With A Clear Conscience (1)

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After Qin Yuan said that, his heart pounded rapidly in his chest, hoping that Ruan Qingmu understood what he meant, but he was slightly afraid that he would think that his words were rude. He was about to send an emoji to hide soften his words when he suddenly noticed Ruan Qingmu’s frozen fingers.

Recognizing the unfamiliar street scene behind the photo, he frowned. “Where are you? Outside?”

Ruan Qingmu’s face was burning hot. Upon seeing him changing the topic, it was precisely what he wanted and he hurried to reply casually, “Mm. I’m outside on an errand. I’ll return soon. I’m looking for a bus stop.”

He had been willing to take a taxi on the way here but was slightly reluctant to return – he hadn’t even paid the massive sum of 500 yuan yet!

Qin Yuan said briefly, “Send me the location!”

This request was rather abrupt, but Ruan Qingmu didn’t care and casually gave him the location. “I’m buying things at the cultural street.”

Qin Yuan asked again, “What clothes are you wearing today?”

Ruan Qingmu was stunned. “Ah? I’m wearing a blue down jacket.”

Qin Yuan quickly said, “Stand there and don’t make a move.”

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Ruan Qingmu waited for a short while, but Qin Yuan didn’t send another message. As he was feeling confused, an online taxi suddenly drove up on the street.

It drove to his side and the driver poked his head out. “This little brother, do you live in Aimin district’s alley?”

Ruan Qingmu raised his head in shock. “Huh? Yes, ah.”

“Get in. Your friend called a cab for you and gave us your location, saying his surname is Qin.”

Ruan Qingmu got into the car, completely stunned.

The car’s heater was sufficiently turned on and his entire body became warm after entering. He scratched his head. “My friend is in another city! He could even call a cab like this?”

The driver brother smiled. “You can choose the location to call the cab. He gave me an exact address and your characteristics, saying you’re wearing a blue down jacket and look very handsome. When I drove along the road, I was able to recognize you at a glance.”

Ruan Qingmu sat in the back seat and suddenly pulled the hood of the down jacket down, wrapping it around his face and quietly rubbing it a few times.

Ahhh… He said that I looked very handsome!

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He opened WeChat and said briefly, “I’ve gotten into the car. May I ask if Qin-shaoxia has gotten used to caring for little girls and developed a nanny attitude?”

Qin Yuan quickly replied, “Right, the main reason is because you have a poor sense of direction. I’m afraid of you becoming a lost child.”

Ruan Qingmu was about to retort when Tang Tiantian’s call sounded out and he hurried to type out. “Chat with you later. I got a call!”

Qin Yuan smiled and put down his phone. Turning his head, he saw his little sister Qin Siquan standing beside him, who was curiously looking at him.

The little girl was wearing a red children’s outfit, with a string of crystal hair ornaments tied between her dark hair, which looked expensive at first glance and a string of the same crystal necklace on her chest, looking very pretty and precious.

He gestured for his sister to sit down and couldn’t help but smile when he saw that the little girl was still staring at him. “Why are you looking at gege like that?”

Xiao-Siquan sat down obediently and whispered in a slightly shy voice, “Gege smiled so happily just now.”

Qin Yuan’s gaze was gentle. “Is that so?”

“Mm. It’s true!” The little girl nodded vigorously. “I’ve never seen Gege smile like that before.”

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Qin Yuan’s gaze fell on the two books held by his little sister. “Did you come to the garden to do some homework? You can ask gege if you need any help.”

The little girl blinked. “Gege definitely can’t do this!”

Qin Yuan curiously reached out to take the books and casually flipped through them before being stunned.

<<One Hundred Daily Flower Arranging Examples For Housewives>> and <<A Combination of Eastern Female’s Ethics and Western Lady’s Culture>>.

What kind of nonsense was all of this?

He sat in the sunlight and looked at the pages carefully, his cold brow furrowing.

“Who gave you these?” He looked at the little girl, wanting to ensure one last time even though he already knew the answer. “Was it mother?”

Xiao-Siquan nodded her head. “Mother said a girl should always learn how to be a little lady.”

Qin Yuan’s face was expressionless. “Don’t you have any homework for winter break? For primary school students, are they all so unburdened now that they have time to read such things?”

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He just had a gentle expression on his face, but now his demeanor suddenly became icy. The little girl was so scared that she flattened her mouth into a line and paled a little “Gege…”

Qin Yuan sighed in his heart, stood up, and took his sister’s hand. “Take gege upstairs and let me see your report card, okay?”

Upstairs, Qin Yuan stood straight in Xiao-Siquan’s princess room and looked at his sister’s report card with a pang in his heart.

Trying to control himself from showing his disappointment, he asked in a calm voice, “I remember Xiao-Quan was very good in math and liked to attend the mathematics Olympiad class, right? Why are your grades so low now?”

Sensing his displeasure, the little girl looked at him timidly. “Mm. Mommy said it’s not good for girls to study math and should study something else.”

“Should study what?” Qin Yuan asked rather indifferently.

“Mommy helped me apply for dance, etiquette, art appreciation, and flower arranging classes.” The little girl said softly, looking a little hesitant, “Mommy also said I will also learn how to view jewels when I grow up…”

“Is it jewelry appraising?”

The little girl repeatedly nodded. “Mm. Yes, that’s right. Appraising!”

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