To Be Caught (2)

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The replies below became even more enthusiastic, popping out one by one, and Rui-jie hurried to hit the iron while it was hot. “I know all babies are mostly girls, but this is a perfect style to wear with your boyfriend and beautiful for photos and other stuff.

Someone immediately replied, “I just need a boyfriend as handsome as this little brother!”

“Hehe. Does the little brother have a Weibo* account? I want to follow him.”

*T/N: Weibo is a Chinese microblogging website.

“The store is in N City. Little brother, are you in N City? Are you interested in joining a club? We’re short of boys in the Hanfu club.”

Most of the people watching this kind of shop were Hanfu lovers and all had their little circles. Slowly, people began to send the link of this outfit to their friends and after a short while, the number of people in the live room reached a couple of hundred and the replies went up fast.

Rui-jie quietly glanced at the live stream and almost wanted to slam the mouse down in frustration.

All of them were chatting, but no one was placing an order.

She pulled herself together and gestured for the two boys to hold hands. “Look, aren’t these outfits excellent? The Hanfu club can use them for the daily photoshoot. They will also look good if girls cosplay with men’s clothes.”

Ruan Qingmu stood in boredom, holding Fang Li in his hand, and only feeling slightly fidgety.

He took the time to look at Fang Li, who was equally shy and embarrassed and was looking down at his feet.

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He asked in a low voice, “How long did they say this will be?”

Fang Li whispered back, “Two hours. They also said we have to change clothes several times?”

“What time is it now?” Ruan Qingmu looked up at the clock on the wall and his eyes widened.

Fuck! Only ten minutes had passed?

Fang Li kindly said quietly, “Why don’t you sit there for a while? I’ll stay here.”

The two men talked with their heads down, looking intimate, unaware that the screen had exploded in front of them at this moment.

“Ahhh. The two people are so sweet! The little girl’s smile is shy but beautiful!”

“Did everyone notice that little brother’s face has been cold and only turned gentler when he spoke to the little sister? What kind of doting method is this?”

… Tang Tiantian held a bag of chips and happily watched from the sidelines, raising her phone and quietly snapping a few shots.

“Sports representative, Fang Li, can I post this on my Moments?” she asked softly.

“No!” Ruan Qingmu glared at her and scolded in a low voice, “This is our business secret.”

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“Not at all. My cousin even asked me to help publicize her small store in my Moments.”

“No means no!”

Tang Tiantian stuck her tongue out. “Then, can I post it in our class group? You guys have even danced in women’s clothes on New Year’s Day.”


“Don’t, ah…”

This time, not only did Ruan Qingmu shout, but Fang Li also turned his head in panic from the side and objected in a small voice, “It’s better not to let our classmates know we came out to do a part-time job…”

Tang Tiantian was left with no other choice. “Okay then.”

At the same time, a person in an ancient–style cosplay group suddenly dumped this live link out. “@all members, Everyone come see what treasure I found!”

It was a large group of several hundred people, with members scattered all over the country and many of them gradually popped up. “Wow– What amazing cuties!”

As more people popped up in the group, many of whom were female cross-dressers, someone suddenly noticed something. “Hey, hey, pay attention to the girl’s fan and her neck!”

All were knowledgeable and it instantly dawned on many people. “Fuck, there’s Adam’s apple! Although it’s only a flash, look at my screenshot!”

Someone soon @ the group owner. “@greenvest, Boss, come out to see! I think he could have a women’s clothes PK with you, don’t you think so?”

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An ID with a beautiful girl’s profile popped up. “Oh? Let me evaluate it first.”

Within a few moments, that crossdresser let out a series of screams. “Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Lao-Niang couldn’t accept it. I want to post a poll on Weibo, asking who’s more beautiful: him or me?!”


Fu Songhua was working on his exam paper at home. After a while, he started messaging someone. “Have you finished your physics paper yet? Why don’t you let me see it?”

In the changing room, Fang Li had just scrambled to change into his next clothes when he heard the sound of his phone chiming.

“Ah, I haven’t finished it yet. Don’t wait for me tonight.” He bit his lips and hesitatingly said, “I’m washing my clothes right now.”

Fu Songhua sat in a daze and felt choked in his heart, remembering when he was forced to help everyone in Li Zhiyong’s dorm room with their laundry.

“You don’t have a washing machine in your home?”

“Ah, some clothes are better hand-washed,” Fang Li replied sheepishly

Fu Songhua hurriedly replied, “Mm. Make sure you don’t wait until the last minute to finish your physics homework. I’ll help you sort the paper’s key points first. You can take a look at it later after you finish washing your clothes.”

Fang Li’s physics grades were quite good. This was the only one he had enrolled in the advanced class last semester. Fu Songhua also went to this class, so he happened to be able to go to this class quite regularly.

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Fu Songhua distractedly sorted out a copy of the highlight questions for Fang Li and sent it over. Fang Li didn’t respond.

Fu Songhua had been working on the paper for several hours and was getting a bit tired, so he casually opened Weibo. There happened to be a top post on the home page from a female crossdresser and prominent Weibo Vlogger he had purposely followed a while ago.

To be honest, he had followed several male beauty bloggers and crossdressers a while ago in order to study this group and none of them were really very good.

Some were pretentious and exaggerated, some only stroked their hair coquettishly, and some looked way too weird.

No matter which one he looked at, none of them were as good as his Fang Li.

The only one that looked slightly passable was this one, which had several hundred thousand followers on Weibo, and all were living fans.

He casually opened that poll post and there was a link to a live stream?

In the live broadcast, Ruan Qingmu was carrying Fang Li on his back while whispering a voice message back, “Mm. I’m helping to prepare New Year’s goods at home. You should accompany your sister to arrange her books. After I’m not busy, I’ll look for you.”

Qin Yuan sent back a sad expression over there. “I can’t believe you’re so busy today.”

Ruan Qingmu glanced at Fang Li behind him, his voice lowering even more. “Yes, ah. My mom told me to help her make some dumplings.”


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