Shadow Hack

Chapter 785

Jige Si’s words caused Cass to sink into a deep silence. His body was constantly twitching, but seeing Jige Si’s resolve to die, he began to waver.

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“What are you still hesitating for? Kill me, then you can survive and hide by his side. Find an opportunity to kill him, and take revenge for us!”

Cass stabbed the blade in the ground, and was crying in pain. He suddenly felt that he had let down all the people of Cangyue Sect. He had completely betrayed them and was killing all of them personally, he was just a beast!

But, regardless of how much he suffered in his heart, but he had to make his heart colder in order to survive.

Only when his heart turns ice-cold, he would be successful in taking his revenge and defeat the evil forces.


Cass’ face was dyed with blood, Jige Si’s head toppled on the ground with a smile on his face.

After killing so many people, Cass knelt on the ground with his body constantly twitching.

Suddenly rain started to pour down, cleansing all the blood from the ground. That bone-chilling coldness turned Cass’ heart into stone.

Li Yunmu looked at Cass’ painful appearance from distance and calmly said:

“This is your karma! I only wanted to see how much exactly did you want revenge?”

Li Yunmu returned to main hall to attend to business while Odin stopped paying attention to worldly matters. All the matter of Scandinavia had fallen into Li Yunmu’s hands now.

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Li Yunmu ordered people to bring Cangyue Sect’s captured sect master in front of them and then ripped off his mask.

For some unknown reason, the head of the intelligence network in Origin World always turns out to be a woman.

The woman in front of Li Yunmu had a cold and detached appearance as well as fair skin, and was struggling to throw off her bindings. She looked at Li Yunmu and furiously howled:

“Whether you want to kill me or cook me, I don’t care! I won’t speak anything! Pah!”

Li Yunmu narrowed his eyes towards her and commanded:

“Release her!”

That woman was initially stunned by Li Yunmu’s command and then suddenly a dagger appeared in her hand. She then rushed towards Li Yunmu to stab him, moreover she was also extremely nimble.

She had already exchanged blows with Li Yunmu just a moment ago, and thus knew that Li Yunmu possessed extraordinary strength. But presently after she had been freed, she greatly desired to launch a sneak attack on Li Yunmu.

However, Li Yunmu’s actions were even faster compared to her imagination, let alone speak of barely dodging an attack on his life, he even grabbed the dagger in the woman’s hand and threw it on the ground, ruthlessly pulling her into his embrace.

“You possess somewhat good looks, which makes me somewhat reluctant to kill you!”

Li Yunmu’s words, enraged that woman even further who howled:

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“Dream on! I will kill myself, but definitely won’t let you get your way!”

This chaste woman was really giving a headache to Li Yunmu, he smiled:

“If you died, how will you take your revenge? In any case, I am already keeping a mortal foe by my side, so adding you won’t make much of a difference! If you follow me, you can live and also take revenge from me or you can follow your fellow brothers and die here.”

That woman suddenly drew out the sword from the guard and rushed to cut through her throat. If Li Yunmu hadn’t been quick in reacting, this woman would’ve already been dyed in red colour.

Li Yunmu’s eyes went wide:

“Are you crazy? Do you really not want to live? Why do you hate me so much? I had to devour your worlds only in order to save my family, otherwise all the parallel planes would’ve merged together.”

Li Yunmu’s words caused that woman to calm down for a while. After some careful thought on Li Yunmu’s words, she realized that his words weren’t unreasonable, but presently Cangyue Sect had already been thoroughly exterminated, what should she do now?

Li Yunmu waved his hand and replied:

“Capture her and guard her properly, don’t let her die.”

At this time, Brunhilda also hurried over and saw that woman being captured. She coldly snorted and said to Li Yunmu:

“See that woman, did your heart move again?”

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Li Yunmu pretended to be completely serious and said with a deadpan expression:

“I only want to interrogate her about the remnants of Cangyue Sect, you mustn’t misunderstand, don’t think so much.”

Presently the entire western world’s situation had been finalized, Scandinavia was also completely safe now. Li Yunmu intended to proceed towards the southern field to obtain the Heavenly Grand Ritual.

That thing could change the fate of dragon lady. He had forgotten about this matter until now.

Beautiful Silk was still waiting for him, his daughter was waiting for him, he had to hurry over to that location.

“This time’s journey to southern field’s Lanlou region would be very dangerous, Scandinavia still needs to administer it. You cannot come with me.”

“Southern Field’s Landlou region, I have never gone to that place. Elder brother can take care of Scandinavia, I will definitely go with you.”

Seeing Brunhilda being so headstrong, Li Yunmu was also helpless and could only take her with him.

Thus, Li Yunmu and Brunhilda began to proceed towards Lanlou region.

Southern field’s Lanlou was extremely far from Northern part’s Land of Ice, one was in the north and one was in the south, they were in completely opposite directions.

Presently, the Eight were recuperating in Lanlou region, while waiting for an opportunity and were considered as extremely dangerous by Li Yunmu. Presently, it was highly uncertain that they would come to this place in a short time.

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Brunhilda asked:

“Why are we going to Southern Field’s Lanlou region? Could it be that you want to use the opportunity that the Eight hadn’t recovered fully and catch them in one net?”

“I have this intention, but I have a more important aim, that is to obtain Heavenly Grand Ritual!”

“Heavenly Grand Ritual? What is that? Why do you want it?”

Li Yunmu was slightly startled, he hemmed and hawed while telling Brunhilda about his illegitimate daughter.

When Brunhilda heard this information, it was as if she had eaten gunpowder and again began to yell at Li Yunmu.

Li Yunmu quickly stopped her and said:

“Can you calm down for a moment? I had no other choice! You think I wanted to? If I hadn’t agreed to her, I would’ve remain trapped there, eternally unable to leave.”

Brunhilda coldly snorted and said:

“Since this is the case, then why do you care about their life and death?”

“Because after all is said and done, that girl is my own flesh and blood. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to save Beautiful Silk, but I have to rescue my daughter!”

Brunhilda also hadn’t expected that surprisingly she would become a mother. Although another woman had given birth to LI Yunmu’s child, but she was the eldest and is the first one among Li Yunmu’s wives.

According to the order of the marriage, it was completely justified that she becomes the primary wife and also that this child calls her mother.

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