Marriage (3)

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Fu Songhua was still stammering as he held the microphone in front of him. “Moreover, I really had a super good time tonight. I think putting on lipstick is quite moisturizing for the lips. I suggest that boys try it in the winter. Oh right, it’s pleasantly cool to wear skirts and free…”

Fang Li finally couldn’t bear it anymore at the side and lightly stepped on his feet. “Enough.”

Fu Songhua hurriedly shut his mouth, his face turning red, and handed the microphone over to him.

Fang Li stood there, his slim body standing straight, and his fingers gripped the microphone so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

After pausing, his soft voice sounded from the sound system. “Student Fu is joking. What he is trying to express… is that I’m very grateful.”

Below slowly quieted down and many people vaguely understood his meaning in their hearts.

Not only Fu Songhua but these few boys’ performances tonight weren’t all about dance.

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“But like him, I also feel tonight is the happiest night in my life.” He smiled faintly, eyes turning red, but his tears didn’t fall again. “I think… I will remember this night forever. Thank you Experimental No. 3, for giving me this small stage. Although it’s small, it’s huge in my heart.”

He bowed deeply to the audience, his movement graceful and beautiful like a metamorphosing butterfly. “And, I want to – to thank every student concerned about me, our Teacher Jian, and even more so… these few friends beside me.”

It was extremely quiet below the stage. In one corner, Niu Xiaoqing and several Class 9’s girls bent down. They nervously discussed something for a while before shouting, “Fang Li, Fang Li, you’re the most amazing, beautiful, and the loveliest in women’s clothes!”

Soon, Class 9’s boys also followed up by shouting. “Fang Li, Fang Li, you’re the most amazing!”

In another corner, Class 1’s boys, who usually played well with them, looked at each other and blinked, also shouting together, “Although Class 9’s Fang Li is amazing, he’s not as beautiful as Old Fu!”

“Hahaha!” The auditorium erupted in laughter and more students followed along, chaotically shouting, “Old Fu, Old Fu is a beautiful girl!”

Several rows in front, a few junior girls rubbed their eyes. “So annoying, isn’t this a New Year’s Eve party? I should be happy, but why do I suddenly want to cry?”

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After a long time, the audience finally became calmer. The host hurried to hand the microphone to Ruan Qingmu. “Then, let’s interview Class 9’s sports representative, Student Ruan Qingmu! Just now, I saw you guys dancing very decently. I want to ask, was it exhausting training for the show?”

Ruan Qingmu looked at him and smiled. “I didn’t feel exhausted. It’s more exhausting for Beautiful Girl Fu.”

Fu Songhua blushed at the side and fiercely glared at him: Fuck. What did he mean by Beautiful Girl Fu! Was he never going to get rid of that nickname after tonight?

Ruan Qingmu lazily continued to speak, “Student Fu’s back and waist are stiff and his ligaments are even more rigid. I heard their class monitor say he would secretly practice the dance on the rooftop daily to keep up with us. He even had to ask their class monitor to help him stretch his legs. Every time being stretched, he would shout and cry many times.”

“Wah~~~.” The people below were stunned. Fuck, so desperate?

Fu Songhua finally got anxious and grabbed the microphone. “Ruan Qingmu, you’re making up rumors! The leg stretch was there and it was a little painful. But where was the fucking cry?!”

Ruan Qingmu slowly turned around and looked at Qin Yuan beside him with a bit of threat in his eyes. “Class monitor Qin, did your class sports representative cry?”

Qin Yuan: “…”

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He looked at Fu Songhua and then at Ruan Qingmu’s bright eyes. After struggling for a while, he solemnly said, “Yes, he did. He cried rather fiercely.”

Fu Songhua: “… Class monitor, you’re lying!”

Ahhh. He knew it. The class monitor’s principle and honesty were nothing in front of Ruan Qingmu!

To please Ruan Qingmu, he wouldn’t hesitate to frame his best brother!

When Ruan Qingmu listened to Qin Yuan’s words, he couldn’t help but laugh heartily. The brilliant and unrestrained laughter was projected on the large LCD screen behind him, making him look more picturesque and starry-eyed.

A voice suddenly popped out of nowhere below the stage and it was even a man’s. “Ruan-ge is also beautiful. Ruan-ge, marry me!”

The applause and whistles rose again and everyone laughed uncontrollably. Even Old Jian in the first row shook his head with a smile. These kids really dared to joke around.

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On the stage, Li Si handed the microphone to Qin Yuan, smilingly saying, “Then, for last but not least, Qin Yuan. Does Class 1’s Student Qin Yuan have something to say to everyone?”

The curtain had slowly dropped again and the students below were happily waiting.

In this final moment, a calm and poised character like Boss Qin should say a few New Year wishes to bring today’s evening to a perfect end, right?

Qin Yuan stood quietly, obviously wearing a pretty and charming female outfit, but had long since regained his sharp sword-like stance, just like a cultivated bamboo.

Beneath his sword brows, his pair of phoenix eyes were sharp and bright. “Hello, everyone.”

The auditorium was quiet, all waiting for the top student to make a calm summary.

Looking at the direction where the voice had come up just now, Qin Yuan’s expression was earnest and solemn. “Student Ruan Qingmu won’t marry you. Our Classes 1 and 9’s relationship has a long history and deep friendship. If there’s a marriage, it should be with our class.”

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