After that day, I trained day and night to become the perfect son.

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I studied so hard that my nose bled in the early hours of the morning when everyone else was asleep, and on rainy days, I trained in swordsmanship in the rain.


Even Ellen, Joan, Attila, and the worried people around me tried to stop me, saying that I might collapse if I continued like this, but I had no intention of stopping.


Continuously. Continuously. I trained endlessly, to the point where I couldn’t distinguish whether what I was holding was a pen, fork, or sword. All to become a perfect son. I trained relentlessly, without any trace of lingering attachment.


I don’t know how many days passed like that.


It seemed to have been a cloudy day, with rain possibly approaching.


The swollen blister burst, and I was training in swordsmanship, hitting something with my hand that was now oozing fluid. It seemed like it was raining, or it was a cloudy day.


The raindrops were hitting the ground with a thud, and it wasn’t until my clothes were soaked that I realized I was being rained on.


Thump. Thump.


A dull sound was heard consistently.


… Thump.


I felt like my hand movements were getting slower and maybe even my whole body was losing strength.


My vision was blurry. Was it because of the rain or because my mind was foggy?




After my final strike, the sword slipped out of my loosened grip and fell to the ground.


It felt like Floa had rushed towards me, or maybe he did.


When his face, blurred and indistinct, approached me,


It was already pitch black.




It was gone.


The cold calculation of pursuing one’s own interests with an expressionless face.


It was expected to remain unchanged forever, but it failed suddenly by the arrival of the chief servant.




He glanced at the chief servant. It was clear that he was not pleased, as he bowed his head deeply and did not show his face.


 What’s the matter?”

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“Miss May has… collapsed.”




For one minute, the butler trembled with anxiety as he received no answer from his master.


The butler knew. He knew that if there was a moment when May didn’t please his master, he could drive her away. He didn’t want to tell him, but he had already called the doctor, so he would soon know. Perhaps it would be better to report it first from his own position.


“… I see. She has collapsed.”


Persis put down his pen and stood up from his seat. When the butler glanced at his face, he was still expressionless.


“I’ll go see May. Show me the way.”


“Yes, my lord.”


The way to May’s room was as quiet as a mouse. If there was anything noisy that couldn’t be noticed, it was in Johann’s mind as he followed Persis as his escort.


“She collapsed? I heard rumors that she’s been pushing herself lately, but how bad could it be to collapse like that?”


He had never collapsed even once, despite training day and night to become a knight.

He felt like his face would constantly turn gloomy with worry that she had to be okay…


Perseus asked the butler,


“Why didn’t you stop her until it got to this point?”


 Everyone except for Floa tried to stop her, but the young lady didn’t give up until the end…”


He remembered what he had told May.


“Take a break for a moment.”


“Pain is disgusting.”


“Make sure to rest whenever you get the chance.”


Despite all that, why didn’t she follow his advice? Why did that little girl act recklessly for something she couldn’t even gain from being reckless? Was there really anything to gain from recklessness?


No. There’s nothing to gain.


His father was a foolish man. Despite being a great lord, Pasavea had a son who was such a fool that one would wonder how he could have produced such an heir.


His father, who was full of affection, took in his deceased younger brother’s son, Pascal, out of pity. After that, he died at the hands of Pascal, who had been eyeing the lordship position.


Did Pascal call him “Mooer”? Did he say he would just let him sleep forever because he was ill and would die soon anyway?


That illness was also caused by Pascal, who had caused all sorts of wickedness and weakened his nerves.

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He hated that foolish father. He hated everything about him. He hated even collecting someone without any profit, let alone making someone suffer. It’s disgusting.




When Persis entered May’s room, everyone there bowed their heads.


In his sight was the little kid who was running a fever, with split skin and callouses on his hands that were a mess.


‘But the problem is,’


he thought,

 whenever I see this kid, I feel like I’m no different from my father.




As I opened my eyes, I saw the familiar ceiling. It was the ceiling of May’s bedroom that I had become accustomed to since the transmigration.


My body was quite sore, but now it doesn’t hurt that much. I must have healed a lot while I was asleep.


How long have I been lying down? When I tried to get up and tossed my body, I met eyes with Persis. He was sitting in a chair next to the bed, watching me.


