Sevens (LN)

Chapter Prologue


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Vanseim Kingdom──.

It is a large country that is the greatest in the continent, and it has reached its year of critical juncture, three hundred years since its founding. It’s located in the center of the continent, and it’s surrounded by the surrounding countries.

In the past, it was a country that was founded after defeating the kingdom──Centras Kingdom──that ruled the continent with fear. It was a country that being governed by the nobles with the king at the forefront. The country decayed and Centras Kingdom was already disqualified of being a ruler. It was then destroyed and three hundred years passed since the birth of the first generation king of Banseim.

Amidst Banseim Kingdom that has continued to prosper, there is a provincial noble house that is in a special position.

The house of Walt that has a history of 250 years.

It is a provincial noble house whose founder while being born in a house of knight of the royal court, he left the palace, and embarked to open up a forest area.

The first generation Basil Walt was born as the third son of a house of knight in the capital. He applied into a reclamation group, opened up a forest area where monsters were living, and created the foundation of the house of Walt.

The second generation Clasel Walt succeeded the first and maintained the land before entrusting it to the third generation, Sorey Walt.

The third generation Sorey, in the famous battle that was recorded in the history of Banseim Kingdom──the retreating battle of Remlraudt, he stopped a large army’s invasion with just a few troops, and he was known by the people as Banseim’s righteous general. Sorey was the first person who carved the name of Walt House in the history of Banseim.

The fourth generation, Max Walt received the merit from the achievement of his father Sorey Walt and obtained the court rank of baron. He was recognized as a true noble and the prosperity of Walt House knew no end.

But, the fifth generation Fredericks Walt was a contrast compared to his grandfather and father. He was known as a lustful man. Although he advanced the house rank from a baron house to a viscount house, he welcomed four mistresses several years after marrying his wife.

The sixth generation Fines Walt lived when Banseim plunged into a dark period. He worked hard to enlarge his own territory. He formed connection with the nobles in the capital and began snatching away the territory around him. It was said that the name of Walt House fell into the ground in that chaotic time of Banseim kingdom.

But, when the seventh generation Brod Walt was born, light shined on Walt House.

At the time, Banseim continued to be in chaos and allowed invasion from other country to occur.

The house of Walt advanced in rank and became a house of count. Brod who was leading the house displayed a magnificent great effort in order to save Banseim from the predicament. He even obtained the position as an advisor for the royal family and it was said that the house of Walt regained its honor then.

Such house of Walt reached the eight generation──.

──When it became the generation of Meisel Walt, the dark cloud was enshrouding once more.


Under the jovial sunlight of the spring──an event that doesn’t suit such clear weather is going on.

The mansion of Walt House is worthy for a house of count. It has walls surrounding its vast ground, in addition the mansion was designed by a famous architect. While it was built extravagantly, the construction of the building was also pursuing functionality. Even the garden, from its front yard until the courtyard, and even the back yard are all maintained scrupulously. Not only the lawn and the trees, the fountain and the pond are also beautifully arranged.

In a corner of the mansion of such house of Walt, there is a place where the lawn is gouged and the soil is exposed. A boy and a girl are facing each other there. The adults are making a circle surrounding them. The suited figure with well ordered beard is the father of me and the little sister I’m facing right now, Meisel Walt. He is wearing white gloves. In his hand he is holding a pocket watch and he is paying attention to the time. I’m thinking.

How much time has passed? Several hours? Or perhaps several minutes? ……Really, how did it become like this?

Beside father is mother, Clair Walt wearing a light blue dress. She is standing with a maid holding an umbrella above her. Both of their gaze are directed not to me, but to my little sister Celes Walt. My little sister──the perfect, little sister.

If there existed an existence that is loved by the goddess, surely that must be Celes. I tightly gripped the handle of the saber I received from my parent at my tenth birthday. It became slippery from the sweat and blood from my hand.

I who threw away my coat and am only wearing a shirt and trouser am wounded all over. Cheek, shoulder, arm, chest, thigh……there are a lot of places that were injured by Celes. But, all of the wounds are shallow. She intentionally cut me shallowly and is toying with me.

