Go Home Together? (2)

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When Ruan Qingmu unhurriedly walked inside Class 9, the morning reading class bell just rang.

Tang Tiantian was already doing the roll call for attendance. Seeing Ruan Qingmu enter, she made a tick under his name.

Ruan Qingmu walked to the back row, sat down, and took out an English book from his bag.

The surrounding people were making up for the homework; some couldn’t do it while some didn’t even do it. Bai Jing turned his head from the front. “Hey, sports representative, where is your homework? Can you lend it to me so that I can take a look?”

Ruan Qingmu looked at him. “What misunderstanding do you have to think that I would’ve gotten the homework done?”

Bai Jing scratched his head. “Your relationship with top student Qin is so good now and you even live together. Hey, why won’t you look for him and copy his homework?”

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Huang Ya also turned his head. “That’s right, that’s right. You guys even ate breakfast together!”

Ruan Qingmu was stunned for a while. Did everyone know about this already?

Fang Li turned to look at him and reminded him in a whisper, “There’s a new picture posted just now in the special post in the forum.”

Ruan Qingmu took out his phone and looked at the school forum. After he entered and glanced at it, it was indeed the truth.

He had seen this post in the past on the first day of returning to school. There was even a photo posted there; it captured the moment he met Qin Yuan for the first time. Nobody knew who took the picture and the scene on that day was spread throughout the forum.

In the picture, he and Qin Yuan stood face-to-face. The great class monitor Qin was as cold as ice and he currently had a blank look on his face; the photo went on to capture his bitter expression when meeting Ruan Qingmu for the first time.

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Furthermore, the blur in the picture was so intense that there were only two of them left in the picture and the people on the side were edited to be gone.

The discussion below was such a mess; there were several hundred and all sorts of comments could be found on the site. Fu Songhua had even used his real name and hooted in there: “Which grandson took this picture? Come out for a while! It’s fine if you edited me to be gone, but why the hell did you attach a sunflower onto my face in one picture?!”

Scrolling down, there was a new picture again unexpectedly.

When their Class 9 and Class 1 had a group dinner together in the cafeteria, a busybody next to them had taken a picture and also posted it on here.

That day was cloudy and the sunshine wasn’t as brilliant as that first day. The picture taken was slightly toward the light and the boys’ appearances weren’t very clear with and at most only the side silhouettes could be seen.

There were many people in the picture. He and Qin Yuan were precisely in the middle and Fu Songhua and Fang Li sat next to them.

The photo wasn’t very exquisite, but it was well-taken. In the picture, he and Qin Yuan were looking at each other. Although Qin Yuan was still cold as usual, he didn’t seem to be as ice-cold as before.

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As for himself, there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. People weren’t sure if it was from provocation or laziness, but it looked a little ruffian in any case.

Beside them, Fu Songhua held Fang Li, revealing a mouthful of big white teeth; his smile was sunny and willful. Fang Li didn’t have his spectacles on and had a bewildered expression.

This picture was attached at the back of the previous post and it was even given the title: “The ice-breaking moment of the top student and the underachiever.”

The discussions below were even more heated and all marveled at this turn of the century moment.

Some people theorized the reason for this cross-classes gathering. Ruan Qingmu scrolled down in high spirits for a while and suddenly saw Liu Jun’s big face full of pimples. The tag below was “the man pulling the two classes’ red ribbons.”

Looking to the furthest, he could see the newest picture from this morning.

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He didn’t expect those two girls would really post the picture and it even looked quite good.

The alley was filled with the early morning’s sunshine. The cement road below their feet looked a bit old-fashioned in the camera lens. Both of them walked side-by-side on the road with the background of each breakfast store full of leisure steams and smokes.

The sunshine shone on the sides of their faces, both of them looking very calm. The picture was slightly underexposed and a spotlight seemed to be pulsating, covering the profiles of these two people.

He tilted his head and looked at the picture for a while. Then, he reached out and secretly pressed the save button for those three pictures.

He was just saving them when Bai Jing’s head suddenly appeared. “Ruan-ge, what are you looking at?”

As Ruan Qingmu was saving the pictures, the voice behind him gave him a scare. He reached out his hand and hit his head. “I’ve told you so many times. Don’t suddenly pop out like a ghost.”

Bai Jing covered his head and muttered in a whisper, “Tch, I’ve seen it. You’re admiring your own special corner’s post.”

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