A Huge Display (3)

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“What did Class 9’s bulletin board look like? Are there any spectators at the scene? Can someone take a picture to let us see?”

“I’m speechless! This is so good!”

“Is this hand-drawn? Is it not photocopied and enlarged? So shocking…”

Ruan Qingmu, who was currently hiding and didn’t reveal himself, sighed. Someone suddenly broke the news. “Ahhh! Class 9’s publicity representative and former publicity representative are quarreling!”

A boy with a despicable mouth immediately shouted, “Supporting the beautiful woman ~~~ Forbidding Niu Xiaoqing to bully weak girls!”

The girls didn’t feel happy. Liu Siyuan usually had boys surrounding her and she couldn’t care less about the girls. On the contrary, many of them sympathized with Niu Xiaoqing. Someone immediately came out anonymously to say these words of ridicule. “You won’t be allowed inside the house if you lick the dog* (tongue out emoji).”

*T/N:  You won’t be allowed inside the house if you lick the dog: a person unilaterally showing affection won’t get a good result.

Several seconds later, someone cried out inside the group again. “What?! Ruan Qingmu said he was the one who drew the bulletin board!”

“?? Liar. I don’t believe it. Is he bragging?”

Inside Class 9, Niu Xiaoqing stood with her tall body, seemingly full of vigor. Hearing the ridicule from the boys, her clear eyes turned red.

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On the last row, Ruan Qingmu, who sat quietly, slowly raised his eyes.

Amidst the chaos, he impatiently used his crutches to tap at a desk. “Can’t you guys shut up? So annoying.”

The students slowly quieted down. Tang Tiantian anxiously watched Ruan Qingmu, her heart beating very fast.

Oh no! Would he be like those boys and only say words to please the beautiful girls while mocking her and Niu Xiaoqing?

Ruan Qingmu expressionlessly pointed at the back blackboard. “Sorry, I drew it.”

There was a commotion. Oh~~! Ah~~! Were they hearing things?

Liu Siyuan widened her eyes. How could it be? This boy used to hide in the corner every day and she didn’t have a very clear impression of him. But she had a feeling that his art grades couldn’t be that good! There was no way he could’ve drawn that.

“You? Why wouldn’t you help me before if it was really you?” She felt shocked and disbelief; her big pretty eyes carried resentment in them.

Ruan Qingmu supported his forehead as if he was currently suffering from a headache. “Who are you?”

He truly didn’t remember the name of this girl. When he transmigrated, this girl was already not a part of this class.

“Even if you didn’t help me, why wouldn’t you help the class? You ignored the interest of the class, so selfish!” Liu Siyuan sobbed and stomped her feet.

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Ruan Qingmu looked at Niu Xiaoqing’s embarrassed expression and then Liu Siyuan. He listlessly lowered his eyes. “No. I’m not trying to help with the classwork. I didn’t want to help you, but I wanted to help her. Can’t I do that?”


The big group watching the live stream was flooded by the latest development in regard to the blackboard bulletin. Suddenly, a message popped out and blinded everyone’s eyes.

“Reporting again! Ruan Qingmu caringly said he liked to help Niu Xiaoqing and didn’t want to help Liu Siyuan!”

Everyone: “Σ( ° △°|||)︴…”

After a long time, someone sneakily sent out an anonymous message. “Class 9 sports representative’s taste is a bit heavy, ah…”

Inside Class 1, Fu Songhua, who had been peeking at his phone, slapped the desk and stifled a laugh. “Hahahaha! That little cripple is so funny!”

Qin Yuan, who sat still and upright, suddenly raised his head. His pair of phoenix eyes looked at the boy next to him.

The class teacher had arrived at the class doorway. Fu Songhua hurriedly put his phone away and whispered at Qin Yuan. “He publicly showed affection to a girl.”

After that, he saw the class monitor classmate, who never played with his phone during class, expressionlessly took out his phone. “Which group?”

Fu Songhua: “480-419-785. The big grade group!”

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After not even a minute, he saw the boss classmate begin typing.

Even the most daring students in the class put their phones away when the teacher started the lecture. Fu Songhua also didn’t dare to be rash and helplessly looked as the class monitor classmate looked down at his phone busily. His heart itched as if a thousand rats were fighting inside it – What the hell was the class monitor doing?!

Qin Yuan finished typing and indifferently turned off his phone. He looked back at the blackboard with a cold expression.

After enduring great difficulty until the class ended, Fu Songhua impatiently took out his phone as soon as the teacher’s figure went out and quickly looked around.

Afterward, he shrieked like a girl.

The top student boss, who rarely appeared in the big group, openly sent out a message. Looking at the time, it was even during class!

It was reserved and cold but also polite. “Student Ruan Qingmu drew the painting and I wrote the inscription. We helped student Niu Xiaoqing together. It’s only a collaboration between classmates that shows our bond and friendship.”

The girls from every class who sympathized with Niu Xiaoqing just now: “…”

?? What just happened? Did the boys just readjust their statement to side with Niu Xiaoqing just now?

A newly emerged unstable underachiever and handsome top student excelling in both look and intelligence strived to speak for her. Did Niu Xiaoqing save the world in her previous life?

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Class 9’s girls shouted at Niu Xiaoqing. “Xiaoqing, did top student Qin really help our class write poetry? How did you ask him to help?”

Niu Xiaoqing’s face turned red. “… No, I didn’t, ah!”

Although she gave her support and shouted herself hoarse to vote for Qin Yuan in the junior year’s school grass voting, she never expected anything from him. She never thought of being reciprocated by the male god!

She was flustered. She had just been torn to shreds by Liu Siyuan and something big like this happened now; it caught her off guard.

Class 1 students rarely ever played with their phones during class. Fu Songhua didn’t find anyone to gossip with after a long time. After holding it back for a while, he approached Qin Yuan with a whimper. “Class monitor, are you close with Niu Xiaoqing?”

Qin Yuan slightly raised his phoenix eyes. “Not at all.”

“Ohh, then is it that you don’t want Ruan Qingmu to steal the show alone?”

Qin Yuan’s gaze was cold. “What kind of public show of affection are you talking about? Who would spread this kind of irresponsible rumor? Even if Ruan Qingmu doesn’t mind it, can the girl not mind it?”

Fu Songhua seriously thought it over for a while. “Boss, I think Niu Xiaoqing won’t mind it… and will probably be very happy!”

“That’s what the boys think. Girls wouldn’t want their good reputation to be tarnished, right?” The class monitor student looked cold and solemn.

“(⊙﹏⊙)……” Fu Songhua was in awe. “Boss, you’re right. We need to respect the girls; I’ve been educated!”

It seemed to fit the class monitor’s righteous and exemplary moral persona, but he still felt that something didn’t seem right!

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