In contrast, my little sister who is two years younger than me is fully composed. She is holding the rapier──a sword with sharp and thin blade that specialized in stabbing──that she received as birthday present the same like me, and she is touching its blade. Celes who seems like she is only playing with the toy that has only just gotten bought for her is looking with satisfaction at the rapier that has a yellow gem embedded into its handle.

It’s an item that is created using the best material by the best craftsman.

My saber is also an item of quality, but it is inferior compared to Celes’s rapier. The chip in its blade is standing out, and then the area around the handle is stained black.

Until now I have swung this saber for who knows how many thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands already, in the hope of making my parents to look at me.

And yet, I’m not a match against Celes who received her rapier only today.

I don’t want to think that it’s only, the difference of our talent. Celes is also receiving education, but unlike me who am a male, she should be only taught how to handle a weapon to the degree of self-protection.

Against such Celes, I’m unable to even touch her.

Celes who is touching the blade of her rapier with her fingertip opened her mouth without looking at me. Boredom is coloring her words.

「Are you finished already, Onii-sama? Even though everyday you were swinging your sword like idiot, this is all you amount to in the end? It’s really problematic for a boy of the house of Walt to be like this.」

I gritted my teeth and glared at Celes. This match was started because of Celes’s whim. Celes who had her birthday celebrated was really happy when she received a rapier that she had been asking our parent since some time ago and──.

『I want to try fighting him.』

Apparently she said that.

I said apparently because I wasn’t there when she said that. The current me cannot spend time together with my family. My days are spent only inside the room given to me or polishing my swordsmanship and magic at the only corner of the garden that I’m permitted to use.

How did it become like this? Even though everything should be normal until that day.

Frustration is welling up and my chest hurt with sadness. My own worthlessness is unforgivable. But, I come to think somewhere in my heart that it cannot be helped I cannot win against Celes. I hate myself who is like this.

Even if I cannot win……at the very least if it’s just one attack…….

When I’m thinking that, I can hear a voice. It’s father’s voice.

「Good grief, it’s just like Celes said. For a boy of Walt House to look so unsightly……I don’t have any face to look at our honored ancestors. You aren’t a member of Walt House anymore.」

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The emotionless words were still continuing.

This time it’s from mother.

「I wonder why this kind of useless child was born. But, with this it has become clear now, dear.」

「Yeah, you’re right. The heir of Walt House is Celes.」

My parents who are behind Celes are looking at me with a cold gaze. But, my parents’ affectionate gaze are directed to Celes unsparingly.

I look down once before lifting up my face once more.

Celes’s twisted smile is there. My little sister who look beautiful even with such expression is twelve years old, even so she possess a charm that can already be said as bewitching.

「Not yet.」

I fired up myself.

「It’s still not over yet!」

I pushed down my fear and take a step forward. I thrust my saber toward my biological sister. I know how much strength that thrust is filled with. If it hit, I’m confident it will pierce through even Celes. But, that’s only if it hit.

「It will be the same no matter how many times you repeat it. I’m finished already with you.」

Saying that Celes rotate her body while dodging my saber, then she stab my leg while passing through me.

The rapier is pulled out when we are separated and the pain attacked me a moment later.

When the place we are standing at are switched and we are back to facing each other, Celes lowered her rapier languidly and push out her left hand toward me.

「It’s fun looking at your tattered state but, I’m bored already so can you disappear for me? Also, amuse me a bit before that.」

The smiling Celes stretched out the fingertips of her left hand and she begins to use magic. It looked as though sparks of fire are gathering on her fingertips. It’s fire element magic.

A chill that make my spine shudder drove me to also use magic.

「Ice Wall!」

I swung my left hand and made a wall of ice manifest. Ice jutted out from the ground and created a wall, the coldness cooled down my heated body slightly.

Looking at the magic, the difficulty level is at the beginning of the intermediate level, it can only be used by magician──noble with considerable strength. Celes who saw that fired the simplest magic.

「Fire Bullet……I wonder how far can you endure.」

Celes grinned and her left hand──from her fingertip a fire bullet is fired. Firing a small fire ball is Fire Bullet’s characteristic.

