With A Clear Conscience (3)

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The meal was unappealing. Qin Yuan hurried to finish the meal and did not want to stay for a moment longer, turning around and returning to his bedroom.

The afternoon winter sun was warm, shining through the large floor-to-ceiling windows into the room, reflecting light spots on the brown wooden floor.

He half leaned over the bed and opened his WeChat. “Are you there?”

Ruan Qingmu had just finished eating and was heading out the door. He always kept his mobile phone nearby and immediately replied, “Yes. I’m going out soon.”

Qin Yuan was stunned. “Why are you going out again? It’s so cold outside.”

Ruan Qingmu paused and lied cautiously after a long while. “I’m helping my mom buy some new year’s goods. She’s really busy right now.”

“What new year’s goods do you need?”

Ruan Qingmu suspiciously answered, “Why? Will you call an online cab to send it here?”

Qin Yuan: “…”

He had unexpectedly seen right through him.

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“Ruan Ruan, I want to ask you something.” He slowly typed, “Should I do something even if that’ll make everyone unhappy?”

Ruan Qingmu replied to Tang Tiantian while returning to ask him, “Who’s everyone?”

“My stepmother and my dad. Maybe my little sister will also feel like I’m being too strict.”

Ruan Qingmu walked to the bus stop and leaned against the advertisement box, sending a snickering emoji. “Are both of them qualified parents? If they’re unhappy, that means you’re right.”

Just as he finished, he added, “Anyway, you’re right no matter what you do.”

Qin Yuan laughed silently, his tense body finally relaxing slightly. “You haven’t even asked what happened?”

In the distance, the bus slowly approached and Ruan Qingmu climbed in. “You say it then. I’m listening.”

Qin Yuan briefly told him about the morning’s events. “Am I overstepping? It’s the decision of Xiao-Quan’s mom. What position do I have to criticize as a step-brother?”

There weren’t many passengers on the afternoon bus, so Ruan Qingmu walked to the back row, found a seat where he could sit under the sun, and continued typing. “If you don’t care about it, nobody will accuse you no matter how crooked your little sister grows. But if you really don’t care, will you feel at ease if that’s the case?”

Qin Yuan was lost in thought for a while before he finally said, “I will surely regret it for the rest of my life.”

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Ruan Qingmu smiled. “Then, you should do as you wish but ask for a clear conscience*.”

*T/N: Means it’s enough to be selfless at heart.

Qin Yuan looked at the words “a clear conscience” and became dazed for a while before everything suddenly became clear.

He stood up and walked toward Qin Zhufeng’s study.

When he reached the door, he realized that the study door was closed and someone was inside.

The woman’s voice carried a soft sob. “… I think I’ve done a passable job as a stepmother. No matter what, I’ve attentively attended to every little thing he needs, but Xiao-Yuan’s words disappointed me today.”

Her sobs grew louder. “I don’t blame him if he dislikes me. I know that as long as it has something to do with being a stepmother, it’ll be strenuous and unrewarding no matter how good I was at it.”

Qin Zhufeng’s whispered reassurance came from the study. “It’s nothing. Xiao-Yuan has been sensible since little. How could he not know of everything you’ve done for him and the family?”

“I don’t care what he said about me, but he said I relied on pleasing a man to make a living in front of Xiao-Quan. Isn’t this… a bit too much?”

Qin Zhufeng’s voice became slightly annoyed. “Xiao-Yuan certainly didn’t mean this. Don’t be oversensitive!”

Wei Qinglian’s eyes widened in shock and her tears flowed in streams down her face. “I’m oversensitive? … Kids don’t lie. You can go ask Xiao-Quan if these words didn’t come straight out of his mouth?”

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Qin Zhufeng finally sighed and looked at the tearful appearance of his wife, who was about ten years younger than him, feeling slightly bad for her.

He reached out and held his wife’s shoulders, saying comfortingly, “Enough. I know you won’t lie. Boys’ words will be slightly inappropriate during their rebellion phase. You’ve always been tolerant. Just take it easy.”

Wei Qinglian leaned back into his arms and stopped talking before whimpering softly. “I didn’t really want to do anything, just feeling a little sad. Don’t worry. I won’t take it personally against him.”

… Qin Yuan stood outside the door, listening silently, and suddenly raised his hand to knock on the door.

The door opened and Wei Qinglian’s sad face appeared in the doorway. She was stunned when she saw him. “Ah… Xiao-Yuan?”

Qin Yuan nodded calmly and looked at his father. “Dad, I have something I want to discuss with you.”

… Wei Qinglian left the room and the door then closed behind her.

Qin Zhufeng pulled over a chair and greeted his son with a slight uneasiness. “Come, come. Sit here. Your aunty Wei and I had talked about today’s matter. Don’t worry. She won’t think anything of it and forget about it. We’re all family after all…”

Qin Yuan looked at him, his expression calm. “Dad, I don’t mind what she thinks. I’m here to talk about other things.”

Qin Zhufeng was stunned and hurried to smilingly say, “Oh… What does Xiao-Yuan want to talk about? I’m listening.”

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“I shouldn’t get involved in this thing first of all.” Qin Yuan indifferently said, “But Xiao-Quan is my little sister and I was there for her birth and have watched her grow up. I don’t want to see her grow up thinking the only thing she could amount to is being some rich man’s wife.”

Qin Zhufeng looked at him in shock. “What did you just say?”

Qin Yuan said word by word, “Father, you’re so busy. Have you ever shown an interest in what Xiao-Quan is studying?”

Qin Zhufeng was slightly bewildered. “Xiao-Quan attends the best private school in this locality. Why? Is there any problem?”

“Dad! Do you still remember Xiao-Quan’s math was very good in the first and second grades and even participated in a competition? What about now?” Qin Yuan couldn’t hold back and a somewhat agitated look appeared on his face.

Qin Zhufeng was suddenly enlightened. “Girls’ grades will be good when they’re little. They can’t be compared to boys after growing up. You don’t need to worry about this. It’s just a bit worse, should we scold and force her to study more?”

Qin Yuan took a deep breath. “It’s good that Aunty Wei concentrates on being a full-time housewife and I’m willing to respect her hard work. But ‘teaching a child’ is a fundamental matter. Father shouldn’t have let Aunty Wei take on all the responsibilities herself. You should also put your heart into such a thing.”

Qin Zhufeng’s mouth dropped open. “Xiao-Quan attends many expensive training classes every week. We’re very attentive.”

Qin Yuan looked at his father with disappointment and shook his head after a while. “Xiao-Quan could never want to be a simple housewife in the future.”

Qin Zhufeng was even more bewildered. “Why?”

“Growing up in a wealthy family like ours, little sister should be raised with complete freedom and should never be forced into a predetermined fate to take the path of a traditional housewife at such a young age.” Qin Yuan looked solemnly at his father. His face was handsome, but his expression was solemn. “I believe that Aunty Wei has the best in mind for her daughter and even thinks this is the only way for Xiao-Quan. But… this doesn’t seem right.”

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