A Shocking Secret (2)

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Tang Tiantian had been paying attention to her partner and fully understood that Niu Xiaoqing had always been thankful to Ruan Qingmu for everything he had done for her. She hurriedly extended her hands and embraced her. “Xiaoqing, don’t mind them. They’re only being cheap-mouthed.”

Niu Xiaoqing raised her plump arms and rubbed her eyes, suddenly bellowing. “I only like him and why can’t I? It’s not that kind of like. Why does everyone else can, but I can’t?!”

She felt hurt the more she talked and she didn’t regard anything with the alcohol in her head. “So what if my weight is big?! I’m only thankful for him. It’s not like I want to do anything… huhuhu!”

The boys were dumbfounded. The boys at the next table also lowered their heads, not daring to speak.

Aiyo. Niu-jie could also be sad? But she was so robust and it was ridiculous that she confessed to a handsome guy!

Tang Tiantian anxiously took a tissue and helped Niu Xiaoqing wipe her tears, turning to scold the boys angrily. “You guys are so annoying!”

Huang Ya blankly looked at Niu Xiaoqing and suddenly scratched his head. “Niu-jie, don’t cry. How about I confess to you and we’ll be a match together?!”

Niu Xiaoqing was sad and embarrassed. She cried while reaching out to pick a roasted oyster mushroom skewer and smashing it at him. “Fuck off… You still came here to tease me.”

Amidst the chaos, Ruan Qingmu lightly reached out and took that skewer dripping with oil from midair.

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After that, he stood up.

He lifted the plastic cup in front and only looked at the girls, ignoring the boys heckling. “Enough. I also like everyone.”

He drank the whole cup with one gulp and then seriously said to the tall, fat Niu Xiaoqing, “Our class’ publicity representative is very responsible. She wrote seven or eight drafts for the broadcast manuscript.”

Niu Xiaoqing sat in a daze and blankly looked at him.

Ruan Qignmu scratched his head. “She’s earnest, but her drawing skills are not so good.”

Everyone howled in laughter. Niu Xiaoqing was shy and thankful. She suddenly embarrassedly stood up and dashed to the bathroom quickly.

Tang Tiantian’s eyes were red, and she silently looked at Ruan Qingmu, whispering, “Sports representative… thank you, ah.”

Ruan Qingmu smiled warmly and also raised his cup at her. “The class monitor is also very capable, truly.”

After that, he suddenly turned around and fiercely reached out to knock Huang Ya’s head. “You talk too much. You’re the one who likes to confess! You…”

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Since he felt awkward, he used more strength. Huang Ya felt extreme pain in his forehead and he couldn’t help but cry loudly. “Ruan-ge, what’s wrong with confessions?! You’re so good. I also love you!”

“Fuck.” Ruan Qingmu stood up and clutched his neck. “You need a spanking, don’t you? I’ll satisfy you.”

He had just moved when Qin Yuan lightly pulled his arm.

Ruan Qingmu’s body tensed, suddenly not daring to look at him.

He was done. He received a big pile of confessions… and seemed to have responded too!

Qin Yuan had been quietly watching as everyone laughed and joked. His handsome look was right in the front and his eyes were calm.

But he didn’t say anything in the end. Instead, he reached out under Ruan Qingmu’s arm and saved Huang Ya. He handed a plastic cup to Huang Ya and helped him pour some beer.

After that, he earnestly knocked his cup against Huang Ya’s under everyone’s attentive gaze. “You said the right thing. Your class sports representative deserves to be loved.”

Ruan Qingmu: “???”

Was it really right? How did this rubbish talk become the right thing to do?!

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Huang Ya was stunned and looked at Qin Yuan with fear and trepidation. He suddenly turned around and shouted at the girls at the side. “Boss Qin drank with me. Did you guys take a picture of us? I want to frame it as a souvenir!”

The girls giggled. “We’ve taken your photo. The picture will be sent to the class group.”

A girl held up her phone. “Not only in the class group, but we will also send it to the grade group, ah.”

Before she could send it, she was stunned and blankly scrolled at the screen. Her complexion suddenly changed.

“What… what is this…” She rubbed her eyes and panickedly raised her head to look at the students around the table. “Hold on for a minute. Look at the group chat.”

The boys and girls at several tables took out their phones. “Hahaha. Who made a fool of themselves and were shot?”

“Is that a sticker package? Whose is it?”

Several people who looked at it first didn’t say anything, their expressions slightly weird.

More and more people realized something was wrong and took out their phones.

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“This… this is?” Niu Xiaoqing sat beside Fang Li. After looking at it for a long time, she finally raised her head blankly. “Is this talking about our class?”

In the big grade group, an anonymous person posted some news. Meanwhile, it was even more exaggerated in the school forum and a post was made. The information and pictures inside were the same as in the group chat’s.

<<The shocking truth regarding the suspect of the girl’s dorm robbery case, look at a certain someone from Class 9’s private hidden goods?>> – The person who posted it was also anonymous. All the pictures were taken in the boys’ dormitory. Even if it was a close-up, it was also taken from a bedside table in the dorms.

Two lipsticks were placed side by side, one red and one orange. A boy at the back, who didn’t reveal his face, smugly smeared several strokes on his hand, showing the colors.

There was also a small foundation, a packet of fake eyelashes, and a small pretty makeup mirror at the back.

But this wasn’t the main point. The main issue was that two girls’ skirts were messily displayed on the desk at the back very clearly. One was a big red pleated long skirt and the other was a snow-white chiffon skirt.

At the back again, there was a pair of woman’s suspender stockings. It was a common one which was sexy black with a fine mesh.

“Do you guys still remember the underwear and phones stolen from the girls’ dorm a while ago? Let’s not announce the culprit first. Everyone, please take a guess. This is taken from that boy’s cabinet. Hehe. As a tip, he’s from the sophomore year.”

The sports competition had just finished and the sophomore year’s Class 9 rode a high tide this year. The confrontation between Ruan Qingmu and Qin Yuan was very eye-catching and there were seven or eight pages in their betting post in the school forum. Even up till now, the replies still rose steadily.

This newest post was like a thunderbolt, attracting everyone’s attention instantly.

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