Come Back Quickly (2)

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Ruan Qingmu sat in the taxi, restlessly taking his phone and tapping on WeChat to see if there was any activity.

After a minute, he opened it again and it was still blank.

He went to QQ, but there wasn’t any news either. However, the class group was as lively as ever, with Bai Jing making strange bets and Huang Ya showing off the new phone his parents had just bought him.

He had one private message from Tang Tiantian, sending him a few photos from today. “I casually shot these. Giving some to you and Fang Li for you guys to keep.”

Ruan Qingmu clicked on them and looked at the pictures before his eyes suddenly widened.

What was this? The way Fang Li looked up and smiled at him, and the way he looked back at him with his own squinting eyes was too much! Was the little class monitor crazy? Would she be stifled to death if she didn’t scratch frantically?

He suddenly recalled what Fang Li had just said about Weibo and hurriedly looked it up, using Hanfu and ancient style as keywords, and he finally found it.

He stared at that crossdresser’s top post, looked at the pile of comments with screenshots, and almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

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The top comment with a picture had the highest number of likes. What was all of this?

Fang Li had just changed into a new outfit and the position of the buyao* on his pink robe was a bit high, so Ruan Qingmu had bent down and helped him to re-tie it. However, it looked like Fang Li had a shy face as Ruan Qingmu adjusted his outfit for him in this screenshot.

*T/N: A dangling ornament for Han women.

Ah, pah! What kind of kinky mindset did these idle people have while taking the screenshot?

He clicked on them one by one and became more restless the more he looked at them.

It didn’t matter if Fu Songhua saw these pictures. Who cared about what he thought? But what if Qin Yuan saw it?

No wonder he hadn’t said a word so far.

Gritting his teeth, he reopened WeChat and wanted to send a message, but a bright red picture appeared as soon as he opened Qin Yuan’s profile.

??? A transfer payment of 10,000 yuan?

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He stared at the transfer payment message and typed a few words.“What for?”

Qin Yuan only replied with three words. “Just accept it.”

Ruan Qingmu typed out. “Don’t want it.”

Qin Yuan did not reply.

Ruan Qingmu: “… I’m not short of money! I just went to give it a try. Don’t overthink things. Many people do social practice*, right? I’m just trying to get some experience in the meantime.”

*T/N: social practice means internship during holidays or outside school. It is of great significance for students to deepen their understanding of their major, identify suitable careers, prepare for the transition to the workplace and enhance their competitive edge in employment.

Qin Yuan was silent for a while. Just as Ruan Qingmu was anxious as if a hundred claws were scratching at his heart, Qin Yuan replied indifferently, “Do you still need to hide it from me?”

Ruan Qingmu was at a loss.

He was so petty. Why was he like a squirming little girl and even needed to be coaxed?

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“Did Fu Songhua make you look at Weibo? Don’t listen to him. He’s super boring.” He softened his tone, “He looks like a great lord but is so gossipy behind everyone’s back.”

Qin Yuan asked, “What Weibo?”

Ruan Qingmu: “???”

What? He didn’t see it??

“Nothing!” He quickly answered, “Oh right, I’ll tell you a shocking matter. Can you guess who I met at the entrance when I sent Fang Li back?”

Qin Yuan didn’t reply to him and only indifferently replied after a while. “Just found the Weibo post.”

Ruan Qingmu: “( ̄△ ̄;)…”

It seemed that he had really wronged Big Fool Fu.

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“Can’t guess, right? I will reveal the answer. Hahaha. I just saw Fu Songhua!” He struggled to change the topic. “He came to pick up Fang Li and even screamed at me. Don’t you think he lacks spanking? Forget about it. Considering he waited for an unknown time on a big winter day, I won’t bicker with him–”

“He doesn’t lack a spank. You’re the one who needs a spanking,” Qin Yuan replied coldly.

Ruan Qingmu: “… Why don’t you try to come and spank me?”

On the other hand, Qin Yuan did not let him go and asked word for word, “Do you mean what you said just now? This is your personal matter and I can only give suggestions, isn’t that right?”

“Hey, hey, Qin-shaoxia. We won’t be able to chat like this!”

He said it casually to Qin Yuan as a joke. How could he still take this seriously? He didn’t have the air of a shaoxia from a prestigious family. He was only a small-minded student with not too much going for him.

“Fine. We won’t chat then.”

Ruan Qingmu blankly stared at the line of cold, heartless words, suddenly feeling slightly annoyed.

Wasn’t it just working together with Fang Li? It wasn’t like they had a rendezvous. It wasn’t like they were doing anything bad. So what about those ambiguous pictures that were captured? Did this person really think something was going on between them?


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