She is a daughter raised as the son of a Duke 

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Episode 9

Wearing men’s clothing with short hair. Looking like any other boy, I came to the restaurant first and was waiting for Persis.

I was a little nervous at the thought of starting the successor class today.

The excitement of having a new experience preceded the worry about whether she would be able to play the role of successor well. She had been confined to her bedroom or the library for the past year.

When Persis arrived, I got up from my chair and bowed my head to greet him.

“Good morning, Father.”


He very lightly ignored my greeting and sat down. It was to the point where Yohan, who was watching, was embarrassed.

We’re going to see each other every day from now on, shouldn’t we have to greet each other?

I glared at him once and sat down as if nothing had happened.

Then, Persis immediately got to the point.

“I told Floa that you would live as my son. I told him to cast a spell so that no one can doubt your gender, so no one can suspect that you are a woman unless you first reveal that you are a woman.”

Oh, is that good news? At least it meant that I didn’t have to worry about being exposed that I was a woman.

Suddenly I came up with a good idea.

Come to think of it, wouldn’t everything be resolved if I cast a spell to prevent Persis from expelling me?

I can be in this house without pretending to be a son or doing anything!

However, mental magic is not eternal. Just as the magic he put on with the request of Vinche was released, and I came across Persis, this magic can be released at any time.

On the day the magic breaks…

Imagining it, I suddenly got chills, shook my head, and immediately got it out of my head.

She vowed not to think of casting a spell on Persis.

I thought about Floa, sinking the goosebumps on my arm. Floa had a great ability to handle mental magic.

In the original story, Floa was not a very important character. Floa is also just a supporting character who is just Flotina’s guardian deity.

However, after I was possessed by this world, when I learned about Floa, no one could beat him in spirit world magic, and he was a person who should not be dismissed as a mere supporting character.

I want to meet him. I was curious because I had never met him before. What he would look like, what his personality would be, and how he would use magic.

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There were a lot of things I wondered about, such as why he solved the magic without giving me any message.

And the chance to meet naturally happened.

“Floa will be your swordsmanship teacher.”

Really? My eyes suddenly brightened.


“Floa is supposed to be the swordsmanship teacher for Flotina’s successor.”

“Then are we meeting today?”

My positive attitude made Persis a little hesitant.

“… Floa will visit you soon.”

I can’t believe I’m meeting Flora! I’ve never seen anything spiritual before in my life!

I couldn’t hide my excitement at the thought of seeing Floa.

On the other hand, Persis didn’t seem to like my excitement.

“What’s so good about it? If you expect anything from Floa, you will be greatly disappointed.”


“Because Floa is ruthless towards those who are not of Flotina’s bloodline.”

It was funny to hear someone say he was cold-hearted from Persis’ mouth.

He was trying to send a child who might be his real daughter to an orphanage.

“But I could be Flotina’s bloodline.”

You don’t know yet. Whether I am Flotina’s bloodline or not.

“Correct. It is Flotina’s blood, so it is for those who are not confirmed.”

“… I see.”

Still, will it be as cold-hearted as Persis? You would know it if you experienced it yourself.

“Starting today, you will be taking classes for successors. As I said before, if I don’t like you, I’ll kick you out anytime.”

Now is the real beginning. I answered brightly.

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“I will work hard in class.”

“Of course. Mrs. Yudif, who will be your tutor, will be visiting. I let her know you’re pretending to be a son.”

I shifted my gaze to Yohan standing behind Persis.

Is Lady Yudif Sir Yohan’s mother? She must be trustworthy, given my secret.

When I met Yohan’s eyes, he smiled softly at me.

Would Mrs. Yudif be a good person like Yohan? I also gave him a smile.

“Don’t become a nuisance to your teacher and the Flotina family.”

. I will keep that in mind.”


As Persis said, Mrs. Yudif came to visit in the afternoon. I greeted her in my study.

“This is Attila Yudif. Nice to meet you, Young Master.”

Her chestnut hair was tightly tied up, as if she would not forgive even a single strand of hair sticking out. Square glasses that look sober. Purple lips. Charismatic eyes.

It was the exact opposite of what I expected to be as friendly as Yohan.

Attila came to shake her hand, and she took her hand.

“Nice to meet you, madam.”

