Clearly, he had thought that way.

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“You had planned to use ‘I like you’ as a way to pass time. Was I wrong?”

May had heard from Mirocagon and knew about it. Just after waking up perfectly fine thanks to healing magic, Mirocagon approached her first, fearing she might try to kill him for wandering around the Duke’s estate, and had her listened to Jed’s inner thoughts to lower her guard.

“Hey, human. Don’t you want to know Jed Bloche’s inner thoughts?”

At first, May had refused, saying it was all over, but given Jed’s actions so far were nothing short of odd, she eventually asked to hear.

‘When I heard it, I was shocked…’

I thought he was just being kind to me because I was Flotina, and I thought he drew the line when I wasn’t Flotina anymore, but it wasn’t just that simple.


Jed remained silent, avoiding eye contact. May informed him smartly.

“You’re not special. So, I won’t accept whatever actions you take from now on.”

With those words, May descended from the spectator seats and initiated the training program again.

Jed, still not composed, continued to release his magic to disrupt her. Nevertheless, May resolutely engaged in the training, retrying if she failed.

This determination was deeply rooted in her personality, established long ago, to the point of being relentless.

I will never surrender to you. No matter who obstructs, I will follow my path.

With such a pledge, after continuously training for three hours without rest, she eventually exhausted a significant amount of energy and reached a state where even breathing became difficult.

Standing still was a struggle for May, and she dodged Jed’s attacks.

“Stop it, May. You can’t pass.”

It was a statement that he would obstruct until the end.

Then, his massive attack came directly at her. While trying to block the attack, May was pushed back and bounced away.



She collided with the wall and fell to the ground.

Jed, seemingly not expecting her to be bounced away, jumped up from his spot. His face was filled with surprise.


He rushed to her, lowering his body as he looked down. She had her eyes closed, collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.

“Huff… Huff…”

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After running around without proper rest for three hours, it was natural that she was out of breath.

“I told you to stop.”

Upon hearing those words, May felt the urge to grab Jed’s head and squeeze it in astonishment, but she didn’t have the strength, so she gave up.

Jed glanced down at her. Her breaths were still rough, indicating how breathless she was.

“Do you dislike me that much?”

It was a bewildering question. After attacking for three hours, what could he expect by asking such a question?

“Even if you forgive Diego, you can’t forgive me?”


May couldn’t answer. She was out of breath, making it hard to speak.

“May, I can spend my life loving only you. But the same can’t be said for Diego. You know, he used to live promiscuously.”


“So, if you’re wise, you should choose me. Choosing someone else other than me would be foolish.”


“I can be a spouse without any shortcomings for you.”

May, her breathing becoming softer, opened her eyes and looked at him. The eyes of Jed, standing right in front and looking down, were not the eyes of someone looking at a loved one.

They were eyes that sought a means to make themselves even more perfect.

“Jed, in my opinion, now might not be the right time for you to be in a relationship.”

At May’s words, uttered with strained breath, Jed’s expression hardened. In an instant, even his gaze turned cold.

“I guess there’s no lack in appearance. You’re good-looking, come from a good family, and possess an immense power to the extent of being the top of the Arcus Tournament.”

The ground she lay on felt cold. Though she wasn’t hurt, her whole body felt sore, as if she were coming down with a fever.

“But it’s not the same for your inner self. I feel like there’s much lacking inside you compared to an average person.”

Lacking inside? Hearing such words for the first time in his life, Jed was shocked by her statement.

“Identify what’s lacking in your inner self and fill in the gaps. That’s something you should do before pursuing a relationship.”


“If the lack inside you can’t be filled on your own, then look for a woman who can fill that lack.”

Since you’re good in most other aspects, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find a woman who can fill the gap in your inner self.

Offering sincere advice, May closed her eyes again. She wanted to rest for a bit and then get up, but…

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A sound of the wall breaking echoed from the entrance. It was Diego, who had effortlessly shattered the silvery wall Jed had created using his magic to enter.

“Who made this wall? How annoying.”

* * *

Diego wanted to see May. That’s why, upon learning that she was training, he had decided to visit. When he asked the assistant about the location, they had informed him that it was the Arcsenter and that Jed had gone to confirm things in his place.

At that time, he couldn’t have imagined such a scene.

Diego looked around and, upon spotting the fallen May, hurriedly rushed over in surprise.


Upon hearing that call, May opened her eyes and struggled to sit up.

“Why is the Second Prince here…?”

As he arrived, he knelt down and took hold of May’s arms, urgently asking, “Why were you lying down? Did you get hurt?”

He examined her body, checking for any injuries. His face was filled with concern.

