“What you hit was actually a doppelgänger.”

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“A doppelgänger…?”

“Think about it. If it was really me, covered in bruises and wounds from the Penso House, how could I have appeared at the ball looking perfectly fine?”

“Then, if it was a doppelgänger, why did it say that we hit you and me and brother, leading us to be imprisoned?!”

May scolded Clara.

“Clara Penso, this isn’t the time to make a scene, is it?”

May bent down to Clara’s eye level.

“Assess the situation. Do you know what kind of crisis you’re in right now? Look around. This is the entrance to Koutus Detention Center.”

As Clara looked around, she saw the sign on the gate clearly stating ‘Koutus Detention Center.’

Operated by Count Koutus, this detention center was a place where people voluntarily submitted a body abandonment contract and were forced into labor.

People sought this place as a last resort when they felt they might die of starvation, be executed for committing a crime, or live a lifetime of hell under a terrible master as a slave.

Until the overseer ordered them to leave, they couldn’t step outside, and they were constantly overworked without a day of rest. The food was tasteless, but it was served regularly. There were shabby yet comfortable places to rest, and outsiders other than those affiliated with the center couldn’t enter, so those who were being chased by someone could live there without worry.

“The reason I helped you escape is that your crime was much worse than Clovin’s. Both of you committed assault, but you did it much more frequently and caused more harm. You deserve a much harsher punishment than Clovin.”

“You wouldn’t really put me in here, would you…?”

“Yes. Isn’t this better than prison? Here, if you work well, they even pay you and release you eventually. I’ve heard of some people who only worked for three months and received enough money to buy a house.”

“Are you kidding me? That’s just a rumor. Even if they want to leave, they can’t. And why would the emperor allow such a facility to be built? This place is no different from a prison, so why would he permit prisoners to be placed here!”

Count Koutus was also a top seller of demons. Thanks to that, he had many well-trained demons at the detention center, making it easy for him to suppress any incidents or accidents caused by people there. Since the profits from the detention center were split equally between the Count and the imperial family, the emperor had no reason to oppose the construction of the facility.

“I will never go there! I’d rather go back to the prison where my family is!”

Milo showed Clara the body abandonment contract as if to say it was impossible.

“What should I do? You’ve already left your mark.”


Clara hurriedly checked the body abandonment contract as if to deny it ever happened. Her name and fingerprint were there in the signature field.

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Before the ball, Milo took advantage of her being heavily intoxicated and made her stamp her fingerprint on the contract.

“This can’t be true…”

Then, at that moment, two unidentified men approached and grabbed Clara’s arms after opening the detention center’s gate.

“We hope you receive as much punishment as the pain you inflicted on others, Clara Penso.”

With May’s final words, Clara struggled and resisted as they dragged her away.

“Let go, won’t you let go? You want to put me in the detention center? Are you all crazy? I’m Clara Penso!”

They simply watched as she was pulled away.

“No, it can’t happen! Let me go! Once you’re in, you can never get out! It can’t happen!!! Aaahhhh!!!”

Clara screamed as she was dragged into Count Koutus’ detention center.

* * *

Back on the returning carriage, I expressed my gratitude to Stella and Milo.

“You all must be tired. Thank you for coming with me. I would have been lonely if I came alone.”

“We came with you because we’re friends. Plus, we wanted to see Clara Penso scream.”

“I also wanted to see Clara Penso receive a proper punishment. I also wanted to go wherever the Lady is going.”

We looked and felt as if we had successfully completed an important project that had taken a long time.

However, suddenly, the dream I had in the lake flashed in my mind, and my expression darkened.

“What’s wrong? Did something bad come to mind?”

“Did I forget something by any chance?”

I tried not to show it, but I guess I couldn’t hide it. Especially in front of the perceptive Milo and Stella. When I hesitated, they encouraged me to speak up.


I told them about the contents of the dream. When I mentioned that Matherojin Kisel might be my biological father, they seemed puzzled and unsure how to respond. If I were to say it wasn’t possible, it would give them hope that I might be a Persis’ child, and they seemed hesitant to open their mouths easily.

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Realizing this, I reassured them that it was okay and eased their burden.