But, Celes’s magic isn’t the Fire Bullet that I knew. The fire ball that is bigger than normal slammed into the wall of ice with terrific force.

Even though normally it’s a magic that only fired one or several shots, Celes’s magic possessed powerful strength while attacking consecutively.

The wall of ice rapidly melted and it got destroyed. The surrounding temperature is increasing.

「One more layer!」

When I added more ice wall to endure the attack, Celes’s voice came from behind. Even though she should be in front of me, when I turned around her smiling face is there.

「Is that all? You are really just a small fry.」

My little sister swung up her left hand and pushed it at me.

If I don’t evade it──.

I was thinking so but, my body won’t move well. Inside the sensation as though the time is flowing slowly, Celes is the only one moving normally.

When my cheek got punched which sent me flying, my back slammed on the ice wall I created myself and I fell on the ground.

When my hand pushed on the ground to stand up, a shadow fell on the lawn. When I lifted up my face, Celes’s red shoe is approaching before my eyes. I put my left hand forward and blocked Celes’s kick, but this time I’m sent flying while smashing through the ice wall.

I took falling stance to kill the momentum when falling to the ground, but I felt intense pain from my left hand. It looked like my left hand is broken.

Celes saw my figure,

「Uwaa, how unsightly.」

She put her hand on her mouth and laughed. She looked like she is really having fun seeing me like this. My aching left hand dangled down powerlessly while my right hand is holding the saber in a stance where half my body is bending to the extreme. But, Celes is──.

「You are still wanting to continue the sword play? Well, it’s fine. This time I’ll cut you even deeper than before.」

I stepped forward and closed the distance of several meter in an instant, then I swung my saber horizontally to cut Celes down. But, I don’t feel any feedback from my saber. Far from that, pain that is even more intense than before attacked my shoulder and thigh.

My blood is dripping down on the ground.

When I turned around, Celes is readying her rapier,

「I could kill you three times during just now. Was that you being serious……Lyle?」

It felt like it has been a really long time for me seeing the figure of my little sister calling my name.

Yes, I am Lyle Walt──the man who should be inheriting the house of Walt. Right now I’m hiding in the shadow of my superior little sister, and also a man who is called as incompetent. In the past my parents put their expectation on me, and even the house’s retainers and the mansion’s servants called me as prodigy or the like. That I am a genius worthy to be the heir of the house of Walt…….

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──Even that only continued until I was ten years old.

Due to Celes who began to display a talent that surpassed me in every aspect when she was less than eight years, I got treated coldly since I was ten years old. The affection of my parents that were poured onto me until then was transferred to my little sister, and the retainers and also the servants were looking at me coldly.

My everything is denied. Even so I──.

──I wanted my family, to look at me one more time.

I polished my sword skill, wanting my parents who only looked at Celes to realize that I’m here and look at me. I polished my magic skill, read books, and endeavored to perform what I’m told without fail until now.

But, in these five years──there isn’t even once that my parent spoke to me warmly.

I tightly gripped my saber and glared at Celes.

At the very least one strike!

Thinking that I must not hurt my younger sister is a thing of the past. Right now, I’m pointing my saber at Celes with the serious intent of killing her.

I intended to treasure her as my little sister. I even intended to be affectionate to her.

Why is something like this……did I do something without me realizing it?

「Do you hate me that much? Why!? Why are you doing something like this!?」

Celes looked uninterested hearing the yell that came from my heart and,

「I hate you. You are what I hate the most in the world. But, as for the reason……eh? Come to think of it, I completely forget why I came to hate you. But, disappear already from my sight──」

My little sister who spoke such thing with cute gesture became expressionless only when saying 「disappear」 at the end. No humanity could be felt from her then. I’m scared. At the same time, I stepped forward to push down the fear.

Celes swung her rapier and that iron blade looked like a bending whip. It looked like the rapier is alive.

It looked like it’s possessing a will and coming to kill me, I──.

One attack! If it’s for the sake of landing a hit!

When Celes’s rapier is going to wound my shoulder, I intentionally took a step forward. The rapier stabbed. And then, I swung my saber.

