Plotting And Revenge (1)

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It took Ruan Qingmu 30 minutes to get back and it was almost time to finish the night’s self-study by the time he did. He walked to his seat and quietly took out his phone.

As expected, that person had already gotten bored since he didn’t continue the picture fight and sent another meme of a surprised chubby kid accompanied by several words. “Where’s the bad person? Where did the bad person go?”

Ruan Qingmu felt ridiculous and curious. Has this person gone crazy? In the past, his reply was concise and dull. Has he suddenly discovered the joy of sending pictures now?

He didn’t read books and didn’t do homework during night self-study and just looked for pictures everywhere. Why was he being so childish?!

“Three-year-old Student Qin –” He had just sent a line and hadn’t thought of the next line to send when a faint question suddenly sounded right next to his ear.

“Ruan-ge, who are you chatting so happily with?”

Ruan Qingmu’s hand trembled and he nearly dropped his phone.

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He raised his head and looked embarrassingly and angrily at Huang Ya, who had popped out of nowhere like a ghost. “If you sneakily look at my phone again, I’ll poke your eyes out!”

Huang Ya: “…”

Hehe. Ruan-ge was so aggressive. After the sports competition, his words became fiercer and manlier.

Bai Jing jeered from the front. “Poke him! Poke him! Huang Ya needs a good spanking!”

Ruan Qingmu raised his head and suddenly frowned. “Fang Li hasn’t returned yet?”

When he left the classroom, Fang Li was already gone and he initially thought that he had gone to the bathroom. But why was his seat still empty an hour later?

Bai Jing stooped down and looked at Fang Li’s desk. “It’s so neat. There are no textbooks on his table.”

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A boy in front said, “He carried his school bag when he went out. I saw it.”

Ruan Qingmu sat on the seat and looked at the students all around, suddenly saying, “I have something to say. Everyone, please listen up.”

He didn’t look at the other corner with Liu Jun and the others and only swept a glance at the whole class. “Everyone already knows about Fang Li’s matter. If anyone dares to gossip behind him and I learn about it, don’t blame me if I start beating people up.”

Tang Tiantian in the front also said softly, “Mm. It’s not like Fang Li was wrong.”

Ruan Qingmu said again, “I don’t care about other things. I’m also not interested in caring about what other people think. But I’m the sports representative and Fang Li has struggled desperately to get scores for our class in the sports competition. He’s a person that I, Ruan Qingmu, will definitely cover.”

Huang Ya’s expression was bitter. “Ruan-ge, I also struggled to get many points. You only love Fang Li and don’t love me.”

Ruan Qingmu pretended to kick him. “Yes, ah. I’m only talking about the points. He struggled to get more points than you!”

Several boys laughed heartily. “Enough. Enough. Old Huang, don’t strive for favor anymore. If you don’t close your mouth, beware of Ruan-ge breaking your tooth.”

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The girls also nodded successively. “Mm. Those rubbish words, we won’t care about them.”

Niu Xiaoqing also straightened her chest. “Sports representative, don’t worry about it. If we hear any disgusting words from other classes, we will definitely go up to them to defend Fang Li!”

Someone suddenly interfered with a line from the side. “We also don’t need to defend if other classes speak nonsense. Someone will naturally come up to them.”

“Yes, ah. Didn’t Fu Songhua hit people because of this at the cafeteria this evening?”

Ruan Qingmu raised his eyes and coldly looked at them. “What happened?”

Bai Jing quietly pulled him down, whispering, “Ruan-ge, I’ll tell you in private later.”

Almost everybody in the classroom had walked away, but Ruan Qingmu continued to stare at Bai Jing. “Can you tell me now?”

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Two or three of Bai Jing’s best friends stayed behind at his side and he sighed with difficulty. “Didn’t you go to the cafeteria tonight? You didn’t see it? Several Class 3’s boys were discussing chaotically, saying Fang Li was a femme fatale and a big group of people fought because of him.”

Ruan Qingmu’s expression was cold. “And then?”

Bai Jing hesitated, finding it hard to explain the matter. “Then, someone seemed to say something about becoming hard after looking at the picture… Fu Songhua was right behind them. His eyes suddenly turned red and he grabbed his dish plate, breaking it over that boy’s head.”

Ruan Qingmu coldly sneered. “Oh, very good of him. Why didn’t he add a bowl of boiling soup to that boy’s head?”

The boys around trembled, Hehe. Ruan-ge is truly a gangster.

Bai Jing sighed. “It’s nothing good, ah. Once everyone found out about the matter with this mess, those unpleasant words would spread again.”


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