Plotting And Revenge (3)

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He was a quack doctor who would make diagnostics and would even call the students one by one for re-examination. If they didn’t go, he would directly approach the students in the classroom during lunch break and order them to take off their shoes on the spot for an examination.
This doctor stood out in everyone’s mind as someone to look out for.

Qin Yuan was silent for a while before changing the topic. “Did I disturb you during the night self-study?”

His tone was calm but somehow seemed a little bitter.

Ruan Qingmu whispered with some guilt on his part, “That’s right, ah. You’ve disturbed me. The pictures’ kept coming with ‘biubiu’ sounds. You did your homework quickly, so you could disturb underachievers like me after you finished.”

Qin Yuan was almost motionless and only whispered after a long time, “I didn’t finish my homework before chatting.”


“After writing half of it, I went to look for images.” Qin Yuan softly said, “You left after biting people and didn’t even reply with anything. I waited for the whole day.”

Ruan Qingmu glanced sideways at him and suddenly extended his hand, grabbing his wrist.

“Is it a real injury or a fake one?” Ruan Qingmu lifted his hand and squinted his eyes to look at it under the moonlight. “Someone who looks honest and upright outwardly but actually knows how to pretend.”

Qin Yuan abruptly drew his hand back. “Don’t touch it. It hurts.”

Ruan Qingmu glared at him.

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“Hey –” He asked in amazement. “Don’t you know? When you lied, even your neck turned red.”

Qin Yuan: “…”

Ruan Qingmu looked at him and suddenly leaned closer to his neck. “It’s really red.”

He just casually teased this person. The sky was so dark. How could he see whether this person’s neck was red or white? But now, it was really so red that it was clear even under the moonlight!

Qin Yuan stood firm and looked at Ruan Qingmu’s smiling face that was almost within reach. He suddenly extended his hand and pressed him against a small tree at the side, approaching him.

“Are you so happy making fun of me?” he asked softly.

Under the moonlight and on a deserted campus path, his face approached Ruan Qingmu’s, suddenly revealing a trace of danger.

Ruan Qingmu was stunned. He subconsciously held his breath, feeling vaguely bewildered.

“What… What?” He stammered while asking, “Did I really injure you?”

Qin Yuan didn’t speak and only stared intently into Ruan Qingmu’s eyes. After a long time, his gaze slowly shifted lower, looking at that pair of lips that were very close.

Ruan Qingmu’s heart pounded as an invisible pressure filled the air. He suddenly wanted to dodge backward, but he knocked against the tree trunk behind him when he leaned back, unable to move back a single step more.

“Ah, haha…” He laughed awkwardly. “That –”

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“Shut up.” Qin Yuan cut him off in a low voice and grabbed his palm, rubbing Ruan Qingmu’s fingertips with his. “Or else, I will bite you back.”

Ruan Qingmu abruptly closed his mouth.

Shouldn’t he bite his fingers if he wanted to bite back?! Why was he looking at his mouth?!

The wind was soft, the moon was bright, the distinct smell of grass was everywhere, and the air seemed still. The flowing clouds in the sky also seemed to stop rolling at this moment.

After a long time, the look in Qin Yuan’s eyes changed. He finally pulled away slowly and turned his head.

“Let’s go,” he said in a hoarse voice, his Adam’s apple lightly moving.

Ruan Qignmu, whose face was burning hot, silently followed behind him. He whispered after a while, “Leave your door open for me. I will sneak in later to sleep.”


A week quickly passed. Life in the school was primarily tedious and smoothly moved in three dots and one line*.

*T/N: Three dots and one line: describes a life that is unchanging (going to class, cafeteria, and dorm.)

The upcoming mid-term exams were getting closer and closer. Exam papers started to increase in number, procrastination became more common, and the number of people studying in the evenings was getting fewer and fewer.

Today was Friday and many classes had teachers coming to patrol the night self-study.

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Class 9’s class teacher, Old Jian, strolled around the classroom before leaving the classroom in satisfaction.

Ruan Qingmu raised his head from a pile of exam papers and rubbed his eyes, looking down from the school building.

It was finally nine o’clock. Several teachers on duty came out of the carport, sat on their bikes, and returned home.

It was true that high school class teachers had a hard time coming early in the morning and took turns to watch the night self-study, basically not returning until 9 o’clock.

Ruan Qingmu followed the teacher on duty’s figure until they disappeared outside the school before quietly standing up, taking out a small bag from his drawer, and leaving through the classroom’s back door.

Someone would always come out of the classroom to the bathroom and nobody paid any attention to him.

He followed the route he surveyed last time and quickly flipped through the wall, familiarly finding that “Original Wilderness” Internet café.

He hid in the shadow under a window outside and looked inside. Soon, he spotted a figure in a smoky corner.

He was tall and robust, not wearing a school uniform but a large tank top and holding a cigarette in his mouth. It was Lin Hua playing games.

Ruan Qingmu didn’t move, hiding in the shadows. After not long, Lin Hua finally stood up and slammed his mouse in indignation, quitting the game. He obviously didn’t have a good time playing.

He walked over to the bar and settled his bill, exiting the door of the Internet cafe alone and heading towards the back wall of the campus.

Ruan Qingmu watched him walk out for a dozen meters before slowly following him.

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Lin Hua, after all, was a sports student and was extremely agile when he went over the wall. But before he could jump down, a man caught up with him by the fence behind him.

Lin Hua saw it out of the corner of his eye. But after all, he was not the only scumbag who had also gone over the wall, so he did not care.

As soon as he jumped down, the black figure swiftly flipped over and reached behind him instantly too.

After that, he kicked him in the crook of his knee.

The kick was fierce and brutal and Lin Hua was unprepared, his whole sturdy body lurching to the side.

His feet missed the ground and one leg stepped on the air before getting stuck in a dug-out pit, causing a sharp pain in his ankle.

“Ah!” He cried out. “Who the fuck is it!”

He had just screamed out when his neck was strangled.

That arm was firm and powerful, ruthlessly strangling him. It almost forced Lin Hua’s tongue out before suddenly being released immediately afterward.

As a natural reaction, Lin Hua desperately opened his mouth wide to inhale. With such an opening, the person behind him was prepared and stuffed a disgustingly smelly cloth ball into his mouth.

Afterward, a sack bag came up and bound his entire upper body.

Lin Hua only felt a blackness in front of his eyes as the sack tightened and wrapped around his arm. Then, several vicious and tricky punches came down on him.

They were still steady and accurate despite the darkness of the night, hitting Lin Hua squarely in the stomach. He felt pain and nausea, wanting to throw up, but he couldn’t scream because of the thing stuffed in his mouth.

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