The corpse of Materosin Kisel, whose shape was unrecognizable, came to mind.

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“Dad, I… I killed someone. That’s not right, is it? But I didn’t hesitate at all and killed him. It was so cruel and terrible…”

I have to be punished. I’m scared to wake up because I don’t know what punishment awaits me.

I am a murderer, a really wicked and evil person. I feel like I shouldn’t live.

Persis saw his former self in his daughter’s situation.

“I also… was so afraid. When I killed Pascal, the first time I killed a person, I was horrified by myself. But then I realized what Viche said.”

He told his daughter what Viche had told him once.

“That person is not someone you killed. It was only God borrowing your hand; that person received the punishment they deserved.”

It was the woman he loved more than anyone who told him that.

“He only received the punishment he deserved, and it just so happened that a capricious God used your hand.”

It’s not your fault. Never.

“I guarantee it.”

With Perseus’ words, it felt like my self-inflicted wounds were healing and being comforted.

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The fact that I killed Materosin wouldn’t change.

The Person who called himself my father might sometimes turn into a nightmare and torment me.

But as long as I forgive Persis he forgives me, I don’t want to die.

We will go through this trial, and then we will become a harmonious family.

Right now, living as Persis’ daughter, the future seemed happy.

“So don’t be afraid of anything, don’t be scared.”

Wake up. If I can save you, I’ll give up my life.

Even if everything else is a lie, this is the truth.

* * *

When I woke up, I saw the familiar ceiling. The moonlight of dawn painted a familiar picture.

This is my room, and as I realized that I had woken up safe and sound, tears flowed down uncontrollably, soaking my pillow.

I’m alive. I didn’t die.

Silently repeating that phrase, I shed tears of relief.

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When I turned my head and looked beside me, Persis, who had been nursing me, was lying on the bed, fast asleep.

Softly. I could hear his breathing.

It was heartwarming, and I shed tears again. Both I and Persis were alive, and I could spend more time with him.

Tap. Tap. As I sat up, this time my hand landed on the back of Persis’ hand.

I found myself crying as I covered my face.

Then, finally, I managed to say one word with difficulty.

“Dad, have a good dream.”

For someone who had been having nightmares for a long time, today, no, from now on, I only wished for good dreams.

I held his hand and prayed.

Prayed that we would be happy together for a long time.

* * *

Autumn leaves, dyed red, fluttered down and fell onto Floa’s shoes. On the gazebo’s roof where he was, dozens of leaves of the same kind were piled up, and when the wind blew, they danced freely in the air.

As Floa reached out to pick up the fallen maple leaf from his shoe, the man in formal attire entered the gazebo. He was accompanied by his knights.

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“Seeing leaves falling like that, winter must be approaching soon.”

While Floa picked up the leaves, Persis sat opposite him.

“Still, it will take some time. It’s still autumn, so we should enjoy it.”

Swoosh—the leaf Fla had in his hand flew away with the wind.

By the time the leaf landed far away from his line of sight, Perseus asked, “Is May still sleeping?”

“Probably. She went to bed late last night.”

It had been four days since the incident. Thanks to healing magic, May had recovered without a single scar, and the next day, she apologized to all of Flotina’s people for causing them concern.

Persis and Floa also apologized, saying they were sorry for not understanding May’s feelings. May also apologized for leaving the mansion without notice. The apology and forgiveness from their shared tea had warmed their bodies and hearts.

Floa and Persis had a private conversation separately from breaking their promise with Viche.

Floa confessed that he had made an irrational decision due to severe depression caused by leaving Passabea. When May forgave him, he showed tears and shared a warm embrace with her.

In this way, Flotina regained its vigor.

“Well, she spent the whole day shopping yesterday, so she must be tired.”

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May spent the whole day buying the things she needed to live as Persis’ daughter, the young lady of the Duke’s house.

Floa gazed at Persis intently. His complexion had improved noticeably.

“You look much better.”

“I’ve been having good dreams lately. Dreams that are so good that I can’t believe it.”

For him, dreams had always been like assassins that struck him only when he closed his eyes.

But recently, he had started having good dreams.

“What kind of dreams are you having?”

“Dreams of going on a date with Viche. Now that I think about it, I’ve never had a date with her during our time together. I’ve always been here.”

As he recalled her, who always hugged him and allowed him to rely on her, his heart ached.

“…I should have treated her better. And I understand now why she refused my proposal.”

He was not a good lover. He always prioritized his own thoughts over hers, and since she always accommodated him, he thought they always had the same thoughts and feelings.

So when his proposal was rejected, it felt like he was being betrayed by the world.

How foolish he had been.

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