The Bankroller Little Sister (2)

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The post was anonymous and Bai Jing sat on the betting board himself. Only he knew who those four people were and it had to be said that they were all friendly bets.

Fang Li, Niu Xiaoqing, Tang Tiantian, and another new account, in all probability a junior year’s little fan girl who was too embarrassed to show her love, with the ID “Ruan Ruan is really soft.”

Ruan Qingmu held his arms and laughed grimly at him. “You can provide a stable crop, regardless of drought or flood.*”

*T/N: Provide a stable crop, regardless of drought or flood: something that is guaranteed to make a profit.

This despicable Bai Xiaosheng.

He wanted to place a bet on himself. Surprisingly, Bai Jing sternly refused, saying that he declined all parties to place a bet in person to keep everyone’s identity anonymous.

Old Jian stood on the podium. “Students, the exam results have come out. There’s very good news and also not-so-good news. Some students obtained shocking improvement while others have regressed.”

He raised the result information in his hand. “Come up to get your papers when I call your name. Same old rule – We won’t publish everyone’s result, giving everyone some privacy, but the ones who saw vast improvement will be praised publicly.”

The students below sat upright. Even the naughty and bad ones like Liu Jun became nervous and tense.

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Parents would be informed of the results of big exams and the information slips were required to be taken home and signed by parents. The class teacher would also check to call parents randomly to ask if the signatures were genuine.

Someone like Liu Jun’s father could hit him at any time until his whole body shed a layer of skin if he saw a result that didn’t please him.

“Tang Tiantian.”

Tang Tiantian hurriedly stood up and ran to the podium to receive her school report. After looking at it, her small face slightly became red, looking quite happy.

After returning to her seat, Niu Xiaoqing secretly made a sign with her.

Tang Tiantian shyly made a “22” sign and pointed upwards. Niu Xiaoqing understood it. Her rank in the whole grade rose by 22.

Old Jian called out their names one by one. Some people going up looked pale while some beamed with happiness. After not long, Old Jian called out, “Fang Li.”

In front of Ruan Qingmu, Fang Li lowered his head and walked forward, receiving the report from Old Jian. After slightly glancing at it, his face turned slightly paler.

“Come to my office tomorrow at noon.” Old Jian wasn’t angry and looked at him with slight concern on his face.

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Although Old Jian’s voice wasn’t loud, everyone understood that Fang Li’s grade had regressed so much that the old teacher would use this tone and expression to speak to him.

Ruan Qingmu looked at Fang Li as he went back to his seat. He was about to poke him when Old Jian called him from the podium. “Ruan Qingmu!”

Ruan Qingmu stood up and walked to the podium, reaching for the school report, but the hand holding it was still clasped around it tightly.

As he exerted strength again and almost tore the report, it still didn’t budge.

Comrade Old Jian firmly held on to his school report. The smile on his face was like he was looking at his biological son and he even raised the volume of his voice. “Students!”

Everyone was startled and successively raised their heads, looking at what appeared to be a match between their class teacher and sports representative. One wanted to grab the school report while the other wouldn’t give it.


Old Jian exerted all his strength and pulled up Ruan Qingmu to his side. “Don’t be anxious. Don’t be anxious. Stand here first. I’ll give the school report to you later.”

Ruan Qingmu helplessly rolled his eyes: Can’t he take a look at it first?!

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Old Jian really didn’t let him see but raised his school report high. “Students, one student in our class scored above the average scores for the honors class in two subjects in this exam, English 127 points and Chinese 129 points, including an essay with a high score of 56 points!”

He glanced lovingly at the indifferent Ruan Qingmu at the side, then looked at everyone. “Everyone, please guess who it is.”

There was a silence from below.

Old Jian must be crazy. No matter who it was, it would be acceptable to praise the person. Why did he tell their sports representative to stand in front and be humiliated like that?

Old Jian was anxious and looked at Ruan Qingmu again with a hint in his eyes. “Still can’t guess who it is?!”

Dumbfounded expressions from below looked back at him.

Ruan Qingmu finally couldn’t bear it anymore and suddenly jumped, grabbing the school report from Old Jian’s hand at top lightning speed. He turned around and walked down from the podium, looking through it while walking.

Mm. He ranked 292 in the whole grade. Although his Chinese and English scores were high, the other several subjects were still not that good.

Actually, math wasn’t entirely bad, scoring 108 points. He got two more questions correct from paper folding, obtaining four more points.

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Behind him, Comrade Old Jia’s passionate speech radiated all around and was earth-shattering. “It’s our little sports athlete, little drawing expert, and sports representative, Student Ruan Qingmu! Everyone, please give him a round of applause!”

Ruan Qingmu wasn’t steady and almost tripped on a desk leg.

Fuck. When Old Jian praised people, he honestly didn’t look like a Chinese teacher. So vulgar…

In the last half hour of the night’s self-study, some people were happy, some sad, and every class had a stand-out student.

But soon, that gambling post on the posting board came to attention and many small gamblers who had lost their money were complaining with passion.

“What?? The 20:1 odds are already ridiculously low. I was planning to earn a little money, but I actually lost?!”

“555555. I don’t believe it. Ranked in the 600 earlier, but 290 this time?”

“It can’t be! Who would believe that he fucking scored into the above average scores of the honors class?! Bai Xiaosheng cheated. Lang Ya Pavilion’s prestige crumbled!”

Amidst a chorus of questions, Bai Xiaosheng silently showed two pictures.

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