His apology didn’t feel genuine. Of course, it’s better to receive an apology than not to, but it felt distasteful and unsatisfactory given the injustice at the time.

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“If there’s anything I should apologize for, tell me. I’ll apologize for everything.”


Ha! As if I’m supposed to tell you what you did wrong to apologize for?


“Where’s the sincerity in apologizing if you don’t even know what you did wrong?”


“Really? Well, it seems like there’s nothing to apologize for now.”


His audacity left me speechless. I began to question whether his previous apology was genuine or not.


He confessed with some sincerity, saying, “It was all my doing. I wanted to drive you away just because you were the daughter of Vinche, and sometimes I even wanted to torment you.”


It was bad. It was really bad. Because there was someone who knew that I wasn’t born because I wanted to be born as Vinche’s daughter.


“I asked why His Excellency is apologizing now.”


“Why apologize? It’s because I need you.”


After sending me to the orphanage and now saying he needs me.


His words made me upset. It felt like I was confirmed as the kind of existence that he could pick up if he needed and throw away if he didn’t.


“… So, are you apologizing for taking me back? Not because you’re sorry?”


“I apologized because I acknowledged my mistake.”


I understood the meaning of his words. He probably didn’t have much of an apology in his heart, but he had to apologize because of his situation.


“I’m not apologizing as a condition to take you back. I’m not someone who can only bet on that when it comes to the hand I want.”




“You’re needed now. I acknowledge you as my child.”


“… And?”


“I’ll accept you as my child, but not just like that.”


It seemed like he still didn’t fully accept my existence. Then…


“Will I live as your son?”


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“It’s different from before. Whether you have my blood or not, you just have to live as my child.”


“It doesn’t matter if I’m not related to you by blood?”


“That’s right. And one more thing. If you do happen to have my blood, I’ll let you live as my daughter instead of my son. You’re a child born because of me, so I’ll take responsibility and make sure you’re treated as the only noble blood of Flotine for the rest of your life.”


It was a shocking proposition, something I couldn’t even imagine from the previous him. Of course, if I were the legitimate daughter of Persis, I would have deserved to enjoy such privileges, but what if I wasn’t his biological daughter?


If I were to live as a man, I would have already accepted that before coming to the orphanage.


From the beginning, my goal was to live in the Duke’s household until I reached the age where I could make a living on my own, and then leave. Currently, there are no more radical conditions for me than this.


Furthermore, he added that from the moment his family’s power is manifested in me, he will let me live without being oppressed by anything for the rest of my life, and support me as much as possible so that I can live as I want.


“Because you are my daughter with my blood.”


But when those words came out of his mouth, my heart ached.


Why? He just told me about the future of his biological daughter.


I couldn’t even understand why my heart was aching.


“If you want to refuse, do it now. And from now on, don’t get noticed by me.”


That was a warning. Don’t let yourself be swayed by anyone like me anymore.


“Choose. Will you live as my child or go to an orphanage?”


In fact, I had made my decision before his words even finished.


What was there to think about? Of course, it’s a call.


There will be no other place as safe and complete as the Flotina ducal household.


Besides, even if I’m not his biological daughter, he said he would let me live there. Why would I refuse?


I just need to live peacefully as long as I don’t touch his nerves, and leave when I want to leave!


I was already excited at the thought of staying at the duke’s residence again and chatting with Ellen and Joan, but I tried not to show it off.


It wasn’t enough to just be okay with this.


“If I sincerely apologize and promise not to do it again, I will live as Your Excellency’s son.”


“… Is that all?”


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I furrowed my brow at his easy-going tone.


“Is that enough? An apology has to come from the heart. That’s really difficult.”


“Okay, I’ll sincerely apologize.”


Persis closed his eyes and spoke again.


“I’m sorry. I won’t treat you badly anymore because I’m afraid you’ll be kicked out, and I won’t hate you because you’re that woman’s daughter.”


His eyelids lifted, revealing red irises. It was a look that said, “Is it done now?”


I wasn’t particularly satisfied, but I couldn’t apologize again for my position. I decided to be satisfied with this much.


“What if you break your promise?”


