Midnight Snack (1)

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The boys stood by the cultural and sports building wall and stared at the big acacia tree with big and small eyes.

A thick branch slanted on the side near the wall, arrogantly extending across the school wall and beyond.

“Bo-Boss, can we really go through from here?” one Class 9 boy asked with fear in his voice. “Have you done this before?”

Ever since Lin Hua was beaten into a pulp after going through the wall, the school had been working feverishly to make the fence higher. Why was there a secret path here?

Qin Yuan let out an “mm.” “Never did it. Previously, I caught someone doing it.”

Everyone: “…”

Oh, right. They forgot this was the vice president of the discipline department. Moreover, he will become the president after the senior year president graduates.

Qin Yuan unhurriedly stretched his hand and grabbed the acacia tree’s branch, climbing up the trunk of a thick branch while pulling his body up. Then, he jumped lightly and landed on the not-so-high wall.

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Under the dim light, there was a rare brightness on his cold face and he solemnly asked the boys under the wall,“Do you guys want to go out and eat some midnight snacks?”

Everyone: “w(Д)w…”

Yao Shou La*. The vice president of the discipline department actually took the lead to invite people to break the rules and go over the wall so that they could hang out at night!

*T/N: Yao shou la (internet buzzword): used as an exclamation word, often appearing when encountering a serious disaster or event.

One Class 9’s boy blankly looked at him and lamented to his side. “Your class’ Boss is truly a werewolf*.”

*T/N: Is a werewolf: usually used to ridicule someone who is not doing things according to common sense, but it can achieve miraculous effects, giving people an unexpectedly powerful feeling.

Class 1’s study representative nodded vigorously. “Yes, more than a werewolf.”

“No. I mean, the moon is so full tonight and the way your Boss is crouching on the wall looks like he suddenly transformed on a full moon night.”

Ruan Qingmu tilted his head and looked at the person on the wall in shock. After not knowing what to say, he suddenly smiled and shook his head. “Fuck…”

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With a leap, he climbed up the big tree in two or three pulls, then nimbly jumped to Qin Yuan’s side.

Qin Yuan was quick with his reaction and swiftly reached out, grabbing his wrist to help him steady himself.

Ruan Qingmu half-crouched alongside him on the wall and overlooked them. “Let’s agree first. If you can’t climb, then don’t. Be obedient and return to the dorm to sleep.”

The two were close together at this time and Qin Yuan held his hand behind his back as if he was afraid he might accidentally fall, never letting go of it. Ruan Qingmu’s heart slightly jumped, motionlessly allowing him to hold his hand.

Within the fence, the boys from the two classes looked at each other, feeling excited.

Fuck. The two bosses dared to do it? If that was so, should they follow their lead?

“Ruan-ge, we’ll go up then!”

“Nothing can block me from boss’ treat. Wait for me!”

The boys outdid one another and climbed the tree trunk, climbing and dragging themselves up. One by one, they exhaustedly climbed up to the wall. Even the big fatty, Huang Ya, climbed over after some great effort.

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Fang Li stood behind the crowd, his thin figure half-hidden in the shadow.

Ruan Qingmu scanned below and suddenly called out to that shadow. “Fang Li, climb over. It’s very easy!”

Fang Li looked at the bustling boys on the wall and heard a “plop” sound on the ground beyond the wall, one after another, whispering, “Ruan-ge… I won’t go. You guys can go to play.”

After saying this, a voice sounded behind him.

“Are you not going?”

It was unknown when Fu Songhua got there.

Seeing Fang Li turn round, completely stunned, his face didn’t have any expression on it. He raised his head and shouted at Qin Yuan, “Class monitor, I’m sorry. You guys can go. I won’t be going.”

Qin Yuan solemnly said to Fang Li from the wall with a barely audible voice, “Fang Li, let’s go together.”

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Fang Li’s eyes faintly shone in the darkness, slightly moist.

Together… could he really go along with everyone?

He lowered his head and ran several steps impatiently toward the buzzing wall, reaching out to grab the tree branch.

It was as if by grabbing the big swaying branch and climbing up the wall like everyone else, he could jump into the liveliness over there, laugh and jump with everyone else, and no longer have to endure his loneliness.

But he ran too fast and his feet went off in the darkness. Although he caught the branch, he failed to jump onto the wall and his body dropped. He hung there with his hands grasping the edge of the wall in distress.

He was so anxious and frightened that he suddenly wanted to cry out again, but at that moment, his sliding body was suddenly caught by a pair of hands.

The hands were wide and large and they gripped his slender waist steadily, lifting him high upward with the force of both hands and sending him straight up the wall.

“You won’t fall. I’m here.” Fu Songhua’s voice was soft.

Above them, Ruan Qingmu immediately caught Fang Li’s extended hand.

His eyes were calm and especially bright at night. “Don’t rush. We will wait for you.”

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