You’re Good-Looking (2)

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… Ruan Qingmu frowned and looked at the hanged up call.

Qin Yuan asked from the side. “What’s wrong?”

“It seems that his mom is yelling at him. It’s quite scary.”

Qin Yuan was silent. “I’m afraid Fang Li’s current state has something to do with his family.”

Ruan Qingmu laughed bitterly. “Yes, ah. Many children who didn’t turn out so great were actually affected by some bullshit in their families. Bai Jing said that big fool Liu Jun’s father seemed to be treating him badly as well. Once he drinks, he’ll beat him and kick him until he’s as good as knocked out.”

Qin Yuan sighed softly. “The psychology book I read before said a person treated with violence since childhood would more likely show violent tendencies after they grew up, becoming a perpetrator.”

“But it’s still up to the person.” Ruan Qingmu shook his head. “Some people can still live clean inside a muddy situation. Others can still sprout a crooked heart even if they grow in a rich nest.”

Qin Yuan quietly looked at him, suddenly saying, “You grew up well.”

Ruan Qingmu was stunned, the corners of his mouth rising.

He laughed while asking, “Good in what way? Tell me.”

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Qin Yuan calmly looked at him, gazing into his deep, bright pupils.

After that, the top student coughed lightly. “I’ll give you a Chinese fourth-grade question. Answer it now.”

Ruan Qingmu: “???”

What was with all this grilling all of a sudden?

“Didn’t you ask ‘good in what way’?” A faint glint flashed through Qin Yuan’s black pupils and his thick lashes fluttered. “Grow up well and also good-looking*. There are two kinds of meanings. I’d like to review your reading comprehension.”

*T/N: 长得好 has two meanings: (1) grow up well; (2) good-looking (pretty, handsome).

Ruan Qingmu surprisedly raised his brows. “Eh? The first meaning is… the family circumstances aren’t good, but the person grew up to be a good person?”

A faint smile appeared on the corners of Qin Yuan’s mouth. “Mm.”

Ruan Qingmu continued to mull it over in his head. “The second meaning is…”

After a long time, he suddenly let out an “ah.”

Fuck, he wasn’t prepared to be praised. Despite his thick skin*, he was also feeling a little overwhelmed.

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*T/N: Brazen or shameless

He slowly approached Qin Yuan and pointed his finger to his own face. “Am I good-looking?”

Qin Yuan was slightly forced backward several inches and his breathing became a bit more labored.

Afterward, he softly said, “Mm, very good-looking.”

He was more good-looking than anyone else he had ever seen.

The sky outside had turned dark. The television in the living room didn’t have any sound on. The flash of light on the screen flickered, managing to enter the study and reflecting off of their pupils.

In the distance, every room of the buildings was ablaze with light.

Suddenly, Ruan Qingmu abruptly jumped up and his porcelain white face was crimson as he gritted his teeth while saying, “Great class monitor Qin, you’re done. You’ve changed.”

He was completely transformed from the past! In the past, he was a famous -shaoxia who spoke and acted like the blazing sun and was very serious. But now, he actually praised people’s beauty and was full of nonsense?


Ruan Qingmu hugged the little mute and carried a heavy plastic bag in the taxi on the way back home.

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When he arrived at Qin Yuan’s place, he brought with him a fully packed lunch box. When he left, he got a bag full of snacks – every kind of nuts, imported chocolates, high-quality cookies, and a massive bunch of crisp glass grapes that were left over in the refrigerator.

Qin Yuan packed all of these items, nearly emptying the fruit tray on the coffee table and the food cabinet. He wanted Xiao-Zhuang to bring everything home and told him to eat them slowly.

Tch. He was still like that. Even if the little mute ignored him, he was still good to him.

Children would always feel sleepy at night. After watching TV on the sofa for the whole day, the little mute still couldn’t resist his sleepiness although he was still eager to continue watching. When they came out of the study, he had already laid on the sofa and was fast asleep, looking miserable as if he had been thrown there by irresponsible parents.

Ahhh. What parents? It was all caused by that other guy’s nonsense.

Indeed, this person had already become very weird and wasn’t the same person he had known in his previous life!

The little mute lay in his embrace and silently slept with his thin arms around his neck.

He tilted his head and looked at the little guy. He had laid him down horizontally with his knees as the headrest and his body leaning against the backseat of the cab.

The little guy turned over in a daze and opened his eyes. After looking up at him, he finally closed his eyes at ease again.

Ruan Qingmu casually stroked his head, mumbling softly, “Hey, do you still hate him? Look at you ignoring him like that… but in the previous life, didn’t you desperately look for him after I died?”

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Sitting in the front seat, the taxi driver pricked his ears and stealthily studied them in the rearview mirror.

Damn. Why was this young man’s face so white and why did he have such dark eyes that looked like they could stare straight into your soul? The small child lying on his knee was motionless and silent.

Spewing nonsense about life or death on such a late night!

The little mute slept quietly but still restlessly moved around.

Ruan Qingmu stared fixedly outside the window.

But Qin Yuan, this person, was always reliable in handling matters. After silently listening to his little attendant’s words, he seriously helped this child settle down before departing.

He found a village for the child to stay in, left enough silvers for him to live off of, and instructed his Qin family’s old housekeeper to take care of him in the future. After that, he found the peach blossom tree where he had died in the past life and went to collect the remains of his bones.

Honestly speaking, it was a fact for someone like him from the demonic sect to kill people. It was like second nature to him. But because he was too reckless and arrogant, he had never imagined that he would actually die under the sword of another.

He was careless, but he didn’t anticipate that those sinister people had secretly joined forces. First, they found a weak woman pretending to be injured and led him to the desolate area outside the city, where they all revealed themselves.

There were six experts and all of them had a deep grudge against him.

There was the brother of the Tang Sect’s son, who took over the house and killed the owner; there was the Qinglu Gang’s fish that escaped the net* who had killed the mute’s family; and there was Leader Lin, whose own son had been blinded by his concealed weapon.

*T/N: Escaping from death

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