Persis didn’t understand what I was saying.

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“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“So, if I were someone else and I entered this body and started using it, what would you do?”

When I explained a bit more specifically, he seemed to understand. Perhaps he thought I had a vivid imagination.

“Well, if you are the May I know, I would just leave it as it is.”

“But what if the May that Dad knows isn’t actually the real May?”

“Then you’d have to ask the real May if it’s okay to use that body.”

“Ah… I guess that’s true…”

It wasn’t my intention, but he not only didn’t give me permission, he possessed me on his own, and now I felt drained and powerless because I didn’t even know where the original May was.

It seemed like telling him the truth would be impossible.

* * * 

On that night, despite having no appetite, I came to the garden to take a walk, having filled my stomach.

Perhaps because winter was approaching, there weren’t many flowers to be seen.

Instead, the wind, colder than before, brushed against my cheeks recklessly.

Why am I still so anxious even after going through all those major events?

Now, even the people who could sell me off as a slave, beat me to death, or make me wish for death have disappeared, so why?

What crime did the possessor commit?

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“Should I just confess everything?”

The impulsive statement wasn’t sincere. If possible, I wanted to live my life forgetting even that I’m a possessor.

Because that ordinary life is the life I wanted.

But perhaps my wish is hard to come true. While I was walking, I met him.


He, whose pure white hair seemed to shine even more today, was dressed in robes that could have come straight out of a myth.

I didn’t want to encounter him anymore today. It was my mistake that led me to this place where he might be.

“Floa is always in the garden.”

“Flotina’s garden is something I created.”

“Even though it’s autumn, there are more flowers, but it’s still beautiful.”


Floa stared at my face intently. I was curious about what he was thinking, but I didn’t ask, afraid that a sensitive topic might come up.

“May, you are a very mysterious being.”


“Because both Persis and I have changed so much because of you.”

“If you put it that way, I’ve also changed a lot because of Floa and Dad, haven’t I?”

While secretly living in the Duke’s mansion and planning to become independent, I ended up trying cross-dressing, learning swordsmanship, and becoming a guardian knight.

“But an even bigger reason is that you have become someone more precious to me than Passabea.”

Someone more precious. His words gradually softened the firmness in my heart.

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“The most precious person to me has always been Passabea.”

Floa explained to him what kind of person Passabea was.

“I was an orphan who had to live as a beggar from an early age without any memories. I had to wear rags every day, starve, and endure the hateful looks of people.”

He said that after barely surviving by wearing clothes kindly given by a few good-hearted people and eating, he decided to become a god because he despised the pitiful person he had become.

I said I didn’t know that living together could be this happy. And I also didn’t know that the happiness would come to an end.

“The sadness of losing my family was overwhelming. I was so sad that I had the urge to cast a mind-sealing spell because it was so difficult to bear. But the reason I didn’t do it was because of Passabea’s opposition.”

Is it just my mistake to think that tears are welling up in Floa’s eyes? His voice sounded mournful.

“I… After you, May, said you would cut ties and left, I couldn’t bear the sadness and ended up casting the mind-sealing spell. Fortunately, Iris and Cassius discovered it and broke the spell, so my life wasn’t in danger.”

It was a story I had never heard before. Floa cast a mind-sealing spell on himself because of me. For some reason, I felt sorry for him.


“I realized it back then. That you, May, are more precious to me than Passabea.”

However, I mentioned that even though I’m putting effort into finding Passabea, it’s not solely because I want to see him. It’s more due to my greed.

He said that if he had to choose between me and s, he would choose me.

“I trust you that much, May. Even if you were to tell me that you’re not the person I’ve known so far, I would still be on your side.”


“So please… honestly answer me.”

His moist eyes began to tremble slightly.

“Could this place be a world from a book for you, May?”

Thump, thump. The sound of my heart beating grows louder.

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What should I say? Should I just tell him everything? Maybe it’s better to be completely honest.

It’s hard to avoid his deep gray eyes that hold only me. There was full trust in his eyes towards me. The belief that I wouldn’t lie to him, that I wouldn’t hide the truth from him.

As much as he trusts me, it seemed like I should show him trust as well.

After pursing my lips for a moment, my voice finally came out.

In a moment, a deep, familiar voice of a man that I had heard somewhere before came from behind.


Surprised by the name, I turned around and saw the man we had been waiting for.

A man with black hair and a robust figure. Passabea.

It was the moment when he returned, even though it seemed like he wouldn’t come back.

He looked at me, and his expression seemed to say, “So, it really is Ha-Young.”


Floa’s entire body stiffened as if she couldn’t believe the presence standing before me. Then, conflicting emotions of joy and sadness crossed his expression, and tears soon welled up in happiness.


Passabea approached and embraced Floa, patting his back.

“You must have gone through a lot. I’m sorry, Floa.”

Only after feeling his warmth, Floa seemed to realize that Passabea had returned.

“Why… Why did you disappear without a word? Where were you all this time? Why didn’t you come to see me?”

Tears that had burst once didn’t seem like they would stop. Floa poured out the questions he had wanted to ask Passabea once he returned.

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“Did you leave because you didn’t like me? If there were parts of me that bothered you, I would have willingly fixed them if you pointed them out. Why did you leave without a single word? Were you worried about leaving me alone?”

“I didn’t leave because I disliked you. I’m sorry.”

Floa shed tears endlessly. Watching their reunion, I couldn’t help but have tears well up too.

After wiping away the tears and looking at them again, Floa’s eyes met Passabea’s. Just like he had done at some point before, Passabea smiled at me.

* * *

The news of Passabea’s return stirred up the mansion with a buzz of excitement. Servants gathered here and there, chatting away.

“Oh my, unbelievable. The big event. The Grand Duke has returned!”

“That’s right, I saw him entering the mansion a while ago. Despite his age, he looks only middle-aged, perhaps due to his magical power.”

“That’s why. It was a huge surprise. He’s the young lady’s grandfather, but since there are many years between them, he looks only in his 50s.”

**English Translation:**

Persis and Passabea sat in the reception room and had a conversation. Mayei and Floa were also present there.

“How did this happen, Grandfather? I thought you would never return.”

Passabea, sitting on the opposite sofa, sipped his coffee and replied.

“I went on a journey. It was a sudden decision to travel, and I couldn’t leave without letting them know. I’m sorry about that part.”

Floa, who was sitting beside him, asked.

“Where did you go that you embarked on such a long journey?”

“…I traveled through various worlds.”

Passabea reminisced about the past and explained everything that had happened to him.

“It all began with the freeing of a mundane routine.”

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