“I don’t think that will happen.”


“You never know.”


“… then I’ll give you half of my property.”


Half? My mouth dropped open at the incredible deal.


If half of Persis’s property was at stake, how much was that…?


Without even checking, it was clear that even if three generations spent money extravagantly, there would still be money left.


“But you shouldn’t expect too much. I’ve never broken a promise. If the other party does, I don’t know.”


“I’m not expecting anything.”


I need someone who can safely raise me, rather than money.


“So what are you going to do? My child.”


I answered with a bright smile.


“Of course!”


A rare smile played across his lips.




After finishing the conversation with him, I looked out the window. The sky was turning dark with a tinge of sadness.


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The smile that had crept up on my lips slowly faded to a point where it could reconcile with my mood.


I know. I know that he is not someone who would sincerely apologize to anyone. That an apology is just a means to benefit himself. That admitting his mistake is already a lie.


I know it all too well, and I’m glad that I do.


One day, when I lay down May Flotina’s life and leave the Duke’s mansion, I won’t have any regrets.




How far has the carriage traveled?


Persis looked away from the dull scenery outside and gazed at the platinum-haired girl sitting across from him.


The wind coming in through the slightly open window made the girl’s short hair flutter. Each strand flowed smoothly, without a single knot.


The woman who gave birth to the girl and died didn’t have hair like that.


On the other hand, he had straight hair like a girl’s.


Without realizing it, Persis thought to himself.


At least, he wished that he had hair like hers.




When I got off the carriage, the sky was covered in complete darkness. The small stars hanging in the sky shone faintly, and their light softly illuminated the Florentina mansion that filled my eyes.


It was then that I finally realized.


I had returned home. I had escaped the constraints of the original story. I had avoided death.


I was moved to tears by the fact that I no longer had to live in fear.


But I held back my tears and raised my head. I wanted to greet Ellen and Joan with a bright smile.


Persis, who got off the carriage first, reached out his hand to me. I hesitated, unsure if I should take his hand, as his gesture was unfamiliar to me. But then I realized that it was not the time or place to refuse his hand, and I took it. His hand was warmer than mine.


As soon as Persis grabbed my hand, he started walking quickly. His legs were long, so his stride was wide, and I had to walk fast to keep up.


‘This guy has no consideration for a child, consideration! What’s the point in walking slowly?’


I glared at his side profile, and he looked down at me as if he noticed my gaze. When our eyes met, I quickly looked ahead, feeling embarrassed.


Did he notice that I glared at him? He wouldn’t… scold me, right?

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He stopped walking and hugged me tightly. As he carried me, he said, “Your legs are so short, even though you’re not that small.”


What?! I was shocked, and my nose clogged up.


My legs aren’t short! I have long legs! And there are still many big days ahead of me!


I wanted to refute him, but what could I do in my position?


“If you eat well and sleep well, your legs will grow longer.”


I had no choice but to accept his pretty words.


“I promised I won’t kick you out no matter what you do, but don’t collapse like last time. It’s disgusting to be sick.”


The reason I collapsed last time was that I was worried about being kicked out. Now that I have nothing to worry about, I won’t overdo it and I won’t collapse.


I replied with a smug smile.


“As I’ll manage my stamina well, there’s no need to worry about collapsing.”


“Of course, that’s how it should be.”


As Persis took my hand and led me into the mansion, the employees couldn’t hide their surprise.


No wonder, considering that he himself had taken me from the orphanage as if he would never see me again.


Persis hugged me all the way to my room and then left without saying a word. Shortly after, Ellen and Joan heard the news of my arrival and rushed to my room.


Thanks to the open door, they could meet me as soon as they arrived.




“Miss May! 


“Ellen! Joan!”


Upon seeing Ellen and Joan, who ran over in a hurry, the tears that I had been holding back burst out. I ran towards them and hugged them tightly, crying uncontrollably.


“I missed you, Ellen… Joan…”


“I missed you too, Miss May.”


“It didn’t feel like we were living without you.”


I cried so hard that my sobs echoed through the corridor. It was a tear of liberation, from everything that had made me fearful and anxious.

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