Not A Murderer (1)

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After New Year’s Day, the days flew by and a month or so went by in a flash.

The winter break for sophomore year was later than last year, not immediately after the final exams but after another seven or eight days of school. Once the results and overall ranking of all subjects were entirely out, the break finally arrived.

In the early morning, students began to leave the school successively with their small suitcases in tow. Not far from the school gate, Uncle Yan steadily started the car, looked in the rearview mirror at Qin Yuan in the back seat, and then took a closer look at Ruan Qingmu sitting next to him.

He finally opened his eyes wide and realized, “Hey, is this student the one with a broken leg during the school opening?”

Ruan Qingmu glanced at Qin Yuan. “Ah, does uncle know me?”

How did this comrade driver know his leg was broken?

“I just know it. My eyesight can’t be wrong.” Uncle Yan happily said, “On the school opening day, our young master saw you couldn’t get a car outside the gate, so he especially told me to return and send you back. Unfortunately, you were already gone when we came back.”

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Ruan Qingmu was stunned and raised his brows, staring fixedly at Qin Yuan. “The first day?”

Did they fight in the corridor on that first day as well?

Qin Yuan softly coughed once. “You looked very pitiful underneath the blinding sunlight.”

Ruan Qingmu squinted at him and laughed softly. “Mm. Qin-shaoxia has always been a warm-hearted fellow.”

Qin Yuan lowered his eyes and his handsome side profile was indifferent. “If there is anyone in front of me that needs help, I’ll never hesitate to give them a helping hand.”

In the front, Uncle Yan didn’t hear their quiet conversation and passionately added in a loud voice. “Our young master’s car has never taken anyone else before. You’re the first one!”

Qin Yuan: “…”

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The car stopped at the front of the small alley entrance of Ruan Qingmu’s house. Ruan Qingmu got out of the car with his suitcase and waved from the carriage. “Thank you, Uncle Yan.”

Qin Yuan jumped down from the car and took out a big bag from the car’s trunk. “I asked Uncle Yan to buy these. Help me give these to Xiao-Zhuang.”

Ruan Qingmu opened it to look at them and it was full of every kind of high-grade snack inside. He nodded his head. “Okay. I’ll help him to say thank you.”

The weather was already getting cold, since it was late winter. The heater warmed up the interior of the car, but it was cold and windy outside the vehicle. The wind was strong at the alley entrance, making Ruan Qingmu’s jacket open and his collar rolled up when the wind blew.

Qin Yuan did not immediately go back to the car but reached out to help him cover up his collar and fasten the buttons at his neck. “After finishing all the homework, remember to take pictures of it and send them all to me. I will help you check them.”

Ruan Qingmu looked slightly pleased. “Mm. I will work extra hours during the winter break and get into the top one hundred on the school opening’s mock exam.”

His ranking had risen to 180th in the whole grade on the mock exam this time, advancing a hundred ranks from the midterm exam. Old Jian was so happy that he called his mother and praised him for a good twenty minutes.

Qin Yuan looked at him with pride in his eyes that could not be hidden.

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“See you in the advanced class next semester.”

Qin Yuan’s grades were too good and his self-learning ability was too strong, so there was no difference if he was in the competition class or the advanced class. However, Ruan Qingmu’s math, physics, and chemistry could already catch up with the advanced class’ pace. The two of them secretly discussed and decided to apply for a class transfer next semester and go to the advanced class for all afternoon elective classes.

Ruan Qingmu looked at the car waiting on the side and finally said reluctantly, “Okay. Then, take a picture for me too after you get back.”

This year’s Lunar New Year was early. The winter holidays had just started and only ten days were left until the Lunar New Year.

Qin Yuan usually lived alone. Now that it was winter break, his father naturally couldn’t ask him to stay here alone anymore, so he had agreed to go for a family reunion early on.

After all, his little sister had just been born a few months ago and Qin Yuan had not yet visited her, so it was only logical that he should go and see her.

Ruan Qingmu dragged his small suitcase and strolled toward home. Before taking a few steps, he turned back and saw that the car was still parked at the alley entrance. At a distance, Qin Yuan sat quietly by the car window and waved faintly at him when he turned around.

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Ruan Qingmu felt sweet and frustrated in his heart. He waved his hand back and that car slowly drove away.

At the end of January, although there was no annoying rain or snow, the old trees in front of the courtyard had all lost their leaves and were bare and devoid of a lush green color.

Old Li lay on an oversized recliner in the kiosk next door and chatted with the boss. Upon seeing Ruan Qingmu enter, he beckoned at him. “Come. Help me take several chocolates for Xiao-Zhuang.”

Ruan Qingmu wasn’t courteous and took the chocolates he picked from the shelf, clicking his tongue. “Thanks, ah.”

Old Li mumbled, “I just feel pity whenever I look at that kid.”

The kiosk boss shook his head. “The little one isn’t pitiful anymore now. I think God has opened his eyes and compensated him.”

Ruan Qingmu held the big snacks bag by Qin Yuan in one hand and the chocolates in the other, entering the door. The little mute was slumping on a small table, doing his homework. Upon seeing him entering, he jumped down and hugged his thigh, silently rocking several times.

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