Heju grabbed his shoulders and panted when Gunwoo suggested, 

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“Let me put it inside you.”

“N…n… Ngh!”


Before she could even say no, his penis slipped inside of her. It was just the tip of his erection, yet the sharp pain made Heju gasp.


“Haa… Haa…”


It felt so full even though it was just the tip. Her tight hole was so small that Gunwoo felt like his manhood was going to get cut off if she clenched. 


“Dammit, why are you so tight?!”



Heju felt an intense pain. It hurt so much that she couldn’t believe how other people had sex all the time. When she looked down, she saw his giant member trying to penetrate her tiny body. No wonder it was so painful.

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“It… it hurts too much.”

“I didn’t even put half in. Just relax a little.”



Gunwoo leaned towards her a little more. He thought it was going to be easy because she was so wet, but he was clearly dead wrong. Every time he jerked his waist, he got a little deeper into her body.




When his erection finally became fully buried inside of her, Heju shook her head and groaned, 


“I can’t do this…!”

“Haa… Haa… You’re driving me crazy,” Gunwoo murmured. When he saw her eyes fill with tears, he became even more confused. Why was she in so much pain? This was his first time, which meant he had zero experience, but suddenly… something crossed his mind.


“…Seo Heju…,” Gunwoo whispered.

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Heju was breathing hard when she opened her eyes. Tears were beginning to roll down from her eyes when he asked, “Why are you crying?”


As far as Gunwoo knew, Heju had dated several men so far. She even dated Director Yun from their agency…


“Could it be… that this is your first time too?”




She didn’t give him an answer, but Gunwoo’s eyes sparked. He couldn’t believe it, yet this had to be the only explanation. 


So this was her first time? He felt dazed as if someone hit him in the head. When Heju looked up at him resentfully, Gunwoo couldn’t help his lips curling up into a smile. He lowered his face to lick away her tears. 


“Ngh…” Heju moaned quietly, and watching her cry, Gunwoo laughed in satisfaction. 

“You look even prettier now. So this is your first time too, huh?”

“Do I have to say it out loud? Why are you asking me that question again and again? Stop it,” Heju grumbled.

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It now made perfect sense. No wonder she was in so much pain. Because it was her FIRST TIME! Heju narrowed her eyes and bit her lower lip as she watched Gunwoo’s smile becoming wider. He looked at her affectionately and whispered, “I’ll take responsibility, Heju.”

“Bastard. No thanks.”

“But I’m a very responsible man, so I must insist. Or could it be that you don’t like my thing?”




Gunwoo pulled back a little before plunging back into her. It was as if he was trying to prove something to her. The sudden thrust of his erection brought both pain and pleasure to her. 




Heju felt so confused. It felt like her body was floating in delight, but she still couldn’t get used to such thickness inside of her body. The sharp pain still remained, making her cry a little more. Heju insisted, 


“Where is the condom? You need to put it on.”

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“Am I the only one who’s loving this? This is so amazing. It feels so good…,” Gunwoo whispered. 


Heju could feel every crease of his erection against her flesh. Realizing again his penis was inside of her most sensitive body part made her blush. Feeling embarrassed, Heju looked away. Trying to make her feel better, Gunwoo kissed her chin line until he reached her ear. He then began to suck on her earlobe. 


“Hng…” Heju moaned helplessly. The sucking sound right in her ear gave her goosebumps. She tried to push his shoulders away, but Gunwoo easily stopped her. He begged, 


“Please let me do this. You’re so pretty that I want to lick you everywhere. Why won’t you let me taste you?”

“Haa… Ha.”


It seemed Heju couldn’t resist him. Finally giving up, she let him do what he wished. Pleased with her silent permission, Gunwoo left a trail of kisses on her face, neck, and her breasts. Finally unable to control himself anymore, he pulled out from her and grabbed a condom on the nightstand. 


He ripped the package and slowly placed the rubber along his erection. Gunwoo explained, “I had to specially order this online because the extra large from the convenient store wouldn’t fit.”


Gunwoo had tried the standard sized condoms from the stores, but they weren’t big enough for him. He then placed a pillow underneath her waist, which made it a little easier for both of them. Holding his thick member in his hand, he aimed and thrusted into her in one swoop.



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