Go Home Together? (4)

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Niu Xiaoqing became anxious. “I’ve asked her before. She is busy with her new class bulletin board and doesn’t have the time to help us.”

Huang Ya lowered his neck. “Our class is the art blackhole, thank you.”

Tang Tiantian mustered her courage and walked in front of a boy in the last row. “Wang Li, can you help? I remember your art course’s grades weren’t bad before. Xiao-qing has just taken the position, ah.”

That boy just wanted to talk when Liu Jun behind him suddenly snorted. “Wang Li, don’t forget our basketball game in the afternoon.”

Wang Li has originally buddied up with Liu Jun in ordinary times. Having heard what Liu Jun said, his face tensed and he immediately nodded his head. “Sorry, class monitor. We have made an appointment to play ball together. Besides, I really can’t draw too.”

The whole class lowered their heads; some bowed and pretended not to hear and some others continued to copy homework. Niu Xiaoqing’s face turned red thoroughly. She pitifully and miserably stood on her seat with her enormous and tall build.

After a long time, she finally sat down and didn’t say anything anymore in utter dejection.

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Liu Jun pompously stood up, held Wang Li’s shoulder, and headed outside. “Let’s go pee.”

His arrogant scolding could be heard from the corridor. “A bunch of ***holes. Didn’t they let me fall from my position? Without us, I want to see how damn amazing they can be.”

Ruan Qingmu took off his earphone and happened to hear those faintly discernible words from the corridor. He then looked at Niu Xiaoqing with her head hanging low in the front and his expression turned cold.

The morning classes quickly passed. Some students’ houses were closer to the school, so they directly left the school and went home to eat lunch. Those who lived further went to eat in the cafeteria first.

Ruan Qingmu finished eating at the cafeteria. He simply went back to the classroom to pack his textbooks when he saw the two girls standing in front of the blackboard in the back.

The petite Tang Tiantian did her utmost to stand on tiptoes and help Niu Xiaoqing wipe her tears.

“Huhuhu… It’s so ugly. How can it be so ugly?” The usually majestic Niu Xiaoqing was so choked from sobs that she almost couldn’t breathe.

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When Ruan Qingmu raised his head, his three views were almost attacked by the impression of the painting on the blackboard on the back wall.

After a short lunch period, the blackboard was full of complicated pictures; the colors were bright and the lines were abstract. It was just that nobody could recognize what the thing was.

Ruan Qingmu walked to the last row and slowly packed his textbooks and homework. He only heard Tang Tiantian console in a low voice, “It’s okay. The blackboard bulletin evaluation isn’t a big matter. It’s okay if we’re placed in the bottom place and nobody will blame you for that either.”

“But I took the initiative to run for the publicity representative, ah. If we’re really placed in the last place, how can I go outside in public again? Huhuhu…” Niu Xiaoqing felt sadder the more she thought about it. She raised her hand to wipe her face and the grass-green watercolor paint she was using to paint rubbed onto her face, leaving it a miserable green.

Tang Tiantian sighed. “How about you wait for a while? I will go to beg Wang Li again and beg him to come help…”

Unexpectedly, a faint question sounded from beside her ear. “What is this painting? A wild vegetable field?”

Niu Xiaoqing turned her head and saw Ruan Qingmu’s nearly transparent white face. She suddenly let out a “Wahhh” and her sobs increased even more.

Ruan Qingmu: “…”

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Girls were truly terrible; that was the truth.

Tang Tiantian hurriedly embraced Niu Xiaoqing and helplessly looked at Ruan Qingmu. “Don’t jabber. It’s a flower field.”

Ruan Qingmu: “…”

Sorry, he honestly couldn’t tell.

He reached out and took the design draft from Niu Xiaoqing’s hand. He then looked at the blackboard and honestly said, “The design draft is really very common. The painting is ugly too.”

Tang Tiantian: “…”

Ruan Qingmu wanted to say more, but his phone screen suddenly lit up.

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Qin Yuan’s WeChat message popped out. “Want to go now or not?”

Ruan Qingmu took his school bag and walked to the doorway. He just wanted to reply with “Going out at once,” but still couldn’t help but look back again.

Many students had already left on Saturday afternoon and only two girls remained on their wit’s end. They stood there, one was still crying and the other was clumsily comforting her.

His fingers paused on the WeChat interface. After hesitating for a while, he finally typed a line. “Something came up in the class and I can’t go back now. Why don’t you go back home by yourself?”

Someone, who had just walked to the doorway with his school bag, lowered his thin eyelids and stared at his phone.

Ruan Qingmu waited for a long time but didn’t get a reply. He sighed in his heart: still the same as his previous life. Ruan Qingmu knew Qin Yuan would ignore others once he was unhappy.

He still wanted to explain again when the reply from the other person finally came.

It was indifferent and seemed to be very casual but also a little serious. “It’s all right. I will wait for you, no matter how long.”

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