“But it’s okay. It doesn’t matter who my biological father is. I’m just feeling a bit… empty.”

Stella, who was sitting next to me, pulled my arm into her embrace.

“This is all I can do. My hug is priceless, so enjoy this moment.”

Though Stella’s tight embrace was slightly stifling, I could feel her warm heart, and I remained in her arms.

“Thank you.”

A while later, when Stella let go, Milo asked me.

“Can I hug you too? I want to hug you.”

“Huh? Oh, sure.”

I was a bit surprised at first, but since he said it was for my sake, I accepted it. Milo slightly lifted himself to avoid hitting his head on the ceiling and faced me to hug me, but then…

Thud! The carriage hit a rock, and Milo bumped his head on the ceiling. He massaged his head as he sat back down.

“Looks like it’s a sign from the gods that only I can hug you.”

Stella burst into laughter, and Milo pouted his lips.

“You’re too much, my lady.”

Seeing them, I couldn’t help but smile. My worries faded away, and my expression brightened once again.

“When we get off the carriage, give me a hug, Milo.”

“Yes, my lady.”

Milo chuckled as he seemed happy that only he could hug me.

* * *

Today was the regular gathering day for the Nine members. As I boarded the carriage heading to Nine, I thought to myself, ‘Today is the last day I go to Nine.’

Now, there’s no reason for me to stay in Nine. Tomorrow is finally my birthday, the day I become an adult.

As I arrived at Nine and entered the building, Diego was there, as if he had been waiting for me.

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“I greet Your Highness.”

He had a cold expression, and I couldn’t figure out why he was making such a face.

Diego seemed like he wanted to say something to me, but he refrained from doing so. I didn’t care much and ignored him.

“I’ll go to my room.”

I passed by the hesitant Diego and went upstairs to the second floor. Since I wouldn’t be coming here anymore, I had to pack my belongings.

However, when I looked for things to take with me, there was nothing. There were only items I had used as a member of Nine; none of my personal belongings were there.

There was nothing for me to take with me.

In the end, I came out of the room empty-handed and went back down to the first floor.

‘But I should say goodbye.’

I entered the main room.

As always, the members of Nine were gathered there, except for Clovin, who was imprisoned. Diego, Jed, Velta, and Galley were there.

As soon as the door opened, they all turned their attention to me. They seemed to be watching my reaction for some reason.

Velta and Galley exchanged glances.

‘So… Lord Flotina is a woman? It means His Highness wasn’t just babbling nonsense while drunk?’

‘We heard from Bloche. He said that Flotina used a mental magic in the spirit realm to hide her gender from us.’

Even though I couldn’t hear their inner thoughts, I could guess what they were talking about.

They probably heard about me being a woman from Diego and Jed. Their eye contact must be related to that.

Especially Diego looked at me with an uncomfortable gaze.

I approached him, feeling somewhat uneasy, and spoke.

“The reason I joined Nine was to receive an apology.”

Diego looked at me with a pitiful gaze.

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“I received the apology you saving me from drowning, so I will leave Nine.”

It seemed like Diego had already expected that I would have no more reason to see him, and thus, leave Nine. However, he couldn’t seem to hide the shock from hearing it directly.

I shifted my gaze to Velta and Galley.

“Velta, Galley.”

They gulped down their saliva and looked at me.

I delivered a pointed remark to them calmly.

“If you keep living like this, you’ll only be Nine members for the rest of your lives.”


“Do you know what I mean?”

They seemed annoyed at hearing such words from me, but they couldn’t make any counterarguments.

Though their expressions didn’t show remorse, it seemed like they knew what they had done wrong.

Finally, I faced Jed. Jed didn’t seem to have any lingering feelings, and I felt the same way.

After parting ways, I had some lingering feelings. I regretted not confirming Jed’s feelings, that’s what I thought.

However, not anymore. After I entered and came out of the lake, I regained my senses.

I gave up. I don’t like you anymore.

I avoided making eye contact with Jed and didn’t say anything to him.

“Well then, I’ll go now.”

With that final farewell, I left the main room.

As I closed the door and took a few steps, I heard the sound of the door opening and closing again. Diego followed me and grabbed my sleeve.

“I’m sorry.”

His voice echoed unpleasantly.

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