Attila sighed, loosened her neck, and raised her glasses with her left hand. A glare flashed through her glasses.

“In the future, I will help the young master become the perfect successor, starting with the humanities, economics, politics, history, religion, etc., and etiquette, excluding swordsmanship.”

Attila spoke quickly and without pause, as if she was shooting on purpose.

“I am well aware of the Young master’s situation, having heard it from His Excellency. Therefore, until the Young Master has an assortment of successors to Flotina, we will continue training without days off, so please follow along.”

She spoke so fast that I could believe she was rapping, so I was dumbfounded while listening.

“Well, take care of me, too.”

“First of all, I need to know the current level of the young master, so I will proceed with the test.”


“Yes, a test.”

Attila pushed me on my back and sat me down on a chair in front of the desk.

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In the blink of an eye, there was a test paper and a pen that were not on the desk.

It’s fast…

“I will give you three hours. I’ll be collecting it right away after exactly 3 hours, so please distribute your time well and answer it. Then we begin.”


Confused by Attila’s speed, I hurriedly solved the first 1 and 2, and from the 3rd I solved it step by step so as not to make a mistake.

There were not many problems that were more difficult than I thought. The difficulty of questions might be very difficult for a 10-year-old, but it was easy enough for an adult to solve.

I think I can solve everything in time? Let’s mark the confusing or blocked questions and solve them when I have time.

I focused on solving the problem.


Three hours later, Attila shook her hand as she held onto the graded test paper.

“Oh, how is this…”

All but three questions were correct.

I thought I would get three questions right or not, but I got all three questions right. At this rate, it should have been considered that it was not too much for this little girl to be a tutor.

Attila stuttered at the unbelievable result.

“Young, Young Master. How long have you been studying?”

May tilted her head slightly as if thinking for a moment.

After being possessed, I read a book to learn the imperial language. I had to stay in my bedroom or library because I would be chased away if I encountered Persis, and as a result, my reading time became even longer.

Regardless of the genre, as I read randomly, I not only learned the imperial language but also accumulated a lot of knowledge.

“Even if you memorized other subjects, it must have been difficult for you to study math on your own.”

She doesn’t know, but considering the K-entrance exam May took in her previous life, this was basic.

In fact, Attila’s math problems were at the level of a first-year middle school student in Korea.

May smiled and answered confidently.

“It’s all thanks to the madam who chose easy questions.”

“Easy, easy question…?”

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It is thanks to her that she chose easy questions instead of only difficult ones.

Attila was on the verge of falling by the back of her neck at any moment.

Rather, May tilted her head as she looked at Attila, who was bewildered.

Why are you like that? Did I get more right answers than you expected? Oops, am I only ten years old now? I should have gotten some questions wrong at the level of a ten-year-old.

May felt that she had made a mistake and wanted to make up for it right away.

“So the easy question is… It was an easy question to guess. It was all multiple-choice. There were a lot of problems that I couldn’t solve if it was a short answer question.”

Attila was half dazed, then came back to his senses and looked over the exam papers again.   Marks were clear enough to have been taken.

‘Even if you hit it right, you can’t score like this. To get this score, you have to study for at least three years at the academy.’

Then how did Flotina’s young master, who is only ten years old, get so many guesses?

Attila stared at May blankly. She smiled innocently again.

At that moment.


Attila seemed to have a heart-shaped arrow stuck through her heart.

“Don’t, don’t tell me the disciple I’m in charge of…’

The corners of Attila’s purple lips narrowed and stabbed the protruding cheekbones.


Attila Yudif has been teaching various successor classes for 10 years as a tutor. All the children were troublemakers and would not listen to her, even provoking her.

‘So it was important to kill the spirit by suppressing the baseline…’

What is the use of suppressing the initiative in front of a genius? Literally, my student is a genius!

‘Besides, unlike other children, she’s even calmer.’

Already, her charisma had completely disappeared and she had become a docile sheep.

Attila smiled broadly at the girl in front of her.

‘I met the perfect disciple!’

Update 2

This note is to thank the person who has sent me a donation. Thank you soo much, this is the first time I have ever received anything like this. Because of this, I owe you two chaps of both novels. I don’t know which novel it was for, but I’ll upload both anyway.

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