Pursuing Boyfriend (4)

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I-If he was right, the guy would be at the station soon. Even if he rushed over there now, he would have missed him.

He clenched his teeth in hatred.

Because he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to sleep, afraid he would be distressed, afraid he would have to pick someone up late at night, he would rather hide it to death, come back alone on a slow train, spend this New Year’s Eve alone on an old train that was about to be outdated, and get off again alone in the early hours of the morning?

His heart was indescribably agitated and worried, sore and heartbroken, yet overflowing with excitement and joy from nowhere.

Holding the painting frame and carrying the cake, he stood at the gates of Yuting Residence, took the community access card Qin Yuan had given him long ago, and swiped it in.

The property of the luxury residential community was excellent. The snow on the street outside was cleared up here, even in the early morning hours. The roads leading to the buildings were lit up, and the pines along the road were decorated with New Year’s lanterns and balloons, reflecting the dots of silver snow on the trees.

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Ruan Qingmu made his way up the familiar road and stood in the doorway, suddenly frozen in place.

He often came here on weekends to review his homework, but whenever he came, Qin Yuan would go down early to pick him up and since they would enter the door together, he had never seen the combination lock Qin Yuan pressed. Now he couldn’t get in either?

He stood resentfully at the door and looked at the time. If all went well for Qin Yuan, it would be almost four in the morning after he got off the train and then rushed home to rest.

It was close. If he knew he was waiting here, that guy would probably die of anxiety. It would be better not to tell him and then jump out and scare him with glee when he got home with his bags.

He yawned and sat slowly on the floor at the entrance to his apartment, squinting his eyes in disbelief.

He had been busy helping Mu Wanli make dumplings during the day, changing the family’s new bed sheets and covers, watching TV at night until midnight, and then getting up again after a short sleep, so now he was a little tired.

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After holding on for a while, his head finally drooped slowly and gradually before waking up on his own and hurriedly sitting upright.

After a while, it drooped again, tilted to one side, and hit the door frame with a “thud.”… Qin Yuan left the station and looked at the darkening sky. The sky was cloudy, starless, and moonless as the first snow had just fallen a few days earlier.

It was the coldest and darkest time of the night, but fortunately, there was a bit of white snow on the roadside reflecting the white light so that the surrounding was not so dark. Just like in his heart, which also had a shimmering light shining on it so that his heart was not dark and heavy.

He bent down to the particular pick-up car he had called long ago and said politely to the driver, “Thank you. Xicheng District, Aimin Street.”

He had been to the entrance of Aimin Alley before. Every time he drove by to drop Ruan Qingmu off at home, he always parked at the alley entrance and had not gone in.

He dragged his suitcase, looked around, and walked toward the nearest brightly lit KFC.

On New Year’s Eve, when all the other shops were closed, only places like this remained open.

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He pushed open the door and entered, with no customers inside. The clerk napping on duty opened his eyes in a daze and greeted him, “Happy New Year!”

Qin Yuan nodded at him. “Excuse me, when do you guys open?”

The clerk returned to his senses and said with a smile, “We open at six o’clock, but the earliest customer usually come at half past six.”

Qin Yuan stood in front of the order board, looked at it carefully, and pointed to the pretty picture. “I want this breakfast set at seven o’clock. Make a double of everything. For take away.”

The clerk yawned and helped him with the order machine. “Okay. Will you come here on time to pick it up?”

Qin Yuan shook his head gently with a quiet gentleness between his eyebrows. “I don’t have anywhere to go. I will sleep here for a while. If I’m not awake at seven in the morning, please if it’s not too much trouble, wake me up.”

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The clerk froze, looking at his outstanding air and the expensive clothes around him, and said cautiously, “There’s a 711 Express Hotel on the side. It should still be open.”

Qin Yuan shook his head, bought a cup of warm fruit juice, and found a corner to sit down.

The seats in KFC were hard and it was impossible to find a comfortable position to fall asleep when lying on its surface.

Qin Yuan lay there, his long legs hunched awkwardly over the tiny seat, disoriented and sleepy, but his heart was peaceful and calm.

He didn’t want to go home but to be here, just a few hundred meters away from that person. He could run toward him in a few more hours as soon as Ruan Qingmu woke up.

But he wondered if what that big brother driver had said was true.

Was it possible to pursue a boyfriend… by delivering breakfast to his doorstep for three days with all his sincerity?

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