Did he take care of me…?


His face was colder than usual. His gaze towards me seemed like he was looking at someone who no longer had any expectations.


“Why… are you looking at me like that…?”


In a slightly confused state, I reached out my hand to him.


“I told you, if you don’t please me, I’ll kick you out anytime.”


My whole body froze.


“I have no intention of raising you anymore.”


The voice was as cold as ice, making it seem like it wasn’t a dream.


“What do you mean, you have no intention of raising me anymore? Does that mean I have to go to an orphanage?”


For a moment, I was stunned, then I suddenly stood up in shock.


Persis stood up from the chair and looked at me dryly, making me feel terrified.


“Leave for the orphanage as soon as daylight breaks tomorrow.”


As soon as the word “orphanage” came out of his mouth, my heart seemed to stop. My hands were trembling.


This can’t be happening. Orphanage. I have to go to an orphanage. I might die.

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He barely waited for me to get up and started walking away as if he had left behind the words he wanted to say.


The more he moved away from me, the stronger the trembling in my body became.


No… No way…


I quickly threw off the blanket and ran towards him.




I stumbled forward and fell flat on my face, but I didn’t care and crawled forward to wrap my arms around his ankles.


He stopped in his tracks.


“No… not the orphanage. I was wrong. Please, give me one more chance…”


Tears welled up in my eyes and streamed down my face like rain.


Persis didn’t even glance at the girl clinging to his leg.


“Let go.”

“I’m so sorry… I won’t fall down again… I’ll do better. I’ll try harder to become the perfect son. So please…”


I cried and pleaded, holding onto him with all my might, afraid of letting him go.


“So please… don’t send me to the orphanage. Please…”


“If you don’t let go, I’ll have to force you. Release your grip.”


He spoke in a cold voice, seeming to ignore my trembling and desperate state.


“I won’t do it again… I promise… Please give me one more chance…”


I didn’t want to die. Even if I lived as a son for the rest of my life, I didn’t want to die.


Please. Please raise me. Please let me stay in this house. Don’t push me towards death.


As I wouldn’t let go, he used his magic. The red energy that flowed out of his body easily pushed me away from him.


I missed his leg and crawled back to him, pleading desperately, “Please don’t let go… I’ll do everything you say. Please let me live in this house…”


He didn’t push me away this time. Maybe there was a chance he could use me later. I begged him not to send me to the orphanage.


Then, suddenly, a thought came to me.


In the original story, the con artist adopts May from the orphanage and sells her as a slave.


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Then, if May doesn’t go to the orphanage,


‘Who will be adopted by the swindler instead of me?’


As this thought came to me, my tears stopped abruptly. My trembling body gradually calmed down.


My mind went blank. Until now, I had only planned to escape death for myself and hadn’t considered those who might be harmed because of me.


If I don’t go to the orphanage, the swindler will adopt another child.


That child will be sold as a slave, just like May in the original story. Perhaps they will be sold multiple times, or even meet a terrible owner and die.


If that happens, what crime has that child committed?


The crime of bad luck?


The crime of being in an orphanage?


The crime of being alive and breathing?


None of them. That child has done nothing wrong.


As I thought about this, my vision darkened.


It was only then that I realized, too late, that if I wasn’t adopted by the scammer, another victim would be created.


Knowing the original story, I couldn’t ignore the fact that another victim would be created while knowing it.


In the end, it had to be me, not anyone else, who had to be adopted by the scammer.


The arm holding onto Persis’s leg let go.


He left the room without hesitation, leaving behind Ellen and Joan in the hallway, who knelt down and begged, tears streaming down their faces.


“If you send Lady May to the orphanage, you will regret it…! Please don’t send her to the orphanage!”


“Miss is the only daughter of the master…!”


However, Persis ignored them and passed by. Ellen tried to grab him, but couldn’t because Johannes stopped her.


“Please, Master…!”


“I understand how you feel, but I can’t do any more than this.”


It seemed like even Yohan was shocked, as his face became pale like Ellen’s.


“I can’t do any more than this…”


With a despairing expression, Ellen watched as Persis walked away, and slumped down. Joan sobbed, and the other employees around them could only watch helplessly.

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