Couple Outfits (2)

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Qin Yuan stood in front of the bookshelf, standing tall like a crane, and faintly lowered his phoenix eyes. “She’s my little sister.”

Uncle Yan sighed in his heart. This child was just too generous so much so that he was foolish and did not know how to plan for himself.

“Only a little sister. You can just help care for them and marry them to a good person. Do you want to raise them into a master’s and doctoral degree, then return to…” he was so determined that he simply made it clear, “to strive for the family property with you?”

Qin Yuan put the book in his hand and said indifferently, “Girls can also inherit family properties. As long as they’re willing, it’s no problem for them to manage a company or pursue their studies.”

He looked at Uncle Yan’s disapproving look and smiled arrogantly. “Uncle Yan, I know you’re doing me a favor. Don’t worry. I will fight for anything that should be mine. If not, I can also make my own future.”


It took Ruan Qingmu two trips to find a rundown industrial building in the suburbs.

The large entrance was shabby and neglected, with a few buildings in front and some factory buildings at the back, all of which looked somewhat old.

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Tang Tiantian was already standing at the entrance and waiting for him. When she saw him, she waved shyly. “Sports representative, here.”

She led Ruan Qingmu in the direction of the building, saying, “My cousin said there’s nothing she could do even if you wanted to do it a bit longer. Business has been bad and there’s a pile-up of goods in the storage. They wanted to have a surge in sales before the New Year. Selling a few pieces is already good to recover some costs.”

Ruan Qingmu asked casually, “It’s almost Lunar New Year. Are there still people buying?”

“The New Year will definitely bring in more customers! The express delivery will stop in three days, so our shop will be especially busy during these few days.” Tang Tiantian pursed her lips and smiled.  “Oh right. Someone is also here.”

Ruan Qingmu was a bit curious. “Who?”

“You will know after entering. He has already arrived here…”

The two of them took the lift up to the fifth floor. Several studios’ sign boards lined up in the corridor, with the name “Elegant Ancient Style” at the very back.

Tang Tiantian took Ruan Qingmu with her and knocked on the door.

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Soon, a neat and friendly girl opened the door and her eyes lit up when she saw Ruan Qingmu. “The short video Tiantian posted in her Moments is too ridiculous! Seeing the real person today, you’re still better in men’s clothes!”

Ruan Qingmu was about to reply when the curtain of the workshop inside was lifted. A pretty girl walked out.

Ruan Qingmu was shocked when he raised his eyes. “Fang Li? Why are you also here?”

The girl was gentle and pretty, with snow-like skin. It was none other than Fang Li, who had already put on his makeup.

The moment he looked at Ruan Qingmu, he smiled sheepishly. “The class monitor called me last time, but I didn’t dare to come here alone. She said you suddenly agreed this morning, so I also wanted to try it out.”

Tang Tiantian’s cousin opened an online shop and designed some traditional Hanfu*-style clothing herself. Although her designs were brilliant and her craft was meticulous, there were now too many similar products saturating the market. She had no money for advertising and attracting traffic, so business had been mediocre so far.

*T/N: Traditional Han Chinese dress

As time passed, she couldn’t hold on any longer and thought of closing down the business, trying to find an opportunity to clear out as much of the stock as possible.

The last time when Tang Tiantian posted the video of the New Year’s Eve show in her Moments, her cousin immediately got an idea. She asked Tang Tiantian to ask Ruan Qingmu and Fang Li if they were willing to take advantage of the winter holidays to do a part-time job.

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Ruan Qingmu, of course, flatly refused, and it wasn’t until he was short of money just now that he thought back to this offer again.

Her cousin led them to the opposite side of the corridor, where the door to a room over there was open, with beaming lights and an impromptu camera, and someone was broadcasting live into the camera, dressed in a beautiful old-fashioned costume.

“This padded woolen warm cloak with a faux fox fur lapel is the highlight, and the quality and materials used are superb. Although it’s an ancient style model, it won’t look out of place even if you go out to meet friends and family during the Lunar New Year~~.”

The person who spoke was a tall female model with extremely white and bright make-up on her face, posing exaggeratingly and charmingly while explaining the style of the clothes.

But although her voice was gentle, it was a bit low and it was slightly hard to differentiate between male and female.

Tang Tiantian glanced at her and asked her cousin in a whisper, “The collar and front lapel of this cloak looks similar to the one you have in your shop.”

Her cousin clenched her teeth in anger. “Bitch! The few designs I made this year have all been plagiarized by her shop!”

The industrial park management committee had been very nice to these people since they had a lot of money and advertisements, even if they had caught them copying small, original brands like theirs.

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As they were talking, a sneer sounded behind them. “Rui-jie, you shouldn’t speak out of turn. You can report this matter if you have proof. If you don’t have any proof, it means you’re slandering our name.”

A middle-aged woman with a mean face was standing by the door, picking her teeth with a toothpick. Her makeup was exquisite, and she was clearly smiling coldly, but her face was somewhat unnaturally stiff. “Every design in this world is big plagiarism. It depends on whether you can copy it right or not. You say I plagiarized you, but even I want to point out that you’re the ones who plagiarized the ancient era’s design!”

Ruan Qingmu looked at her before suddenly turning to look at Fang Li. “They say women will get facial nerve paralysis if they put those weird needles on their faces. Isn’t this aunty like that?”

Everyone: “…”

Fucking aunty. Although this sister just got the injection and the swelling hasn’t gone down yet, she was mostly in her thirties. How could she be an aunty?

As expected. The woman who had just looked at them arrogantly was poked at her life gate* in the blink of an eye, and her face turned red with anger. “Who are you? Why are you spewing nonsense randomly?”

*T/N: Meaning she has been provoked into showing her emotions.

Ruan Qingmu wasn’t angry and looked sincere as he pointed to her teeth. “Aunty, you have some chives stuck in your teeth.”

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