Flying Fairy in the Desert (2)

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A fireplace with an open fire was placed by the wall, with a mixture of lychee and balsam wood firewood burning, keeping it warm and cozy in the winter.

Gong Sinian was leaning on the large sofa. The room was so warm that he could wear only a thin jumper. A stand was set up on the coffee table in front of him with an iPad, showing the live stream of that Hanfu shop.

Li Yuan came over with two bowls of freshly cooked Yangchun noodles*, handed one to Gong Sinian, and curiously leaned over. “Aiyo, what is this? The dance is oddly nice!”

*T/N: Yangchun noodles or plain soup noodles, a speciality of Yangzhou.

Gong Sinian said carelessly with his eyes fixed on the screen, “It has ended. I’m looking at the playback. This is a student in our school, who’s friends with that kid who came by your shop to work.”

Li Yuan tutted. “The kids nowadays are so versatile. They can dance, live stream, and even do martial arts?”

Gong Sinian said lazily, “Of course. They’ve attended every training class since they were little. Unlike us at that time, who only knew how to play in the mud daily.”

Li Yuan burst out laughing. “I remember you sat on the ground playing marbles while pouting. A fatty kicked you and made you lay on the ground crying.”

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Gong Sinian cast a sidelong glance at him. “Helping me beat back that little shit, will you ever stop bragging about it?”

Li Yuan shouted righteously, “I’m not bragging. It’s only right to protect my wife. You’re clearly the one reminiscing about our childhood sweethearts’ matter!”

Gong Sinian made a “tch” sound and took a bite from the noodle bowl with his chopsticks before suddenly poking at something soft underneath. When he turned it up, it was his favorite egg, a soft yolk-poached egg hidden underneath.

He glanced at Li Yuan, his usually cold eyes sparkling with a faint lust, and suddenly came over, blowing softly in Li Yuan’s ear. “My little husband, do you want to ride a bamboo horse again?”

Li Yuan was driven red by his sudden teasing and grabbed him by the waist in a frenzy of emotion. “Fuck! Gong Sinian, you’re done. Your husband not only knows how to ride a motorbike, but my horsemanship is top quality, even knowing the 18 styles of horse riding. Don’t you know…”

Gong Sinian quickly stopped his mouth with chopsticks, smiling. “Wait for me to fill myself with your love egg first.”

The chopsticks poked at the soft yolk poached egg and the bright yellow liquid slowly flowed out. He let out a slow “tch” and didn’t say anything.

With just one sound, Li Yuan suddenly lunged forward with red eyes as if he had taken an aphrodisiac. “Why are you tch-ing? Both mines are harder. You can eat mine after eating that!”

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The iPad stand on the table was knocked over, the firewood in the fireplace made a slight crackling sound, and the room was pushed to summer-like temperatures by the coals and air conditioning, making it impossible to wear any clothes.


When Ruan Qingmu and Fang Li finally finished their live broadcast, the time was much later than yesterday and it was already past eleven o’clock.

A waiting taxi had already been parked on the main road outside the industrial park. A tall boy was standing next to it, turning around anxiously.

When he saw the two coming out, his eyes lit up, and he ran over in strides. “Here!”

Ruan Qingmu walked closer and looked at him and Fang Li in amazement. “Are you guys going on a date?”

Fang Li blushed red. “No… No.”

He raised his head, looked with bright eyes at the suddenly appearing Fu Songhua, and asked in a small voice, “Why are you here?”

Fu Songhua looked at him and said softly, “I was anxious at home.”

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Fang Li was silent and only after a long time did he finally say, “It’s so cold… You should wait inside the car if you want to wait for us.”

Fu Songhua suddenly became aware and hurried to pull open the car door. “Ohh, get in the car quickly. Don’t stand too long outside.”

Next to him, Ruan Qingmu grunted coldly and sat in the back row. “Do you guys still remember to get in the car? I thought you guys wanted to stand there and talk until dawn.”

Originally, Fu Songhua was the only one who was stupid and Fang Li was just timid. Now, it was definitely over. They were both stupid together.

Fang Li got in after him, but Fu Songhua stood outside the car and didn’t move, looking straight at Ruan Qingmu in the back row without saying a word.

Ruan Qingmu stared at him in bewilderment. “Why are you looking at me and not getting into the car?”

Fu Songhua’s face turned red and he lost his usual smug appearance, whispering, “You can sit in the front.”

Ruan Qingmu turned his head to look at Fang Li, who was so ashamed that he was about to bury his head in his knees, and at Fu Songhua, who looked pleading and finally understood something.

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He let out a “fuck” and got out of the back seat, getting into the passenger seat in front.

In the back, Fu Songhua quickly pulled open the door and squeezed into the back row with Fang Li. The two sat side by side with their knees close together. Fu Songhua looked out the window, clenched his teeth, and quietly reached his hand toward Fang Li’s hand beside him.

Fang Li’s palm was warm and soft from the air-conditioned room, but Fu Songhua’s palm was cold after standing outside for half a day. As soon as the two hands touched slightly under their sleeves, one cold and one hot, Fu Songhua slightly regretted it.

It made him look like a scumbag who took Fang Li’s hand just to warm himself!

He was about to retract it embarrassedly, but Fang Li by his side pursed his lips and suddenly turned his hand to hold him, his fingers trembling slightly.

Fu Songhua was dumbfounded and snapped his head around. At that moment, Ruan Qingmu in front of him also suddenly turned back. “Fang Li, your…”

Under the dim carriage lights, his gaze fell unexpectedly on Fang Li’s actively outstretched hand.

??? He silently turned his head around.

Damn. It was only one night and everything had suddenly changed? Could that thing change a person like that?! That was Fang Li just now, who had a smaller gut than a green pea!

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