*Warning: The following material may contain strong language, unusual humor, violence, and sexual contents that readers may find offensive. Please use your own discretion.*

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“Hng… ahh!”

“Relax your legs…,” Gunwoo ordered. 

Perhaps because of their positions, Gunwoo felt like Heju was even tighter today He barely managed to force the tip of his erection into her. When he jolted his waist to thrust, Heju felt him plunging deep into her as if he was being sucked into her body.

“Ack! Please…!”

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Every time they had sex, Gunwoo couldn’t believe how amazing it felt. His face creased in extreme pleasure. Just being inside of her body felt too incredible. 

Gunwoo massaged her breasts as he kissed her deeply. His kiss felt so romantic that Heju’s body began to melt away. Swallowing her sweet mouth, Gunwoo kneaded her breasts roughly. 

Her whole body trembling, Heju held his face with both of her hands. 

Thump, thump.

Still kissing her ardently, Gunwoo thrusted into her. Every time he pushed into her tight hole, Heju’s legs shivered as if they were spasming. The inside of the car by now was steaming, causing the windows to fog up. 

If anybody passed by Gunwoo’s car, there was no way they would miss what was going on inside. 

“Ngh… Ahh… What do we do…?” Heju stammered, even as she closed her eyes in ecstasy. Her mouth kept denying the situation, but her body was riding Gunwoo, following the fast rhythm he set from the beginning. 

She felt embarrassed that she might appear to be enjoying this too much. But whenever she was with him, undeniable pleasure clouded her mind and stopped her from refusing him. 

“Ahh… Dammit…!”

Gunwoo frowned harshly as if he couldn’t take it anymore. His face looked so stern, and Heju found this sexy. Just seeing his unfocused eyes was enough to get her wet. Moaning loudly again, she wiped the sweat off his forehead. 

Whack, whack.

Their wet skins made the car fill with erotic sounds. Uncaring of what happened to their clothes, Gunwoo continued to drive into her. The heat from their bodies was making the inside of the car into a sauna.

“Haa… Gunwoo…”

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Bwap, bwap.

Buried to the hilt of his erection, Gunwoo brushed his hair back and inhaled deeply. He murmured,

“Haa… Do you still need more time to think?”


“I mean, is there even a need to wait till we have sex five times? Look how wet you get every time I fuck you like this.”

Except when they were having sex, Heju still acted cold and distant, making Gunwoo anxious. He wished she would hurry up and be seduced by him, so that he could stop this nonsense. He wanted to date her, not blackmail her like this. 

But one thing that pleased him was the fact that Heju must’ve loved having sex with him. She could’ve refused him at any time so far, but she hadn’t. Her body was honest at least.

“Let’s date.”

“What are you…”

How could he bring that up while they were having sex in the car? Heju could feel every inch of his throbbing erection filling her body. It was like a giant rod was being thrusted into her over and over again. It was both erotic and embarrassing. 

Meanwhile, Gunwoo couldn’t believe how adorable Heju looked with her face so red. Smiling widely, he leaned forward and whispered, 

“I’ll fuck you every night like this if you date me.”

“You’re crazy, you jerk.”

“I can see that you like it, Seo Heju. Stop lying to yourself.”

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When Gunwoo gently caressed her hair, she burst into laughter. She felt like a little kid as she accused him,

“Ha, are you enjoying teasing me?”

“Yes, totally.”

He loved how expressive she became whenever she was with him. Licking her lip softly, Gunwoo whispered,

“I’ll treat you real nice.”


“You took my virginity, so you should take responsibility,” Gunwoo insisted.


Gunwoo shoved into her once again, making her voluptuous breasts bounce playfully. He didn’t care who might be watching them outside. He began to move even faster, making Heju groan. 

The entire car began to shake as he continued. 



“Stop already!” Heju warned Gunwoo.

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Once in his car, twice in her bed. 

Heju couldn’t move a single muscle on her body. But unlike her, who was lying on her bed helplessly, Gunwoo began to climb on top of her and kiss her lips. When her face turned away from him in annoyance, Gunwoo chuckled. 

Heju pouted as she said to him,

“I said I’m tired.”

“Do you know that your voice changes after we have sex?” Gunwoo asked.


“You sound so pouty and sexy right now.”

“Stop this nonsense. You’re lying.”

Her voice didn’t really change, did it? Heju tried to push Gunwoo away, but his giant body refused to move. Just how many more times did he have to do it to get tired? She was so exhausted that she felt like she was being sucked into her bed.

Her eyes closed, Heju murmured, 

“You need to get to the studio.”

“I don’t wanna go.”

“Hurry up and go. And make sure no one sees you leave my place. If a scandal erupts, then…”


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