“That’s it for today.”

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Heju organized the documents in front of her on the table as she dismissed everyone. The meeting they had just now was about the schedules for the newly recruited actors for next year. After she left Gunwoo at the studio earlier that day, Heju had a hard time focusing on her work. 


Even when she drove Mujin back to the office after his audition, she had a hard time concentrating on their conversation. She had an incredibly busy afternoon that day, and Heju felt thankful for it. If she hadn’t, she would’ve been sitting at her desk dazed all day. 


“Chief, I have to take a day off next Thursday,” Chohyun, one of the female employees, asked Heju hesitantly.  


It was rare for Chohyun to ask for a day off, so Heju became concerned. When she looked worried, Chohyun explained, 


“It’s something to do with my family…”

“Is it something bad?”

“Yes, I… I really need that day off. I’m sorry,” Chohyun apologized. 

“There is no need to apologize. Just write the date and the reason for this request and send it to me. I’ll take care of it,” Heju replied calmly. 

“Thank you.”


Finally, everyone left the room and Heju was alone. She had been working nonstop all day that her whole body felt so heavy. She even had a throbbing headache. 


‘I’m going to your home.’

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Heju remembered Gunwoo telling her this. 


“There is no way he’ll have the time to come to my house tonight.” Heju smirked and put on her jacket. She was just picking up her purse when the door to her office burst open. She saw Mujin walk in.


“Oh, Mujin. Hi.”

“Are you going home now?”

“Yup. Why? Did something happen?” Heju asked in concern. 


Heju thought Mujin had a photoshoot scheduled for this afternoon. So when she saw him here in the office, she became confused. Mujin walked towards her and sat on her desk as he replied, 


“I got the call.”


“I got the role,” Mujin said quietly.

“Really? That’s amazing! Why haven’t they called me yet?”


Mujin shrugged and smiled. Heju couldn’t help smiling widely. This movie was being directed by someone pretty famous, so she had been praying that Mujin got the part. This was going to be great for his career. 


Mujin tried not to show his excitement, but it was obvious he was very pleased about it too.

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“You promised to buy me dinner if I got the part,” Mujin said to her with a smile.

“I will, of course! What would you like to eat?”

“Well… let me think. I’m happy with anything you want to eat, Chief.”


After a short contemplation, Heju’s eyes sparked as she asked,


“You wanna go for some steaks?”

“And wine too?! I wanna drink tonight.”




Just then, the door to her office burst open, revealing Gunwoo who walked in leisurely. When he saw Mujin and Heju together, his face crumpled into an ugly frown. Mujin also became rigid as he glared at Gunwoo.


Gunwoo walked up to Heju, and as if to show Mujin, he grabbed her hand. Heju tried to pull back in shock, but all Gunwoo did was smile as he announced, 


“I was going to go straight to your home, but I dropped by here just in case. I guess I did the right thing.”

“Just let go of my hand first. What do you think you are doing?!” Heju asked, still trying to free her hand from Gunwoo’s grasp.


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Watching Gunwoo and Heju in displeasure, Mujin asked rudely, 


“I guess you aren’t that busy nowadays, huh?”


Gunwoo, looking annoyed, smirked at Mujin and replied, 


“That’s none of your business.”


Heju could feel a fight brewing. Looking at Gunwoo pleadingly, she explained, 


“Gunwoo, I’m supposed to have dinner with Mujin tonight…”


Gunwoo’s cold eyes looked at her quietly. Heju gulped, afraid he might say something stupid. He won’t say anything about what happened between them, right…? Not knowing what to do, Heju gaped in panic. If Gunwoo mentioned the things they did with Mujin in the room… 


With a slow yet knowing smile, Gunwoo replied, 


“I won’t have any time for a while except for tonight. You know how busy I am.”


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Mujin was less well-known than Gunwoo, which meant he was less busy. Quickly understanding Gunwoo’s insult, Mujin smirked. 


Meanwhile, Heju was beginning to sweat nervously. Why did Gunwoo have to be so rude? She bit her lower lip and glared at Gunwoo, but it seemed like he didn’t care. He added, 


“I have to go back to the studio by 4 o’clock in the morning. Need I say more?”


It was Mujin who resolved the problem. He turned towards Heju and offered, 


“Chief, you can go ahead. I’ll come back tomorrow. We can have dinner then.”


Heju felt like she wanted to cry. She hated this situation, but unfortunately, it was true that Gunwoo was very busy. But then…


Why did they have to meet tonight? She already saw him earlier that day, so why was he insisting on seeing her right now? 


Heju felt both annoyed and confused, but Mujin only smiled at her and said to her kindly, 


“It was me who barged in just now without an appointment. I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good night.”


Mujin left the room. When Heju and Gunwoo were left alone in her office, a heavy silence fell. She yanked her hand away and left the room soon after. Without a word, Gunwoo followed.  

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