Heju’s red lips looked so sexy and adorable. Gunwoo smiled happily, and Heju couldn’t understand why he seemed so pleased. 

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“Four times left now,” Gunwoo announced. 

“Lee Gunwoo,” Heju murmured in annoyance.

“Think about where you want to do it and let me know. To be honest, I wouldn’t mind places like this rather than just a simple bed. I had no idea I would be so turned on by this.”



It seemed there was no way to get through to him. Heju could see Gunwoo’s head was filled with sex and sex only. She knew there was no use in trying to convince him to stop this nonsense. 


Of course, she was moaning and urging him on just a moment ago too. Remembering herself clawing at him like a cat, Heju wished he would just leave her alone.


“Just get lost, Gunwoo.”

“But I don’t want to pull it out yet,” Gunwoo grumbled.


His answers made Heju glare at him. But even her annoyance seened to turn him on because Gunwoo’s penis, which was still embedded inside of her, throbbed. Heju’s face crinkled as she bit her lower lip. Gunwoo’s eyes darkened and he grinned as he murmured suggestively, 

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“Chief Seo… Maybe we can…”

“Just stop already.”


When Heju gritted her teeth, Gunwoo finally nodded with a smile. He slowly pulled back, revealing his condom-covered manhood. Heju could see the front tip of it cloudy with his cum. Now that his thick rod was missing, her body shivered in a sudden feeling of emptiness. Heju pulled down her skirt and blushed, making Gunwoo grin again. They have seen each other’s naked body twice now, so why was she feeling so shy? He couldn’t understand her reaction, but he still found her cute. 


Heju began to move hurriedly. There was no time to clean herself up now. She got dressed and opened the window. She was afraid that if someone entered, they might be able to smell what happened. The inside of her office was also very warm. She felt like she needed some cool air. 


Grabbing a black plastic bag, she ordered. “Put that in here.”


She opened the bag for Gunwoo to throw away the used condom. She then quickly picked up the used condom packages thrown on the floor. Watching her affectionately, Gunwoo murmured,


“I want more…”

“Haa… Just leave already! I’m begging you!”

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Heju didn’t bother to hide her frustration as she pushed him towards the door.  After her room cooled down, Heju planned on going to the office shower room to wash up. Her lower half of the body was soaking wet, so it felt uncomfortable just to walk around like this. 


Gunwoo grumbled his reply, 


“Fine. I’m going, I’m going. You should know that I’m a very busy man.”

“You can never storm into my office like this again.”

“Then you shouldn’t ignore my calls anymore from now on,” replied Gunwoo with a wink.


After Gunwoo finally left her office,  Heju sat down on the sofa, her face pale. Thank goodness it was a leather sofa. If it was a fabric one, then…


“I can’t believe that just happened…,” murmured Heju. Just thinking about it made her feel dizzy. What if someone walked in on them? 


Heju quietly wiped the leather sofa with some wet paper towel before standing up. She was now ready to go shower when the door to her office burst open without warning. Turning around in shock, Heju screamed, 


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“Ack! What the heck?! Don’t you know how to knock?!”


It was one of her staff Yeonkyung. Looking shocked confused herself, Yeonkyung lowered her face in apology and replied, 


“I’m sorry… I just need a signature from you on this right now, so…”


When Heju signed it in displeasure, Yeonkyung quickly left the room. Realizing this could’ve happened while she was having sex with Gunwoo, Heju shivered. She felt so scared that her whole body felt cold. 


“Lee Gunwoo, you bastard…”


Heju’s legs trembled so badly that she felt weak. She was so angry that she could hardly breathe. She sat down again on the sofa and closed her eyes. After a few minutes when she felt like she could walk, Heju slowly got up and headed towards the shower. 




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“Mujin, you think you can do this?” Heju asked.

“Well, I guess I can. I have no other choice, do I?” replied Mujin with a shrug.


Heju looked up at Mujin worriedly. It was rare for her nowadays to deal with the clients directly like this. But Mujin was so notoriously cold and picky that no one wanted to work with him. This was why she volunteered to be his manager until they found someone suitable. Because Heju had seen him since he was very young like Gunwoo, she felt comfortable around Mujin. 


They faced a recent problem with a director. Mujin was unofficially casted not too long ago for his film, but for some reason, it seemed that this director changed his mind out of the blue. There was a rumor that another agency bribed him to hire their own actor for the role. 


Now, Mujin had no choice but to audition for the role he thought he already had. Although Mujin acted nonchalant, Heju knew he must be upset too. With an unhappy frown, she walked up to him and straightened his collars for him. 


“That director is known to be a bastard,” Heju whispered. 

“Pfft,” Mujin laughed in amusement.

“I’m serious! I’ve heard so many rumors about him. He’s the worst!”


Mujin looked down at Heju with adoration. She was whispering like they were talking about some big secret, and he thought she was the cutest girl he had ever seen.  

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