Missing an Appointment (1)

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Fang Li was stunned and was even more nervous than him, his face turning a bright red. “What… What is it?”

Fu Songhua groped in his pocket, took out an anonymous cafeteria rechargeable card, and stuffed it into his hand. “There’s a little money in here.”

Fang Li blankly looked at the meal card. “Ah?”

Fu Songhua glanced around at his surroundings and whispered, “You can use this money to buy some delicious food and more meat!”

Fang Li was dazed. “Why are you doing this?”

Fu Songhua awkwardly rubbed his hands together. “Didn’t you often eat with Ruan Qingmu? I saw your family isn’t too well-off and that that cripple is even poorer. Both of you are so thin and rarely eat any meat. Malnourishment is a lifelong thing. When you buy something to eat, share it with him.”

Fang Li’s lip slightly quirked. “He… he won’t accept this, right?”

“Hah! You could just say he covered for you every time and that you were feeling grateful, so you wanted to treat him.” Fu Songhua scratched his head. “Besides, the key point is that you have to eat a little better. I can’t always be with you for every meal.”

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Fang Li stared blankly at him, tightly gripped the meal card, and said in a barely audible voice, “Why… Why are you so good to me?”

Fu Songhua grinned and reached out to poke his head with a finger. “I’m covering for you. After this, you’ll no longer have to starve. I will regularly put money on this card. You don’t need to hesitate to swipe it. Whatever you and the little cripple like to eat, just buy it.”

After saying this, his eyes brightened as he looked at the figure walking on the small path beside the sports field and hastily shouted, “Boss, boss!”

The tall crane-like youth halted in his steps and stood under the big camphor tree, looking in their direction.

Fu Songhua shouted at the top of his voice, “Didn’t you say you would return tomorrow morning? Why are you back now?”

The mottled tree shadow went on to hide one side of the youth’s handsome face. He stood there with a rare bright and cheerful aura, looking splendid and handsome.

“Mm, the power was out at my house.”

Fu Songhua didn’t doubt him and happily jumped up and down. “Since you’re already here, let’s play ball!”

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The handsome youth under the tree shade shook his head. “I have something to do. I’m going to the dorms first.”

Fu Songhua had no idea if it was because there was now enough sunshine or if the breeze was blowing in the right way, but the usually cold and reticent youth seemed to have vibrant energy emanating from his whole body.

Fu Songhua suddenly thought of something and shouted again, “Boss, look at your WeChat.”

He took out his phone from out of his pocket, avoided everyone’s gazes, and sent a message. “Boss, I’ve done the mission you handed to me. The meal card is with Fang Li. Don’t worry, I’ve handled it and didn’t say it was from you. Hehe~~~.”

The few basketball team members looked as Qin Yuan walked away and laughed at Fu Songhua on the side. “It’s been a long time since your class monitor played with you. Old Fu, you’re not good anymore. People don’t like you, ah.”

Fu Songhua jumped up and threw the water bottle he drank into Fang Li’s embrace. “Hold this for me!”

He then held the basketball and vigorously ran to the court. “Fuck! Who said I’m no longer good? Come here. Let’s see if I can still demolish you or not!”


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The first-floor corridor was dimly lit. Qin Yuan opened room 106’s door and closed the door behind him.

It had been a day since the owner of that bed and desk had moved out. The entire room seemed empty as if it had been vacant for a long time.

He rapidly tidied up the things inside his suitcase. After that, he simply stood there in his dorm room and silently took out his phone.

He stared at the last message: “I will return to school earlier. I can’t wait to study!”

That line looked upright in the regular font on the phone, but it somehow seemed to have the same slanting manner as its owner.

Qin Yuan stood in front of his desk and opened the olympiad exercise book.

He absentmindedly did half of the question sets. When he looked at the time next, it was already past five o’clock.

By the time it was past six o’clock, the dorm was still quiet without anybody else entering the room.

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He finally couldn’t bear it anymore and took out his phone. After a long time, he hesitatingly typed out. “Is there a traffic jam? Are you stopping to eat at the cafeteria later?”

There was no reply.

The sky outside gradually turned dark and the glimmer of sunset through the window slowly dissipated. The person who said he wanted to return earlier didn’t show up yet.

The WeChat on Qin Yuan’s phone continued to ring. Fu Songhua’s messages kept on coming.

“Class monitor, when will you go to the cafeteria?”

“Boss, have you eaten? I didn’t see you at the cafeteria!”

After a while, he changed tactics and instead, sent a voice message. “Boss, where will you study at night? The spectacled student from Class 2 wants to know. He said he wants to ask for your guidance if you go to the competition class for night self-study this evening.”

Qin Yuan quietly looked down at his phone. After a long time, he faintly replied, “Tell him to send a picture to me. I’ll write it out for him.”

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