“I’m not hurt. I was just resting after training hard.”

She deliberately didn’t mention Jed’s attack, as talking about it might lead to a conflict.

Diego felt relieved knowing the girl in front of him wasn’t hurt. However, his gentle expression soon turned cold, and he stood up to face Jed.

Diego found it displeasing that Jed had created a situation where May and he would be alone together voluntarily. He was also annoyed that Jed had let May lie down on the ground to rest.

“I didn’t expect you to come in place of the assistant. If I hadn’t come, you two would have been alone together.”

“But unfortunately, Your Highness, you’re here.”

“Not really. It’s fortunate that I’m here. May doesn’t want to be alone with you.”

“But that doesn’t mean she wanted the three of us to be together.”

Feeling the tension rise, May felt uncomfortable and called Diego in to diffuse the situation.

“Your Highness, could you please help me sit up?”

She had intended to leave with Diego.

In response, Diego confidently hooked his finger under her chin, looking pleased that she had chosen him over Jed.

“You’re stating the obvious. May wants to be alone with me.”


May stared at him as if asking when she had ever wanted that, and Diego lowered himself and picked her up in a princess carry.

“…Your Highness, what are you doing right now? Put me down!”

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“Stay like this. Judging by the fact that you’re asking to be lifted, it seems you can’t even walk properly.”

Caught off guard by being carried like a princess, May couldn’t raise her head due to embarrassment.

“I can walk. Please put me down.”

“I don’t know how to put you down.”

Seeing May embarrassed, Diego smiled softly.

May struggled to get him to put her down, but her legs didn’t cooperate as he had described, so she eventually acquiesced and followed his lead.

“… Let’s go because it’s embarrassing.”


Diego glanced at Jed with a triumphant smile before leaving the Arcsenter.

Seeing that Jed wasn’t following, May turned to Diego and asked, “How did you know about this place?”

“I asked the assistant.”

“You didn’t come here just to see me, did you?”

“If it’s not you, who else would I come to see?”

His words were matter-of-fact, almost expected, but for some reason, her face felt warm, despite the casual tone.

“How did you break the wall?”

“The wall from earlier? I just broke it, and it broke. Why?”

“It looked like it wouldn’t break at all.”

As they walked, Diego suddenly stopped.

“… Did Jed lock you up?”

Perhaps it was because he had lived in the palace, where many people concealed their expressions, but he were incredibly perceptive. However, May didn’t want to make a big deal out of it and didn’t want Diego to get angry on her behalf, so she shook her head.


“… He did, didn’t he?”

As anger flashed across his face, May tried to calm his anger.

“It’s alright. I wasn’t planning to stay there just because he locked me up… And I’m strong, you know.”

She tried to offer a smile, but it wasn’t enough to quell his anger.

“How should I deal with that guy?”

“Deal with him… Please use kind words.”

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“…How should I scold him?”

“Don’t scold him. I already rejected his confession. He’s not in a good state right now, so it’s better not to provoke him.”


Although his anger hadn’t completely dissipated, thinking about Jed, she realized she didn’t need to address it now. As he walked beside her, he spoke.

“If Jed causes trouble again, feel free to call me. I’m ready to deal with… No, scold him if needed. I’ll make sure he won’t come near you again.”

“Well, he probably won’t approach me unnecessarily. I told him to fill the gaps in his inner self before pursuing a relationship… The expression on his face when he heard that was like he had never heard such words before.”

In response to May’s words, Diego chuckled.

“Jed’s pride must have been hurt a lot.”

“I couldn’t help it. Even when I showed I didn’t like him, he kept insisting on dating.”

“You did the right thing. Jed needs to come to his senses now.”

“Considering you referred to him as ‘Jed too,’ does that mean you’ve come to your senses, Your Highness?”

“Me? I came to my senses. Ever since I started liking you, I even told other girls who approached me not to talk to me.”

May was surprised by how popular Diego seemed to be among girls.

“Your Highness, you’re popular?”

“Very. Because I’m good-looking.”

To hear him call himself good-looking left May at a loss for words.

“Why no reaction? Am I not to your taste?”

Well, objectively speaking, he is quite good-looking…

Curiosity got the best of May. She wanted to see his reaction for no particular reason.

“What will you do if I say you’re not my type?”

“Is my hairstyle bad? Should I let my bangs down?”

Even if she said he wasn’t her type, it seemed like he didn’t take it to heart.

“It’s probably fine if you let them down.”

Diego smiled softly at May.

“I’ll let them down next time. Then tell me I’m good-looking.”

“Well, if you’re really good-looking.”

“I really am good-looking.”

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