Return It To You (2)

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One time, he was really desperate and stubbornly waited for Fang Li to go together, but he only understood the real reason after heading to the cafeteria.

Those curious or malicious gazes were everywhere, so much so that they irritated people.

Of course, he could turn a blind eye to it. But he also knew, let alone Fang Li, even Huang Ya, or Bai Jing might not be able to withstand these rude stares.

He suddenly said, “Send a message to him. Tell him, we will bring him some food back.”

Bai Jing hurriedly nodded. “Mm. Okay.”

Yes, ah. They might as well take it back for him to eat. It was too pitiful to eat alone.

Two boys from another class had their backs against them in the back and didn’t notice them, right in the middle of a chat in low voices.

“Oh, right. Do you think the things posted by Boss Qin are true or fake?”

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The boy beside him made an ambiguous sound as if he was swallowing. “English, you know it. It’s the easiest subject matter to cheat on.”

“Right. If Boss Qin really gave out the answers, of course, he would help to make false testimony.”

Huang Ya became furious from listening at the back and just wanted to turn around and scold them before the boy behind him clicked his tongue, saying, “Actually, I believe in Boss Qin. But the problem was that many people heard invigilator Dr. Gong scolding Ruan Qingmu. That’s the conclusive proof, right?”

Huang Ya was stuck and secretly glanced at Ruan Qingmu. Indeed, their Ruan-ge’s face also sank and his pair of bright peach blossom eyes suddenly had a bit of unbearable hostility in them.

Oh no! Oh no! Even a restrained person would explode after being publicly scolded for the whole day, let alone their Ruan-ge!


It was lunchtime and the cafeteria was packed with people, but there weren’t many people in the school building.

Fang Li blankly looked at the back row of the classroom, motionlessly gazing at the sports field outside.

Some students had already finished eating and returned from the cafeteria. They walked back in twos or threes with arms around each other’s shoulders, talking and laughing, others chasing each other.

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He knew he could never join them.

He was in a daze when a low voice suddenly sounded from his side, “I bought something for you to eat. Try it.”

Fang Li abruptly turned his head and blankly looked at the tall boy standing at his side.

Nobody was inside the classroom and it was very quiet. Fu Songhua’s tall body leaned in front of his desk, holding a take-out package.

He sat beside Fang Li by himself and opened the lunchbox. Inside was a braised chicken set meal and a pickled fish set meal. The black fish filet was snow white and tender and the braised chicken was fragrant.

“You can pick first and the other is for me.” He pointed at the two portions of food. “They should be your favorites. You can try them. They’re the signature dishes from the ‘Gao Jin Tang’ outside the school. Their business is particularly good.”

Fang Li’s lip trembled as he looked at the two steaming hot meals, his voice hoarse. “What are you doing?”

Fu Songhua didn’t retort and pulled apart disposable chopsticks. His handsome, sunny face had a bit of a rare depression. “Eat it. Don’t let it get cold.”

Fang Li’s face was slightly pale and he suddenly stood up, voice frenetic. “I-I will go to the cafeteria. I don’t need you to bring me anything.”

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He turned and ran for the classroom’s back door hastily and hurriedly. But before he had taken two steps, a shadow lurched behind him and someone grabbed his shoulder.

Fu Songhua’s tone was patient but also slightly angry. “You will wait until everyone’s gone before going there every day and eat the food nobody wanted, right? Do you think you’re not thin or that studying doesn’t need good health?”

Fang Li trembled and tried hard to break free from his hand, but Fu Songhua was fit and tall, and his palm, which was so accustomed to holding basketballs, was so strong that it gripped his thin shoulder like an iron clamp. There was no way Fang Li could get away at all.

“Let go of me!” Fang Li finally couldn’t bear it any longer, the rims of his eyes turning red. “Whether I eat or not and what I eat has nothing to do with you!”

Fu Songhua suddenly shouted, “What do you mean it has nothing to do with me? You’re my friend!”

Fang Li’s fiercely struggling body suddenly stopped moving.

He turned his head and looked at Fu Songhua before miserably shaking his head after a while. “No. I don’t have any friends.”

Even if he had, they would start to joke about him and bully him just like everyone else.

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Fu Songhua looked blankly at him and suddenly felt bewildered when he saw his bright-red eyes.

He worriedly released Fang Li’s shoulders. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Did I hurt you when I grabbed you? Don’t cry, ah. I, I…”

He suddenly shouted in annoyance. “Fang Li, be a little reasonable. Right, I did say something wrong. Do you plan to hold a grudge for a lifetime?”

He was at a loss and felt wronged. “I’ve apologized and helped you to beat up all those randomly gossiping people. Why do you still avoid me? We used to be such good friends. Do you plan on not forgiving me because of this small matter and thoroughly break off our friendship?”

Fang Li listened to him in a daze, not saying anything for a while.

Amidst the silence, there was a sudden faint sound of laughter from the corridor as the first batch of students returned from lunch.

Fang Li turned around and returned to his seat. After looking at the two portions of meals, he reached out for the chicken breast meal set.

“I will keep this meal today. Thank you.” His voice was hoarse, his diamond-like lip losing its color. “But, there won’t be a next time.”

Fu Songhua stood rigidly and a small layer of blue-green color appeared on his usually clean chin.

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