Celes looked a bit surprised, but she dodged my attack in a hair’s breadth and pulled out her rapier. My blood stuck on the rapier and blood spurted out from my shoulder. The happening is looking slow in my sight.


I changed the direction of my saber and forcefully changed the trajectory of my slash and slashed back without pause.

Celes’s eyes that looked composed until now opened wide and she hurriedly leaped back from in front of me. But, Celes’s dress──her skirt’s cut-off piece is fluttering in the air in front of Celes.

It reached. My attack reached Celes!

Celes who looked at the fringe of her skirt expressionlessly turned her face toward me. A frown formed on her eyebrows and she glared at me with immeasurable hatred filling her gaze.

Celes turned her gaze toward her rapier’s handle just for a moment before opening her mouth.

「This trash. This incompetent. Even though I’ve allowed you to live at least, you got carried away and touched me, there is no way that can be forgiven. Yes, you can just disappear already for real. Burn to ash in this place!」

Celes swung her rapier to the side and began her magic. The surrounding’s temperature rose and wind coiled up from the ground.

「Wha, don’t tell me」

I also used magic right away. I created ice wall around me and prepared a lot of water.

Celes glared at me while,

「That’s pointless. Fire Storm!」

Wind blew violently and flame that is riding the wind manifested. Like that the flame is increasing in momentum──the storm of flame is generated with me at the center, melting the ice created around me to melt instantly. While the surrounding’s temperature rose drastically, I also continued to use magic.

Is it the end……at this kind of place……I, what for……why……why was I born?

Tears flowed. Right after that, the storm of flame attacking from the surrounding vanished and I looked around me. In front of me Celes is looking at me expressionlessly, the surrounding adults──my parents and also the retainers are gathering at Celes’s side. My excessive use of magic caused the amount of my magic power to become extremely little. I fell on my knees and collapsed. My hand let go of my saber and I kept lying down on the ground while looking at the approaching Celes. Celes took my saber into her hand.

「……This is your treasure isn’t it? It’s crumbling already. Is it that important to you?」

Celes looked down at me. I wrung out my last strength,

「……Don’t touch it.」

When I tried to resist, Celes immediately kicked me flying. My rolling body became covered with mud on the burnt ground with its lawn gouged. When my rolling stopped, Celes stepped on my head and with an intentional attitude,

「Is that so……but, you don’t need it anymore.」

She tossed up the saber. Celes’s rapier that is made from metal started to be dyed red, and then the saber in the air is getting chopped into pieces as though it’s butter. My saber is falling in pieces on the ground. I who reached out with tears flowing down from my eyes, recalled the warm conversation with my parents that is already fading inside my mind.

In the past father handed this saber to me while saying this.

『Lyle too is a man of Walt House. You should carry a top grade weapon.』

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My mother who saw that looked at me with a slightly exasperated face.

『Geez dear, you are spoiling Lyle like that. My, but Lyle, that looks good on you. As expected from my son.』

Hearing that father,

『He is also my son though? What, after several years even you will go outside and fight monster, the time for you to fulfill your obligation as noble will come. It will be an embarrassment for Walt House that is a house of count if your weapon at that time looks seedy. Lyle, you must polish your skill to match your weapon, okay?』

When was the last time I saw my parents’ smile? I cannot remember anymore. Before my hand reached the saber’s piece, I can feel my consciousness fading away.


──It felt like my heart broke, the same like my saber that become in pieces. I cannot win anymore. I won’t be recognized no matter how hard I worked──.


The surrounding people left me behind and gathered around Celes.

「As expected from Celes-sama.」

「Even so, I cannot bear it knowing that this worthless person is a fellow pupil.」

「With this Walt House’s prosperity is secured.」

Even the knight I looked up to, Bale Lundberg who taught me various things in the past, he is looking down at me and praised Celes.

The senior apprentice who was my fellow student, Alfred Baden is looking at me as though I’m trash.

The servants are laughing, looking happy that I will be gone.

……Am I really that hateful? Am I really that much of a nuisance!?

And then, I can hear my parents’ voice.

My father.

