Confession (1)

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In the studio next door, that middle-aged woman, holding her thermos, turned her head and asked, “How are the sales now?”

The customer service girl hurried to reply, “Hu-jie, we’re not doing as good as when Xiao-Ai ge was live broadcasting.”

That Hu-jie was slightly resentful. “That gay is simply too hard to deal with.”

Finding a model for the live broadcast was hard and there was a shortage of pretty ones who could pose. Their shop had found this little gay a while ago, sweet-talking and open in front of the camera, not hiding his gender. At the beginning of every live broadcast, he would say, “Hello, everyone. I’m a man. You can leave if you like. But if you don’t like it, just smoothly fuck off~~~.”

Instead of losing popularity, he attracted a lot of traffic. The shop was the most popular when he was online.

It was such a pity that he would only work three hours a day, saying that he had to work in a bar at night.

“Oh right, how is the business next door doing tonight?” she suddenly asked, feeling slightly uneasy when she thought of the pretty boy with the vicious mouth just now.

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The customer service girl glanced at her computer. “I’m watching the traffic to their store. The stock is falling very slowly. None of their merchandise is really selling.”

She looked at the live chat room’s comment section and was surprised. “There’s a lot of interaction, all saying the two new models are beautiful.”

Hu-jie finally sighed out of relief. “It’s good they couldn’t sell anything. That way they can’t cause any trouble for us.”

She had copied many designs from the shop next door, so she had mixed feelings. She was worried about them getting bigger but also wished they wouldn’t go out of business so she could keep copying their brand.

In the next room, Rui-jie was saying goodbye in front of the camera. “I’m sorry. Time’s up for the two models. They’re still underage and have to return home early. If everyone wants to take another look at them, you can come here again tomorrow. At the same place and time, see you later!”

The two underage models looked relieved. Ruan Qingmu went into the changing room in a flash while Fang Li ran to the side to remove his makeup.

Tang Tiantian excitedly came over. “Jie, how is the business tonight?”

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Rui-jie looked at the crowded, wailing comments begging the little brothers to broadcast for a little longer and shook her head with a bitter smile.

She switched to the background and showed Tang Tiantian the real-time shipments. “They’re only looking at our models’ faces. Not many people ordered. It’s only a few dozen more than usual.”

Tang Tiantian couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed. “Ah? It was so lively just now, so it fooled me into thinking we sold a lot of clothes just now.”

A while later, Ruan Qingmu and Fang Li came out. Rui-jie gave them an extra amount of the hourly rate as agreed, settling at 300 yuan each. “Thank you for your hard work. It’s not easy to appear in front of the camera for the first time like that.”

Ruan Qingmu looked at her. “Then, I will come again tomorrow for the last time.”

That was 600 yuan for two days, enough money to frame the picture. Not bad. It was more money than what his mom earned at the massage shop.

Fang Li also agreed softly. “Mm. I also won’t come again…”

Rui-jie was also slightly dispirited. “Okay. Just for one more day. It’s almost Lunar New Year anyway.”

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When Ruan Qingmu and Fang Li walked out of the industrial park, it was already dark outside, about eight to nine o’clock.

An online car was parked at the entrance earlier. The two sat on it and Fang Li asked in a whisper, “Isn’t the class monitor in another city? … How was he able to call a cab for us?”

Ruan Qingmu coughed and followed what he had just heard Qin Yuan say in the morning as he explained it again. “You manually input the address and select the city. You can also call a domestic cab from another country.”

As soon as he got into the car, Qin Yuan received the driver’s pick-up message, but after waiting around, he didn’t receive any news from him.

Ruan Qingmu inexplicably felt slightly guilty, not daring to take the initiative to send a message, and squinted at Fang Li beside him. “Why did Fu Songhua look for you just now?”

Fang Li’s hand shook and his face blushed a crimson red as he hurried to put his phone down. “Ah, h-he looked to check the homework with me.”

“He still had to insist on calling?” Ruan Qingmu pouted, suddenly asking suspiciously, “How did they find out?”

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Fang Li whispered, “He looked at Weibo… Someone happened to post our live broadcast link and it spread to his home page.”

Ruan Qingmu was shocked. “What? Everyone knows about it?”

Fang Li hurriedly said, “No, no. He happened to be following a female cross-dresser. Some friends from the Hanfu circle forwarded it to him.”

Ruan Qingmu snorted in disgust. “Why is he following a female cross-dresser? Isn’t it enough to look at you?”

Fang Li blushed and didn’t say anything.

Ruan Qingmu pondered. “No wonder. This bapo* must’ve run to tell Qin Yuan. Is he a child who still does not have enough milk*? Reporting everything back to his class monitor!”

*T/N: Bapo (Hong Kong): an elderly daughter-in-law who is nosy.

*T/N: Saying Fu Songhua is still a child who complains to his mother about everything.

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