be given in the other type?」

Hawkins-san politely explained.

「Naturally the adventurer in this one will be someone recognized by the guild, but the instructor will be someone excellent even from among the adventurers. Its sphere of activity won’t be just around Darion, so this type of instruction is intended for adventurers who has become able to earn money at a place slightly far away from the city.」

Novem seemed to be planning to thoroughly confirm the difference between the two instruction types.

「Why is it there is this much difference in price between the two types? Even though the time period is the same.」

Hawkins-san didn’t make any reluctant expression and explained to Novem.

「The big difference is in the strength and the specialization of the support. The instructor adventurer will be someone excellent even among the adventurers who are recognized by the guild. They are able to face even threatening monster like orc. Because such high level adventurer will be the one giving exclusive instruction, the price is set this high. As for the type where the fee will be deducted from the reward, the instructor in charge of you can change depending on the day.」

Fundamentally, after the beginner learned the basic, they would work to earn money by themselves while gathering comrades. They then would prepare the fee by splitting the cost among the gathered comrades to receive instruction from an exclusive instructor that was recognized by the guild. That would be the case most of the time. Hearing those explanations, I was convinced and requested for the general instructor.

「Then, this general instructor──」

Before I could finish speaking, Novem took out her wallet and took out 20 gold coins from there. She put it on the tray on the counter. There were undoubtedly 20 gold coins there.

「……Eh? Err, Novem?」

Hawkins-san was also bewildered just like me.

「E, err, Novem-san? For beginner the general type will be better don’t you think?」

Even after hearing the words of me and Hawkins-san, Novem shook her head.

「No. We won’t be able to form communication if the instructors keep changing frequently. Besides, if the instructor is an excellent adventurer who is recognized by the guild, surely that will become a source of growth for Lyle-sama. This is investment for the future. But, can we cancel it if after looking at the instructor that person doesn’t seem to be excellent?」

Hawkins-san nodded even while looking bewildered.

「If there is justified reason then the money will be returned. Well, we will prepare the right adventurer so that won’t happen. Err… this really alright?」

Before I could say that we will think about it for a bit more, Novem nodded decisively.

「Yes. This is necessary expense for me and Lyle-sama.」

When Hawkins-san realized that Novem’s determination was firm, he stopped trying to persuade her and filled the procedure. He explained several points to note to us.

「I will receive the fee. With this it will be taken as both of you “requesting for an exclusive instruction from veteran adventurer”. At the end we will ask both of you to evaluate the instructor. Well, the explanation for that will be told to you along the process from here on. Please confirm it later.」

Apparently we would have to evaluate the work of the instructor at the end. Certainly, if it was like that then the instructor wouldn’t be able to do a bad job. But, I wanted to speak to Novem.

「Novem, isn’t this a bit too reckless? Didn’t you say to be careful with money?」

「Lyle-sama, our knowledge as adventurer is lacking, and there is only the two of us. It’s important to receive instruction from someone skilled and strengthen our basic. Besides, thinking about Lyle-sama’s future, just this much is nothing more than prior investment.」

Certainly, it was greatly insecure with only me and Novem. I who was argued down by Novem nodded. Hawkins-san looked at us while,

「That’s a reliable thinking you have there. Then, we will choose an adventurer who will suit both of you. There is also a need for preparation so please come back again to the guild the day after tomorrow. The time will be at eight. You will meet the instructor there, and if both sides are in agreement then the instruction will begin from that day.」

The process was advancing while I was bewildered and flustered. Novem and Hawkins-san were talking to each other about the detail and I could do nothing except watching them. Then, the third’s voice came from inside the Jewel.

『……Hey, Lyle right now, don’t you think he is terrible? He looks really no good to me.』

And then the first too toward me,

『……He only looks like a gigolo depending on Novem-chan.』

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