「With this our child is only Celes. No, since the beginning we don’t have any child other than Celes.」

My mother.

「That’s right. More importantly, dear. Celes’s dress is dirtied. We have to buy her a new one.」

Hearing the voice of my parents worrying about Celes’s dress more than me, it felt like I am being forgotten completely. The footsteps are gradually getting further, I also cannot hear their conversation anymore.

Frustrating……it’s frustrating…….

It’s when I ran out of strength and thought that this might be where I’ll die. Someone is approaching. Thinking that perhaps they are going to finish me off, when I’m thinking that I want to be released from the pain, I heard a voice.

「How heartrending……why is something like this. If only Brod-sama is still alive.」

Someone’s voice spoke of my grandfather’s name. At the same time I slightly recalled my kind grandparents.

I see, if I die perhaps I’ll be able to meet grandfather and grandmother. But, I have no face to meet them…….

Thinking that, my consciousness cut off.


──While Lyle was losing consciousness, there was also movement in Forxus house.

The house of Forxus, possessing territory that was adjacent to Walt House, with both houses’ relationship like master and servant.

It was a house that was said that they devoted their loyalty to Walt House rather than toward Banseim Kingdom. In the mansion of such Forxus house, in front of the current head of the house, Gerard Forxus, a girl was standing. Gerard sat on a chair with his folded arms placed on the table. He opened his mouth with his daughter, Novem Forxus in front of him.

「There is news. Lyle-sama is disinherited, and then he will be banished. There is also notification that his engagement with you is dissolved.」

The daughter in front of him──the second daughter of Forxus house, Novem had a slightly lower status to marry into Walt House that was a house of count. Originally it would be impossible for her to be engaged to Walt House, but around the time when Lyle started getting cold treatment, the engagement was put into place in the form of a proposal coming from Forxus house. The surrounding thought that they were placing their bet on Lyle who was deserted by his parents. Novem opened her mouth.

「Is that so. Then, I will go to Lyle-sama’s side. I have been on  your debt until now.」

Gerard was half-exasperated seeing his unperturbed daughter.

「You acted as though you understood everything. You are like this since you were little. ……Protect Lyle-sama. It’s only a bit but I’ll prepare travelling expenses for you.」

Then Novem rejected it.

「It will be a bother for this house. If it’s known that this house is giving assistance, there is also a possibility that Walt House will be doubting this house. It won’t be a problem if you only turn a blind eye to me alone.」

Gerard made a slightly troubled expression seeing his daughter firmly asserting so. And then, he sighed and stood up. He took into his hand the staff decorating the wall of the room.

「Doubt will be placed on us simply from you accompanying Lyle-sama. But, it will pain my heart to not give you anything.」

The magic tool that was the heirloom of Forxus house.

It was a magic tool that displayed power from the Art that was carved into a special metal that contained magic power. Art was a blessing that was granted to human from the goddess, it was something that was similar to but not actually magic. Art that changed so the user could use magic easier. Art that could make the user looked until faraway place that normally couldn’t be seen. Various Arts existed. A single human basically would only manifest one Art. And then, when they polished their Art──continuing to use it until they were proficient, and they trained themselves, the preparation to be able to use even stronger Art would be put in order. Through that, the Art would level up where it would be possible to use it until the third stage. If it was an Art that strengthened the body, the second stage would be an Art that strengthened the body even further. The third stage, the stage that was the last as a matter of fact, it would be an Art that display strength by many times over.

And then, magic tool was created in order to use multiple Arts.

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Magic tool. Carving several Arts from the beginning into a tool, so that a single human could also use several Arts other than his own Art. A magic tool where the user could choose and reproduce Art. Gerard took it into hand and handed it to Novem.

「Take this. If it’s just a single staff, I’ll be able to make excuse even if Walt House question us. Besides, you are the one suitable to possess this. If it’s you who succeeded the name Novem……」

Novem carefully accepted it with both hands and gave a deep bow.

「Thank you very much, Chichi-uefather. Then, excuse me now.」

It was a reaction that was too indifferent toward her own biological father. But, Gerard was smiling.

