A Hobby of Collecting the First Rank (1)

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There were six standard physics classes. Bai Jing sat in Class 3 and kept checking the door every once in a while.

When Ruan Qingmu’s figure walked in from outside, he frantically raised his hand. “Ruan-ge, Ruan-ge, you finally came! Here, here’s your throne!”

The steady class was originally the place for regular students. When the school allocated the classes, they also considered grouping the average students together as much as possible. Upon entering, Ruan Qingmu recognized some familiar faces from Class 9.

On the contrary, those with slightly better grades weren’t there anymore. Many diligent girls like Tang Tiantian attended the advanced class.

Ruan Qingmu carried his school bag, walked to the window side, and lazily sat down. “Is this seat still empty?”

The window was on the left side. By sitting at this spot, he could gaze at the faraway sports field as the teacher lectured. Huang Ya sat in the front. He was tall and sturdy enough to block the teacher’s line of sight.

He could hide half of his body in the window curtains and it would be utterly invisible if he wore an earphone on one side. The wall was behind him. He could lean against the wall if he was tired. It was simply a throne with the best Feng Shui that every underachieving student strived to obtain.

Huang Ya moved in closer while flattering him, “It was originally my seat. Since you’re now here, I will sit in the front, Ruan-ge. I’ll protect you from the wind and rain.”

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Ruan Qingmu wanly slumped down in his chair and didn’t say a word.

“Ruan-ge, you’re not accustomed to the change of environment?” Bai Jing asked while observing his behavior. “The competition class is so boring. The air is definitely fresher and nicer here.”

Ruan Qingmu expressionlessly looked at him. “At least they are peaceful, unlike you guys who are so noisy.”

Huang Ya guffawed. “They’re not called peaceful but suffocating.”

Ruan Qingmu looked around. “Fang Li isn’t here?”

Bai Jing nodded. “Fang Li applied for the advanced class for physics. He happened to get into the same class as that sports representative from Class 1. I heard that he was even more miserable there than in our class.”

Ruan Qingmu frowned and stared at him. “What do you mean by that?”

Huang Ya laughed out loud. “Fang Li was forcibly taken as the little brother of that tyrant, Fu Songhua! He was dragged to the cafeteria by Fu Songhua after the afternoon class finished every day. He was even forced to go to the advanced classroom for night self-study, saying that he would carry him to fly.”

Several boys burst out laughing. “Fuck, is he so miserable? He just escaped from Liu Jun’s grasp, but Fu Songhua now pesters him?”

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“That’s right. With him being weak and timid like a little daughter-in-law, who wouldn’t want to bully him?”

Ruan Qingmu picked up a book and slapped it at the boy in front. “Bullshit. Seeing that others are weak makes you want to bully them. Then, I also see that you’re especially weak and that makes me want to hit you. Is that really all right?”

The boy shrank his neck in a grievance. “Ruan-ge, don’t be so fierce. I didn’t even bully him. I’m talking about Liu Jun and Fu Songhua.”

Ruan Qingmu picked up the book and continued to slap him hard. “You’re not allowed to compare Fu Songhua with Liu Jun.

Bai Jing glanced at him and asked in a whisper, “Ruan-ge, didn’t you hate Fu Songhua?”

Ruan Qingmu coldly answered. “He’s only stupid and not bad.”

Everyone: “…”

We thanked this venerable one on behalf of Fu Songhua; such a high evaluation!


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The bell for the end of the night self-study rang. Several boys carried their school bags and enthusiastically pulled on Ruan Qingmu’s arm. “Ruan-ge, let’s go and take a look at the fourth floor.”

The dormitories for Class 9 boys were all located on the fourth floor. The school dormitory had just been renovated several years ago and it was very spacious. The quadruple room wasn’t full and some only had three people living inside. There were still some empty beds left.

When Ruan Qingmu had just moved to live in the school, Old Jian made a special request and arranged for him to move to the first floor because it wasn’t convenient for his leg. At that time, it was also said that he could move to the fourth floor again after his body got better. After all, it would be easier to communicate and bond if he lived together with his own fellow classmates.

The group of boys escorted Ruan Qingmu and excitedly stood in front of the dorm administrator’s office.

“Uncle Zhou, our classmate wants to change dorm rooms. What procedures do we need to do in order to get this done?”

The dorm administrator looked at Ruan Qingmu, who stood in the middle, and suddenly realized something. “Oh, it’s you. I remember, I remember. Your Teacher Jian told me last time. Just make a report and ask your teacher to sign it.”

He wore his presbyopia glasses and looked at the rosters. “The empty beds on the fourth floor, ah. Let me see, there are still a few from your class.”

Class 9 boys tentatively asked, “Then, can we choose it by ourselves?”

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The dorm administrator raised his eyes and looked at them through his glasses, generously waving his hand. “Okay, hurry up and select it. Then, come here to register it.”

“Ohhh!” The boys were excited. There’s actually such a good thing. When they moved in, their rooms were all randomly assigned.

“Let’s go, ah. Ruan-ge, choose a room. You can go live with whoever you want.”

“Sports representative, come live in our dorm. It’s facing the sun. It’s super nice to be in the sun during winter!” Huang Ya shouted.

“Ruan-ge, don’t go!” Someone also joined in to shout, “The three people in their dorm didn’t wash their socks. Whoever goes there will directly be suffocated to death by the smell, ah!”

Huang Ya leapt over and kicked the thigh of the speaking boy. “Bitch! You act as if you wash your underwear every day!”

Ruan Qingmu was so dizzy from all the chattering noises. He turned to speak but was stunned into silence.

A tall youth stood in the doorway of the dormitory building. There wasn’t any student beside him and he gazed at Ruan Qingmu from afar.

It was Qin Yuan.

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