「Your interaction with me is just like you till the end. If I have to speak as a father, this is the scene where you ought to show tears and act as though you are unwilling to part with your family. ……Just go to Lyle-sama’s side.」

Obeying Gerard’s words, Novem left the room.

Gerard who was watching her talked toward the back of his daughter who wasn’t looking back.

「Surely you won’t even shed tears even if you are facing me as enemy huh, Novem. But, that’s fine. You are fine like that.」

Gerard said that and sat down on his chair──.


My body is hot. Also the pain is terrible.

I who am feeling the pain in my body and the unpleasantness inside the dark world wondered whether this is the afterlife. I fought Celes, and then what happened? While thinking such thing I can hear voice.

The voice sounded like it’s coming from afar. Somehow it seemed there are multiple voices.

Who? The first voice sounded wild. It felt like the voice is looking for me.

『Oi, ain’t he coming? Or rather, he is nearby. He is a bit far but certainly he is there!』

The second voice sounded rebellious toward the first voice.

『You are noisy. Everyone here understood that already. Just be quiet.』

The first voice became belligerent.

『Whaat! You, is that something you are saying toward your parent huh! Come outside!』

『There is no way we can come out, are you idiot? No, I know you are idiot already……』

Then, this time a relaxed voice that is different from the two came. The voice sounded amused by the two’s reaction.

『Haha~, even so I never even thought that we will be able to meet like this. So this is “Gem”……no, it’s better to call it “Jewel”. Calling it like that I more fitting. Now then, I wonder who is it who woke us up? Do you know Max?』

The number of people is more than three. Besides, a person’s name was mentioned. Parent? Also Max? It feels like I’ve heard it from somewhere……more importantly, just where in the world the voices came from…….

When I tried to listen to the surrounding voices, a voice that sounded serious unlike the previous voices came.

『As expected it’s impossible to specify the person in detail. Though there is this feeling that it’s someone who is a relative. I think that’s why we are awakened. Now then, what is your opinion son?』

Son? Just what kind of relationships these guys have? The number of voices is increasing, another new voice can be heard. A person speak with a voice slightly sounding he found what is happening is bothersome, as though he is uncaring.

『No idea. Or rather, our appearance is young. My age was quite advanced when I died though.』

A hearty voice replied to that opinion.

『Isn’t it great if we are rejuvenated to our youth. Even so, I didn’t know that the passed down Gem has this kind of effect. I didn’t experience anything like this at my time. What about you, Brod?』

Apparently the name of the person who is addressed is Brod. And then, I am familiar with that name. The same name with grandfather? Don’t tell me this is really the afterlife. Then, the person called Brod is,

『……I’m sure. This feeling, I’m sure this is my grandson Lyle! Can you hear me, Lyle! Talk back!』

The person sounded like grandfather, but it’s strange. The voice sounded younger than the voice I know.

Even so, certainly it’s a nostalgic voice. It’s slightly different from my memory, but I have no doubt that this is my grandfather’s voice……even so, just what is going on? While I’m pondering, the first wild voice is,

『In that case, is it that? That means my house has continued until eight generation huh!』

It’s the relaxed voice that corrected the mistake.

『Gramps, that’s wrong. The seventh said that it’s his grandson. At the very least it must be the ninth generation. Although, that will be the case if he inherited the house though.』

The first voice that spoke wrongly with a loud voice fell completely silent perhaps from embarrassment. But, I don’t really get it. There is the voice of my grandfather, and then there is child or parent mentioned……besides gramps? Just what is the relationship of these voices? It’s as though…….

When the voice that addressed my grandfather without any honorific heard about my existence,

『In that case he is my great grandson then. I’m looking forward to meeting him.』

Gre, great grandson? That means there is my great grandfather……could it be. I disregarded it when hearing the name, thinking there is no way. No, impossible. Such thing is absolutely impossible.

The voice that came second is,

『Well, at the very least the house continued until eight generation. Haha~, somehow that feels deeply moving.』

Saying such thing.

I got a really preposterous idea. Don’t tell me, the family head of the successive generation are waiting for me in the afterlife? The confused me felt my consciousness fading like that. But, I can hear only the voices calling out to me from afar.

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